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1、出国旅游必备 50 句英语,轻轻松松畅游英语国家!第一部分:机场登机1、 Is this bag ok as hand luggage?这个包可以随身带上飞机吗?2、 Can I take item though security?这个可以通过安检吗?3、 Can I have a window/aisle seat.please?可以给我一个靠窗/靠近过道 的位置吗?4、 Which gate do I to board from?我应该在几号登机口登机?5、 When do I need to board?什么时间开始登机?6、 Is my flight on time?我乘坐的飞机回准点

2、起飞吗?如果中转:7、 Can I check my luggage though to final destinnation行李可以直接托运到(终点)吗?8、 How long is my transfer time?换乘时间有多久?9、 What terminal does my flighe leave from at next airport?我应该在(下一个)机场的哪个航站楼转机?第二部分:抵达酒店10、 I have a reservation for name我用(的名字)预定了房间11、 Or “I have no reservation. Do you have a sing

3、le /twin/double room available?”我没有预定,请问还有单人间、双人 、大床房吗?12、 I would like to stay for number of nights.please.我要住(几)晚。13、 How much is this room per night?每晚多少钱?14、 “can I have a room overlokong the river/castle/park/cathedral,please?”可以给我一个看得到河、城堡、公园、教堂的房间吗?15、 Does my room have a bathroom/an iron/a t

4、elephone/a mini-bar我的房间里有浴室、熨斗、吹风机、电话、小冰柜吗?16、 Does the hotel have a restaurant/bar/suimming pool/gum?你们酒店有餐厅、酒吧、游泳池、健身房吗?17、 Can I have a wake-up call.please?你们又电话叫早餐吗?18、 What time is breakfast? Where is breakfast?早餐几点钟开始?在哪里可以吃早餐19、 Is breakfast induded in the price?房价包含早餐吗?20、 What is the check

5、out time?退房时间是几点?21、 Can you tell me how to find my room please?请问我的房间怎么走?第三部分:问路22、 Excuse me ,please I am looking for the museum/gallery/park/river/shopping mall/city centre我找不到去某博物馆、美术馆、公园、河、商场、市中心的路了23、 How far is it from here?离这儿有多远24、 Is it possible to walk there?可以走得到吗?25、 What is the best wa

6、y to get there?怎样去那里最方便?26、 Can I take a taxi/bus/train/boat?可以打车、乘公交车、乘火车、坐船过去吗?27、 Where is the nearest taxi rank/bus stop/train station/pier?最近的出租车候车站、公交车站、火车站、码头在哪里?28、 Can you show me on the map?可以在地图上指给我看吗?29、 What is the name of the street?这条街叫什么?这两个江湖救急的地方一定要知道!30、 Can you tell me where is t

7、he nearest toilets are?请问附近有厕所吗?31、 Can you tell me where the nearest ATM/cash machine is?请问附近有自动取款机吗?32、 Is there a restaurant/caf/bar near here?附近有餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧吗?33、 Would you recommend any where for a meal/snack/coffee/drink?可以推荐一个吃饭、吃快餐、喝咖啡、喝酒的地方吗?第四部分:外出用餐:就餐前34、 Do you have any seats outside/by th

8、e window.please?请问有室外、靠窗的桌子吗?35、 Do you have a smoking area?请问有吸烟区吗?36、 Can we see the menu/wine list.please?可以给我看一下菜单、酒单吗?吃饭中37、 What dish/wine would you recommend?有什么推荐的菜、酒吗?38、 Can we have five minutes to decide,please?可以让我们考虑几分钟吗?39、 Do you serve any vegetation food?请问有素食食物吗?40、 Is it possible t

9、o have this dish whithout fries/may onnsise/mushrooms?可以不加炸薯条、蛋黄酱、蘑菇吗?41、 Can we have some salt/pepper/vinegar/mustard.please?可以帮我加一些盐、胡椒粉、醋、芥末吗?42、 Can we order desserts /coffee.please?我们可以点甜点、咖啡吗?酒足饭饱后43、 Can we have the bill.please?可以买单吗?44、 Do you accept cheques/credit cards?可以用支票、信用卡支付吗?45、 The

10、 food/wine was delicious,thank you 食物很好吃、酒很好喝,谢谢啦第五部分:“血拼”46、 Do you have this in a bigger /smaller size?有大一码、小一码的吗?47、 Can I try this on ,please?可以试穿吗?48、 Where are the changing rooms?试衣间在哪里?49、 Is this refundable?可以退还吗?50、 Does this come with a guarantee?有保修书吗?51、 Would you recommend this name of item?可以推荐一款(某东西)吗?52、 Do you have anything cheaper than this?有便宜一点的?53、 Can I have this gift-wrapped.please?可以帮我包成礼物吗?不要为没买感到压力,你可以这样说:54、 Thanks for your help.I might come back later.谢谢你的帮忙,我还想再看看。本文源于网络,供大家下载学习,如有侵权,请联系!


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