开篇不谈红楼梦,读尽诗书也枉然。First not talk about a dream of Red Mansions, read to do it in vain poem. 大家好1Dream of the Red Mansions to Jia Bao yu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai main line between love marriage and tragedy.大家好2Dream of the Red Chamber大家好3吴世昌用一句诗来概括:“红楼一世界,世界一红楼。Some comments about Dream of Red Mansions张爱玲:有人说过“三大恨事”是“一恨鲥鱼多刺,二恨海棠无香”,第三件不记得了,也许因为我下意识的觉得应当是“三恨红楼梦未完”。王蒙 : 红楼梦令你觉得汉语汉字真是无与伦比。”大家好4曹雪芹CAO XUEQIN (1715?-63) was born into a family which for three generations held the office of Commissio