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1、English Name Danshen Root丹 参Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Main ContentsOriginsPlant MorphologyCollection and PreparationProduction and CommerceDescriptionMicroscopical CharactersChemical ConstituentsPhysical and Chemical IdentificationHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography2Free template from Plant Mor

2、phologyA perennial herb, densely pubescent and glandular hairy throughout. Root cylindrical, vermillion. Stem 4-angled, branched at the upper part. Leaves opposite, pinnately compound; leaflets 5 7, ovate or elliptical-ovate, serrate along the margin, pubescent on both surfaces. vermillion:朱红色 angle

3、d:棱 serrate:锯齿状的3Free template from Flowers in terminal or axillary verticillate pseudo-racemes; calyx bell-shaped; corolla bluish-purple. The upper lip erect, slightly falcate, retuse at apex, the lower shorter, 3-lobed, the middle lobe larger, 2-cleft; stamens 2, filaments short, connectives long,

4、 the upper end of the connective bearing a fertile anther-cell, the lower end with an imperfect one; ovary deeply 4-lobed, style gynobasic. Nutlets 4, ellipsoid. verticillate:轮生 angled:棱 pseudo-:假的 retuse: 凹形falcate: 钩状的 filament: 花丝 gynobasic:花柱 4Free template from DescriptionRoot cylindrical or co

5、nical, usually curved, branched,10 30 cm long, 0.3 1.5 cm in diameter. Externally brick-red, brownish-red or purplish-brown, rough, longitudinally furrowed or wrinkled, the bark of old roots mostly scaling off, sometimes crowned with remains of stem base. Texture hard and fragile, fracture fibrous,

6、bark dark reddish-brown to purplish-brown, wood showing bundles of vessels, yellowish-white, arranged radially. Odour, slight; taste slightly astringent.5Free template from Transverse sectionCork consisting of several layers of cells, mostly containing orange or purplish-brown contents. Phelloderm n

7、arrow. Phloem relatively broad. Cambium ring distinct. Xylem bundles radial, consisting of vessels, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma. Xylem fibres often accompanied by vessels. Stone cells scattered in phelloderm and phloem.cortex: 表皮 phelloderm: 栓内层6Free template from Reddish-brown. Stone cells oc

8、curring singly and scattered throughout, subrounded, subrectangular, subfusiform or irregular, up to 257 m long, 20 65m in diameter, some of them containing brown contents. Reticulated and bordered pitted vessels, and bundles of xylem fibres frequent. Cork cells yellowish-brown, subsquare or polygon

9、al in surface view, containing reddish-brown pigments, dissolved on mounting in chloral hydrate solution.Powdersurface view: 表面观 mount: 做标本 chloral hydrate: 水合氯醛7Free template from Tanshinone ,tanshinone A, tashinone B, cryptotanshinone, dihydroisotanshinone , hydroxytanshinone, isotanshinone , , i

10、so- cryptotanshinone, miltirone, salviol, etc. 【 化学成分 】丹参酮 ,丹参酮 A,丹参酮 B,隐丹参酮,二氢丹参酮 ,羟基丹参酮,异丹参酮 、 ,异隐丹参酮,丹参新酮,鼠尾草酚,等。Chemical Constituents8Free template from ( 1) Boil 5 g of the powder in 50 ml of water for 15 20 minutes, cool and filter. Concentrate the filtrate on a water bath, dissolve the extrac

11、t in 3 5 ml of ethanol, filter. Apply several drops of the filtrate to a piece of filter paper, allow it to dry and examine under ultra-violet light (365nm) , a bright bluish-grey fluorescence is produced. Expose the filter paper to ammonia vapour for 20 minutes, remove the filter paper and examine

12、again under ultra-violet light (365 nm ), a pale bluish-green fluorescence is produced.Physical and chemical Identification9Free template from 【 理化鉴定 】 ( 1)置 5g粉末于 50ml水中煎煮 1520分钟,冷却后过滤 .在水浴中浓缩滤液,用 35ml乙醇溶解浓缩产物,过滤。将滤液在滤纸上点一些斑点,斑点挥干后在365nm波长紫外光下观察,可看到明亮蓝灰色荧光。将滤纸置于氨气中 20分钟后,在 365nm波长紫外光下观察,可见淡蓝绿色荧光。10Free template from


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