ERAS理念下的肌松管理与术后康复 交流内容n 麻醉简介n ERAS中如何管理肌松乙醚麻醉年代Amnesia AnalgesiaNeuromuscular blockade乙醚、氯仿Hazards of Deep AnesthesiaIn order to achieve muscle relaxation and abolition of reflexes sufficient for deep surgery, dangerous levels of anesthesia are required.This often led to patient death on the operating table 现代“平衡麻醉”丙泊酚、七氟醚芬太尼、吗啡罗库溴铵、维库溴铵、顺式阿曲库铵Hazards of Light AnesthesiaOn the other hand, anesthesia that is too light has its own hazards mainly the awareness肌肉松弛药的临床应用n 1912年,外科医师Arthur Lawen使用箭毒辅