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1、【法语专业】2015 版本科培养方案Undergraduate Education Plan for Specialty in French (2015)专业名称 法语 主干学科 外国语言文学Major French Major Disciplines Foreign Languages计划学制 四年 授予学位 文学学士Duration 4 Years Degree Granted Bachelor of Arts最低毕业学分规定Graduation Credit Criteria课程类别课程性质通识课程Public Basic Courses学科大类课程Basic Disciplinary

2、Courses专业课程Specialized Courses个性课程Personalized Course集中性实践Practice Courses课外学分Study Credit after Class总学分TotalCredits必修课Required Courses 35 54 48 20.5 选修课Elective Courses 9 3.5 10 10190一、培养目标与毕业要求 Learning Objectives have ability to conduct a good cross-cultural communication and to express clearly

3、in Chinese.(3) have the ability of implementation, including collection, analysis, judgment, induction, the ability to use information, problem solving; the logical thinking ability and literature appreciation and criticism and other basic skills are also required; have strong sense of innovation an

4、d creativity.(4) have the ability of conducting basic researches, taking the use of scientific thinking and research methods, realistic and innovative spirit, sense of professional disciplines; master document retrieval, the basic method to query the data, with preliminary scientific research and pr

5、actical work.(5) have a professional and comprehensive ability. Including linguistics, literature, the humanities and basic knowledge in science and technology, and have a good literacy accomplishment and lifelong learning spirit.(二) 毕业要求(1) 学生具有良好的思想素质、道德素质、身体素质、心理素质,较强的法制观念和诚信意识。(2) 学生具有较高的文化素养和文学

6、艺术修养;较强的现代意识和人际交往意识;健康的体魄和健全的心理素质 。(3) 学生具有良好的听说能力。包括能准确地听懂讲法语人士的话语,辨别说话人的态度和语气,掌握法国法语,欧洲说法语国家法语,加拿大法语和原法属殖民地非洲国家法语的读音差别,熟悉法语其他方言读音。能用法语清晰、流畅、准确、得体地地表达自己的观点,交流思想,交换信息;法语演讲与辩论能力;(4) 学生具备扎实的读写能力。在法语阅读能力方面,掌握一定的法语阅读技巧,达到一定的阅读速度,准确度;在法语写作能力方面,能正确熟练地利用写作知识与技巧以及各种衔接手段,联贯地表达思想; 实用文体的写作能力,做到内容充实,语言通顺,用词恰当,表

7、达得体;用法语进行学术论文写作的能力;(5) 学生具备良好的翻译能力。在笔译能力方面,能自觉地运用翻译理论与技巧进行翻译实践;在口译能力方面。认识口译的性质、对象、程序、原则、方法,并初步掌握口译技能。同时应具备较好的汉语表达能力。 (6) 学生应具有扎实的专业基础知识。包括法语语音、语法、词汇、篇章结构、语言功能意念等基础知识以及语言的本质特征、知识和理论;了解各类法语的功能,掌握语言使用的“常规” 和“ 变异”,以及其在各种文体中所表现出的规律;了解法国文学史上的主要文学思潮和流派、重要作家和作品及其影响,熟悉现当代法国重要作家有代表性的作品。(7) 学生达到较好的跨文化交际水平,包括能够

8、运用法语进行与有关政治、经济、文化、外交等方面的表达、沟通和交流;能够根据跨文化的不同场景和交往对象进行得体的口头与书面交流;进出口贸易和国际合作领域的法语运用能力。(8) 学生能掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步科学研究和实际工作能力。包括初步科学研究的能力,了解学术研究的目的及分类;了解学术论文写作如选题的一般方法。 (9) 学生具有逻辑思维和辩证思维的能力,具有批判意识和求真务实的科学思维方法,具有创新意识,掌握基本的创新方法以及较强的获取知识、解决问题的能力。(10) 学生应熟知我国国情和法语国家的社会和文化,包括中国的传统文化、中国当代的政治制度、政策方针等;了解法国及说法语

9、国家人文地理概况、发展历史、政治体制、宗教文化及教育制度等; 了解当代法语文化,包括当代政治、经济等方面。(11) 具有广博的人文社会科学知识和一定的自然科学知识,较丰富的人文社会科学知识。包括文学、历史学、哲学、思想道德、艺术、法学、社会学、心理学等方面的知识,以及相关科普知识及外贸知识。(12) 学生能够胜任与本专业相关的职业岗位,具备研究生课程学习所需的认知和基础能力。(13) 学生应了解当代全球问题和社会问题,在今后工作中要综合考虑到不同经济、环境、法律、安全和伦理等文化差异因素。(14) 学生具有良好的口头和书面表达和交流能力,具有良好的团队意识和合作精神。(15) 学生应具备良好的

10、人文修养,和终身学习的能力。(1) have a good self-cultivation in courtesy and literature; have a goodhealth, mentally and phisically, have a strong legal awareness and a sense of integrity.(2) have a high literacy and art accomplishment; think and communicate in a modern way; have a healthy body and healthy mind.(

11、3)have good listening and speaking skills in French. Including a well understanding of French speaking people, a recognition of the speakers attitude and tone, a knowledge about French language from different countries, an identification of the pronunciation differences. And an ability to use French

12、 fluently, appropriately.(4) have solid writing and reading ability. As to the reading ability, students have to master certain French reading skills, reach a certain reading speed and accuracy; as to the writing ability, they have to use certain writing knowledge and skills as well as various cohes

13、ive devices correctly, can coherently express their ideas in French; with regard to practical style of writing ability, they have to enrich the content, keep the language fluent, and use appropriate expression with proper words in academic writing.(5) have a good translation skill in French. As to t

14、he written translation, they have to learn the translation theories and skills and use them in practice. Understand the nature of interpreting, its objectives, procedures, principles, methods, can preliminarily handle interpreting skills. At the same time , have a goodexpression skill in Chinese.(6)

15、 have a solid foundation knowledge as French majors, Including the basic knowledge of French phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, text structure, language function and the essential characteristics of ideation, language knowledge and theory; understand the various types of French function, master the lan

16、guage with “normal“ and “variant“ usage of language, as well as the rules reflected in all sorts of language style; understand the main literary trends and schools, know the important writers in French literature,history and its effects; be familiar with the representative works of contemporary impo

17、rtant writers.(7) reach a considerable level of cross-cultural communication, including the ability to use French and the relevant political, economic, cultural, and diplomatic expressions in French, be good at communication and exchange; can appropriately use oral and written communication skills a

18、ccording to different cross cultural backgrounds; French skills in foreign trade and international cooperation field.(8) can master basic methods for literature search, and data query, capable of doing preliminary scientific research and practical work. The capabilities include preliminary scientifi

19、c research, purpose understanding and classification of academic research; the understanding of academic paper and its methods is also required.(9) can think in a logicaland dialectical way, with scientific thinking method aiming at critical, and pragmatic mode of thought. Use innovation as a basic

20、method of acquiring knowledge, and solving problems.(10) be familiar with the national, social and culturalstatus quo of our country and French speaking countries, including Chinas traditional culture, contemporary Chinese political system, policies; understand France and French speaking countries f

21、rom different aspects (humanity geography, history, political system, religion, culture and education system); understand contemporary French culture, including contemporary politics and economy etc.(11) have a broad knowledge of humanities, social science,and certain parts of natural science, nclud

22、ing literature, history, philosophy, art, moral, law, sociology, psychology and so on, relevant knowledge of natural science and foreign trade are also required.(12) be competent in job occupations with requirement of expertise as a French major, have basic cognitive awareness and learning skills, w

23、hich are eligible for entry into master study.(13) understand contemporary global issues and social issues for future work , have the ability to consider the economic, environmental, legal, safe and ethical differences in cross-cultural communications.(14) have good oral and written communication sk

24、ills in French, and have a spirit of team work.(15) have good humanities accomplishment, and an awareness of lifelong learning.附:培养目标实现矩阵培养目标 1 培养目标 2 培养目标 3 培养目标 4 培养目标 5毕业要求 1 毕业要求 2 毕业要求 3 毕业要求 4 毕业要求 5 毕业要求 6 毕业要求 7 毕业要求 8 毕业要求 9 毕业要求 10 毕业要求 11 毕业要求 12 毕业要求 13 毕业要求 14 毕业要求 15 二、专业核心课程与专业特色课程II

25、Core Courses and Characteristic Courses(一)专业核心课程专业导论,基础法语精读,语音语法训练,法语视听说,法语泛读,高级法语精读,翻译理论与技巧,法语专业写作,商务法语等。Major Introduction, Fundamental intensive reading of french, Speech-grammar training, Audiovisual french, Extensive reading, Profound intensive reading of french , Translation theory and skills,

26、 Professional writing in french, Business french.(二)专业特色课程科技法语阅读,疑难语法,法语报刊阅读,法语应用文写作,法语专业课程综合实践,法国文学史,法国概况,法语毕业论文指导等。Technology French reading, Difficult grammar, French newspaper reading, Practical writing in French, the practice of french, the history of French literature, French civilisation, The

27、sis guidance of French major.附:毕业要求实现矩阵:法语专业毕业要求专业核心课程专业特色课程课程名称( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) ( 13) ( 14) ( 15)思想道德修养与法律基础 中国近现代史纲要 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 马克思主义基本原理 军事理论 心理健康教育 体育 1 体育 2 体育 3 体育 4 大学英语 B1 大学英语 B2 大学英语 B3 大学计算机基础 专业核心课程专业特色课程课程名称法语专业毕业要求( 1) ( 2) ( 3) (

28、 4) ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) ( 13) ( 14) ( 15)程序设计语言课程组:C 语言、FORTRAN 语言,VB语言(三选一,3 学分)心理健康教育 专业导论 高等数学 C 法语视听说 1 法语视听说 2 法语视听说 3 法语视听说 4 法语视听说 5 法语视听说 6 法语视听说 7 法语泛读 1 法语泛读 2 法语泛读 3 法语泛读 4 法语应用文写作 商务法语 1 商务法语 2 商 务 法 语 3 翻译理论与技巧 1 翻 译 理 论 与 技 巧 2 法语专业写作 基础法语精读 1 基础法语精读 2 专业核心课程专业特色

29、课程课程名称法语专业毕业要求( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) ( 13) ( 14) ( 15) 基础法语精读 3 基础法语精读 4 语音语法训练 1 语音语法训练 2 高级法语精读 1 高级法语精读 2 高级法语精读 3 科技法语阅读 1 科技法语阅读 2 科技法语阅读 3 法国文学史 1 法国文学史 2 法国概况 1 法国概况 2 疑难语法 法语报刊阅读 法语毕业论文指导 三、课程教学进程图 Teaching Process MapGeneralEducationElectiveCoures四、理论

30、教学建议进程表 Theory Course Schedule学时分配 Including课程类别Course Classifi-cation课程性质Course Nature课程编号Course Number课 程 名 称Course Title学分Crs总学时Tot hrs.实验Exp.上机Ope-ration实践Prac-tice课外Extra-cur建议修读学期Suggested Term先修课程Prerequisite Course第二专业Second Major4220001110 思想道德修养与法律基础Morals, Ethics and Fundamentals of Law 3

31、 48 8 1-64220002110 中国近现代史纲要Outline of Contemporary and Modern Chinese History 2 32 1-64220003110毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics4 96 32 1-64220005110 马克思主义基本原理Marxism Philosophy 3 48 8 1-61060003130 军事理论Military Theory 1 32 16 1-4105

32、0001130 心理健康教育Mental Health Education 1 16 1-24210001110 体育 1Physical Education 1 32 14210002110 体育 2Physical Education 1 32 2 体育 14210003110 体育 3Physical Education 1 32 3 体育 24210004110 体育 4Physical Education 1 32 4 体育 34030006110 大学英语 B1College English B 1 4 64 24030007110 大学英语 B2College English B

33、 4 64 3 大学英语 B14030008110 大学英语 B3College English B 4 64 4 大学英语 B24120017110 大学计算机基础 Foundation of Computer 2 32 12 1程序设计语言课程组( 三选一,3 学分)4120023110 计算机程序设计基础(C 语言)Fundamentals of Computer Program Design(C) 3 48 12 24120024110 计算机程序设计基础(FORTRAN 语言)Fundamentals of Computer Program Design(FORTRAN) 3 48

34、12 24120025110 计算机程序设计基础(VB 语言)Fundamentals of Computer Program Design(VB) 3 48 12 2必 修 课 RequiredCourses小 计 Subtotal 35 656 24 64创新创业类Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses人文社科类Arts and Social Science Courses通 识 课 程 PublicBasicCourses选 修 课ElectiveCourses经济管理类Economy and Management Courses全校学生要求至少取

35、得 9 个学分,且必须选修艺术体育类课程中的艺术类相关课程,取得至少 2 个学分。理工科专业学生至少选修一门人文社科类或经济管理类课程,其他专业学生至少选修一门科学技术类课程。All students are required to obtain at least 9 credits, and must select art courses from Art and Physical Education Courses to obtain at least 2 credits. Science and engineering students should select at least on

36、e course from Arts and Social Science Courses or Economy and Management Courses, and other students should select at least one course from Science and Technology Courses.课程类别Course Classifi-cation课程性质Course Nature课程编号Course Number课 程 名 称Course Title学分Crs学时分配 Including 建议修读学期Suggested Term先修课程Prerequ

37、isite Course第二专业Second Major总学时Tot hrs.实验Exp.上机Ope-ration实践Prac-tice课外Extra-cur科学技术类Science and Technology Courses艺术体育类Art and Physical Education Courses4030032110 专业导论French Introduction to Specialty 1 16 14050067110 高等数学 CAdvanced Mathematics C 5 80 24030024110 法语视听说 1French Movies, Listening and

38、Speaking I 4 64 14030025110 法语视听说 2French Movies, Listening and Speaking II 4 64 2 法语视听说14030026110 法语视听说 3French Movies, Listening and Speaking III 4 64 3 法语视听说24030027110 法语视听说 4French Movies, Listening and Speaking IV 4 64 4 法语视听说34030028110 法语视听说 5French Movies, Listening and Speaking V 4 64 5 法

39、语视听说444030029110 法语视听说 6French Movies, Listening and Speaking VI 4 64 6 法语视听说54030030110 法语视听说 7French Movies, Listening and Speaking VII 2 32 7 法语视听说64030020110 法语泛读 1Extensive French I 2 32 14030021110 法语泛读 2Extensive French II 2 32 2 法语泛读 14030022110 法语泛读 3Extensive French III 2 32 3 法语泛读 2403002

40、3110 法语泛读 4Extensive French IV 2 32 4 法语泛读 34030031110 法语应用文写作Practical Writing 2 32 34030089110 商务法语 1Business French I 2 32 54030090110 商务法语 2Business French II 2 32 6 商务法语 14030091110 商务法语 3Business French III 2 32 7 商务法语 24030034110 翻译理论与技巧 1Translation Theory and Techniques I 2 32 54030035110 翻译理论与技巧 2Translation Theory and Techniques II 2 32 6 翻译理论与技巧 14030033110 法语专业写作Professional Writing 2 32 6学 科 大 类 课 程 BasicDisciplinaryCourses必 修 课 RequiredCourses小 计 Subtotal 54 864


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