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1、1上海市职业资格鉴定企业人力资源管理人员2 级专业英语试卷 1 一、英汉互译(每题 2 分,共 30 分)见单词表二、单项选择(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1. Executives or managers who coach, advise, and encourage employees of lesser rank are called .A. protgsB. teachersC. mentorsD. role modelsD. the HR managers preferences2. As an appraiser, you should try to do all of the

2、following except .A. minimize criticismB. change the person, not the behaviorC. focus on solving problemsD. be supportive3. Individuals working internationally need to know as much as possible about all of the following host-country characteristics except .A. social and business etiquetteB. cultural

3、 values and prioritiesC. political structure and current playersD. cultural trends4. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be based on .A. job analysisB. job designC. job specializationD. job utilization5. Outplacement services are .A.useful methods of attracting individuals into a

4、 careerB.designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhereC.rarely given to executive employeesD.vital parts of any career management system6. Which of the following is not a core skill that is critical for success abroad? .A. physical fitness and mental maturityB. effective delegatory skil

5、lsC. prudent decision-making skillsD. cultural adaptability7. If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees developmental feedback, which of the following appraisal methods should you use? .2A. trait methodB. results methodC. behavior methodD. attitudinal method8. Compen

6、sation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they possess are known as .A. skill-based pay plansB. performance-based pay plansC. merit-based pay plansD. seniority-based pay plans9. To implement a successful program in basic and remedial training, managers should do all of the followin

7、g except .A.explain to employees why training will help them in their jobsB.use a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lecturesC.provide feedback on employees progressD.relate the training to the employees goals10. Which of the following is not true of self-ratings of performance? .A. T

8、hey are beneficial when managers seek to increase the employees involvement in the review processB. Critics argue that self-ratings are more lenientC. Research has shown that self-ratings are as valid as, if not more valid than, test scoresD. They are free of most biases that other rating sources ma

9、y have三、阅读理解(每题 3 分,共 30 分)(一) The promotion and development of performance management processes by HR can make an important contribution to knowledge management, by providing for behavioral expectations which are related to knowledge-sharing to be defined, and ensuring that actual behaviors are rev

10、iewed and, where appropriate, rewarded by financial or non-financial means. Performance management reviews can identify weaknesses and development needs in this aspect, and initiate personal development plans which are designed to meet these needs.1.The best title for this article is .A. Knowledge-s

11、haringB. Performance management reviewsC. Performance management processesD. Performance management for knowledge workers2. The following are examples of positive behavior in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing except .A. Is reluctant to share knowledge with colleaguesB.Takes posit

12、ive steps to exchange relevant information and knowledgeC. Builds networks which provide for knowledge sharing3D. Ensures as appropriate that knowledge is captured, codified, recorded and disseminated through some means of communication3.Which of the following is not mentioned by Hansen et al? .A. A

13、t Bain, direct help that partners have given colleagues will be evaluated.B. At Ernst At least 5 years experience in accounting work;Work experience in foreign or JV company is preferred;Willing to travel.Relations of the position to others in the companyAdministration department; Marketing departme

14、nt; Manufacturing department; RFormulate annual sales plan;Ensure that the goals of sales will be fulfilled;Supervise and evaluate subordinates;Direct and controll the sales expenditure;Deal with some special sales;Deal with the complaints of customers.Please note that these duties and responsibilit

15、ies are not exhaustive and that you may be expected to perform other reasonable duties and responsibilities should the need arise.Subject to statutory holidays, your working hours are from 8:30 to 17:00 . Your starting salary/wage is RMB 4000/month . You will be on probation for 3 months during whic

16、h time we may terminate your employment at any time without notice or payment. Your supervisor is XXX . Please see him/her on your first day and he/she will help you get settled.I look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.10Yours truly(Name) XXX(Title) XXX专业英语试卷 3一、英汉互译(每题 2 分,共 30 分)


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