A Brief Study of American Individualism.doc

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1、A Brief Study of American IndividualismAbstract: This paper will mainly emphasize on the impact which American individualism has on American society and the whole world, Key words; Key Words: Macroeconomics, Keynesian Revolution, Great Depression Individualism is the core American ethos. It has been

2、 the primary force of American civilization for more than two centuries. It is individualism that has supplied the motivation of American political,economic and spiritual institutions in the history of its development. Individualism is originated to the great English scholar John Lockes doctrine of

3、separations of powers in the 17th century. Lockes doctrine mainly emphasized on the individual rights, and just this point, affected one of the United States founders, Thomas Jefferson, pretty much. Until the year of 1840, a French political commentator Alexis de Tocqueville coined the word “individ

4、ualism”. Since then, individualism began to encourage generations of Americans to strive for creating a great country and fighting for a better life. According to Encyclopedia Britannia,individualism is a kind of political and social philosophy that places high value on the freedom of the individual

5、 and generally stresses the self-directed, self-contained, and comparatively unrestrained individual or ego. Another authoritative dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, defines individualism in the following three points: 1 .Belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues o

6、f self-reliance and personal independence; 2. A doctrine of freedom from government regulation of personal economic or social goals; 3. The doctrine that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the group. Generally speaking, individualism emphasizes the individua

7、ls rights, including individual happiness and liberty, self-directed, self-contained, and self-development. American individualism is originated to the European modern individualism, which is widely regarded to originate to an ancient Greeces theory of individual position and function. In modern tim

8、es, individualism can be originated to Lockes doctrine of separation of powers. In the 17th century, famous English scholar John Locke put forward his doctrine, which emphasizes the individual rights. Lockes doctrine had a strong impact on Thomas Jefferson, who later drafted the remarkable Declarati

9、on of Independence and became one of the founders of the United States. America is a nation of individuals and individualism. Individualism probes the key to understand what is essentially American. The strong sense of individualism cultivates the American concept of liberty and equality, their cont

10、inuous pursuit of individual rights and their principle of their independence. The principle of liberty and equality is the premise of individualism. Liberty is the prime value because without it everything is out of the question. Liberty and equality are highly prized and encouraged. “All men are c

11、reated equal.” Thats why the African-Americans civil rights movement could happen in America in the 1920s. In the Westward Movement, American individualism also made a great contribution to the Americans. Immigrants from the eastern part of America and Europe worked hard to earn success with the bel

12、ief of individualism. And they believed that working hard enough can earn success and they are pretty sure about that point. There are some positive influences that need to be remembered. Firstly, individualism emphasizes the idea of pursuing individual success and individual happiness. Secondly, in

13、dividualism emphasizes the idea of keeping optimistic and working hard. They believed deeply that only hard working can earn everything you want. Thirdly, individualism emphasizes the idea of competitiveness. Americans love compete and they believe that the idea of compete can arouse individual pote

14、ntial maximally. Obviously and inevitably, American individualism is always a double-edged sword. America is the richest and most unequal. Americans also have one of the worlds most violent societies. They are among the worlds most gun-owning peoples. In 2008, the America murder rate was more than t

15、wice high as Germanys and nine times higher than Japans. A survey by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration found that 61 percent of all women feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods at night, that 45 percent of the population is afraid to walk alone at night near their own homes. Indeed,when

16、individualism goes to extremes, it will create many sophisticated problems and develop towards egoism, solipsism and anarchism. However, its disadvantages never outweigh its advantages. As a distinctive American ideology, individualism, to a certain extent, does make America become the sole superpow

17、er in the world. As the core American ethos, American individualism has developed for nearly three centuries. It has had a large impact on the American people. It is American individualism that encourages generations of Americans to strive for a great country, as well as a better life. References: 1

18、Burkly, Robert F. The World Is Different. 15 Aug. 2009/17 Oct. 2011. . 2James, David. Comments on Dead Poets Society Page. 2 Dec. 2005/17 Oct. 2011. . 3Jones, Emily H. Seize the Day. 10 Jun. 2005/23 Oct. 2011. . 4Liu, Rui. “A Brief Survey and Reconsideration of American Individualism.” Journal of La

19、nguages and Literature Studies85-94(2011.07)/24 Oct. 2011. . 5曹国华(Cao Guohua). 原型批评视角下的死亡诗社新解读J. 大学英语,2011(09). 6崔雪茹(Cui Xueru). 美国个人主义研究述评J. 北京城市学院学报, 2010(04). 7符丹(Fu Dan) 、谢枝龙(Xie Zhilong). 从死亡诗社谈人生和教育J. 电影文学,2011(02). 8卢庆生(Lu Qingsheng) 、谢枝龙(Xie Zhilong). 死亡诗社中的浪漫与现实J. 时代文学(下半月) , 2010(12). 9刘婵婵(Liu Chanchan). 浅析美国的个人主义价值观J. 学术论坛,2008(05). 10张海瑛(Zhang Haiying) 、董艳萍( Dong Yanping). 电影死亡诗社中的反抗精神J. 电影文学, 2011(01).


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