1、第二章 中药材各论 Radix Polygoni Multiflori (何首乌 )Fleeceflower RootuOriginsuPlant MorphologyuCollection and PreparationuProduction and CommerceuDescriptionuMicroscopical CharactersuChemical ConstituentsuPhysical and Chemical IdentificationuPharmacologyuAction uIndicationMain contentsHeshouwu was first recor
2、ded in Kai Bao Ben Cao, and it literally means a man whose surname is He with black hair. A legend says that Heshouwu was the grandson of a man who at age 58 had not been able to father a child. A monk advised him to eat the herb he gathered on the mountain. Because of taking the herb constantly, no
3、t only did he father several children as a result, but his hair turned from grey to black and his body became stronger and more youthful. He lived to be 160, still with black hair, and his child lived to be 130. From that time on, this herb has been used to strengthen the body and nourish vital esse
4、nce. OriginsIt is the dried root tuber of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. , family Polygonaceae .A perennial twining herb. The end of the root in a irregular plump mass. Stem somewhat woody at the base and much branched at the upper part, herbaceous. Leaves alternate, with a long petiole; blade cordate
5、, 4 9 cm long, 2.5 5 cm broad, entire, glabrous; ocrea membranous. perennial:多年生 petiole:叶柄 ocrea:托叶鞘 Plant MorphologyFlowers numerous, in terminal or axillary panicles, small; perianth 5-parted, white, the parts unequal in size. Achene elliptical, 3-ridged, covered by the persisting winged perianth
6、. Flowering season Aug. Oct.; fruiting season Sept. Nov. . The plant is distributed in the east, the middle, the south, the southwest and the north of China. Plant Morphologyterminal:顶生 axillary:腋生 panicles:圆锥花序 perianth:花被 achene:瘦果Collection and PreparationThe drug is collected in autumn, washed c
7、lean, removed from two ends, the large one being sometimes halved or cut into pieces, and then dried.Production and Commerce The drug is mainly produced in Henan, Hubei, Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Sichuan and Jiangsu. It is sold at home and abroad. In a mass or irregular fusiform. 6 15 cm long. 4
8、12cm in diameter. Externally reddish-brown, shrunken and uneven. shallowly grooved, with transverse elongated lenticels and fine rootlet scars. Texture heavy, compact, uneasily broken, fracture pale yellowish-brown or reddish-brown, starchy, bark exhibiting 4 11 subrounded rings of abnormal vascular
9、 bundles. forming brocaded patterns, wood in central part, relatively large, some having a woody core. Odourless; taste bitterish, sweetish and astringent. Descriptionstarchy:粉性的viscous:粘性的horny:角质样lenticel-like protrusions:皮孔样凸起横断面: transverse elongated横切面: transverse section纵切面: longitudinal secti
10、on Transverse section: Cork consisting of several layers of cells, filled with brown contents. Phloem relatively broad, scattered with 4 11 subrounded abnormal vascular bundles of collateral type, vessels rare in the bundles. In the central part of a root cambium in a ring; vessels in xylem less. Parenchymatous cells containing starch granules. And clusters of calcium oxalate, 10 160 m in diameter. Microscopical Charactersabnormal vascular bundles cambiumxylemcorkphloemTransverse section木栓层韧皮部异型维管束木质部形成层