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1、The Sound of Music 音乐之声舞台剧底本(演员: Maria,Captain ,Baroness 男爵夫人,Liesl,Frederick,Louisa,Kurt,Bargitta,Marta , Gretl, Franz 男管家,合唱人员若干(像猫那样站在舞台一侧) ,舞蹈演员若干)SCENE ONE【PPT 文案:深爱音乐与生活的修女玛利亚在修女院长的建议下来到 Salzburg 的皇家海军退役舰长家里当七个孩子的家庭教师】【在舰长家里走动,Maria到处蹦来蹦去,为其壮观感到吃惊。】-Maria: Captain. Hello. Here I am.Im from the

2、 convent. here is a family needs a governess to take care seven children until September. Im the new governess。你好,我在这儿。修女院长告诉我这有个家庭需要家庭教师照料七个孩子一直到九月。-Captain: In the future, you can remember certain rooms in this house are not to be disturbed.以后请记住,这里有些房间是不能乱闯的。-Maria: Yes, captain, sir.是的,舰长,长官。-Ca

3、ptain: Every morning you will Drill them in their studies.I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays.Each afternoon, they march at the ground, breathing deeply.Bedtime is to be strictly observed. No exceptions.你得督促孩子学习,我不准他们虚度假期。下午他们要在庭院操练,还要严守就寢时间。没有破例。-Maria: Excuse me, when do the

4、y play?请问他们何时玩耍?-Captain: You will see to it that they conduct themselves with the utmost decorum.I am placing you in command. 你要看着他们,确定他们循规蹈矩。我要你负责这一切。-Maria: Yes, sir.是的,长官。【上校吹响哨子,一阵嘭嘭关门声后,一群孩子出现在阳台上,排着队走下楼来】-Captain: Now,this is your new governess, miss Maria.As I sound your signals, you will st

5、ep forward and give your name.You. lady, listen carefully. Learn their signals so you can call them.这位是你们的新家教,Maria 小姐。当我吹你们的讯号时,你们踏前一步报出名字。而你要仔细注意那讯号,以便日后召唤他们。【PPT 上依次闪现孩子们的名字,Liesl.Friedrick.Gretl.Kurt.Brigitta.Marta.Louisa.】-Liesl: Liesl.-Friederick: Friedrick.-Louisa: Louisa.-Kurt: Kurt.-Bargitt

6、a: Brigitta.-Marta: Marta.-Captain: And Gretl. Now, lets see how well you listened.现在看看你的耳力如何。-Maria: I wont need it, Captain. It would be too humiliating. I mean, Ill use their names. Such lovely names.我想我不用哨子的,舰长,这是种很大的侮辱。我会叫他们的名字,尤其是有如此美的名字。-Captain: miss Maria, were you this much trouble at the

7、abbey?小姐,你在修道院也是如此麻烦的吗?-Maria: Oh, much more, sir.麻烦得多,长官。【captain退场】-Maria: At ease. Now that theres just us. . .I have to tell you a secret. Ive never been a governess before. Ill need lots of advice.一点也不懂,我需要许多建议。【PPT字幕:当Maria想和孩子们进一步沟通感情时,管家来传达舰长让孩子们散步的命令并带着Maria去往她的房间】-Franz: Children, outside

8、for your walk.Fathers orders. Hurry up.Quick, quick, quick.孩子们,出去散步。父亲的命令,快点!快【孩子们退场】SCENE TWO【切换到Maria房间】 【PPT字幕:来到房间后,管家先生向Maria讲述了舰长自从妻子去世后不愿自己和孩子接触能想起妻子的事并像管理军舰般管理家事,以及舰长想娶男爵夫人的事。旁白:Ever since the captain lost his poor wife,he runs this house as if on one of his ships again. Whistles, orders. No

9、 more music, no more laughing. Nothing that reminds him of her. Even the children.】-Franz: The von Trapp children dont play. They march.Von Trapp家的孩子不玩游戏,他们只做操练。-Maria: Surely you dont approve of that. thats so wrong. How long will he be gone?-Franz: It depends. The last time he visited the baroness

10、, he stayed for a month.那得看情况,上次他在男爵夫人,那儿停留了一个月。-Maria: Wonderful! The children will have a mother again.那太好了,孩子们会有新母亲了。-Franz: Yes.Well, good night.是的。晚安。-Maria: Good night.晚安【PPT文案:Maria在窗前祈祷,突然窗外电闪雷鸣,孩子们因害怕跑到了她的房间,她便开始教他们用歌声放松】-Maria: Dear Father, now I know why You sent me here. To help these ch

11、ildren prepare for a new mother. And I pray this will become a happy family in my sight. 亲爱的天父,我现在知道为何你要我来此了。是帮助这些孩子,准备接受他们的新母亲。而我也祈祷,它将会是个快乐的家庭。【屋外电闪雷鸣,Gretl跑进了来。】-Maria: Gretl, are you scared? Youre not frightened of a storm, are you? You just stay right here with me. Where are the others?Gretl,你害

12、怕吗?你不是怕这些雷电吧?与我一起就不用怕了。其他的人呢?-Gretl: Theyre asleep. Theyre not scared.他们睡着了,他们不怕。【女孩子们都跑过来站在门口】-Maria: Oh, no? Look.All right, everybody, up here on the bed.是吗?看!好吧,大家都上床来。-Children: Really?真的吗?-Maria: Come on.Now well wait for the boys.来吧。现在就等男孩们。-Louisa: You wont see them. Boys are brave.他们不会来,男孩们

13、是很勇敢的。【男孩子们跑过来站在门口】-Frederick: We just wanted to be sure that you werent.当然不怕,我们只想确定你不害怕。-Maria: Thats very thoughtful of you, Frederick.Whenever Im feeling unhappy, I just try to think of nice things.你想的真周到。当我感觉不快乐时,我会想一些美好的事物。-Marta: Does It work?-Maria: Of course it does! You try it.What things d

14、o you like?-Marta: Pussy willow!杨柳树!-Louisa:Christmas!-Gretl: Bunny rabbits!兔宝宝!-Kurt: Snakes!-Frederick: Chocolate icing!巧克力冰淇淋!-Frederick: No school!-Kurt: Pillow fights!枕头战!-Bargitta: Birthday presents!生日礼物!-Gretl: Any presents! 任何礼物!-Kurt: Achoo!阿嚏!-Maria: A good sneeze!Gesundheit!See what fun i

15、t is?好的喷嚏!保佑你!看,多么有趣?【歌曲my favorite thingsMaria】“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens“玫瑰上的雨露,小猫的胡须Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens光亮的铜壶,温暖的羊毛手套Brown paper packages tied up with strings有细绳的褐色包装纸These are a few of my favorite things这些都是我心爱的事物Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple stru

16、dels乳白色小马,香脆苹果馅饼Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles门铃声和雪车铃声还有那些炸猪排伴面条Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings飞翔的野雁翅膀上有月亮These are a few of my favorite things这些都是部分我喜欢的事物Together.一起来Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes女孩们穿着白裙佩着蓝缎带Snowflakes that stay on my nose and

17、eyelashes雪花落在我的鼻子和睫毛上Silver white winters that melt into springs银白色的冬天溶化成春天These are a few of my favorite things这些都是我喜爱的事物When the dog bi- Dog bites.”当狗咬时狗咬”【舰长突然出现在门口】-Maria: Hello.你好。-Captain: lady, did I not tell you that bedtime is to be strictly observed in the house?小姐,我是否告诉过,在这屋里要严守就寢时间?-Mari

18、a: Well, the children were upset by the storm, so iYou did, sir.孩子们被风暴所惊吓,所以我想你是说过,先生。-Captain: Do you, or do you not, have difficulty remembering such simple instructions?要你记住如此简单的指示,是否很困难?-Maria: Only during thunderstorms.只有在雷电风暴时。-Captain: lady, Is it also possible you remember the first rule in

19、this house is discipline? Then I trust that before I return. . .youll have acquired some?你是否也能记住,这房子的首要规定就是纪律?相信在我回来之前,你会学到一些?-Maria: But theyre children!但他们只是孩子呀。-Captain: Yes. And Im their father. Good night.是的,而我是他们的父亲。晚安。SCENE THREE【PPT文案:Maria给孩子们换了新游戏服,并带他们去野外玩耍,并教他们唱迎接男爵夫人的歌】-Maria: everybody

20、, over here.我明白了,我们得多想想那一点,来吧,大家,过来。-Marta: What are we going to do?我们要做什么?-Maria: Think of a song for the baroness when she comes.我们来想首歌好欢迎男爵夫人的到来。-Frederick: We dont know any songs.我们什么歌都不会唱。-Maria: Not any?一首歌都不会?-Marta: We dont even know how to sing.我们甚至不知如何唱歌。-Maria: Lets not lose time. You mus

21、t learn.那就不能浪费时间了,你们必须学习。-Liesl: But how?但是如何学呢?-Maria: “Lets start at the very beginning“我们从最初步开始学,A very good place to start从一个很恰当的地方开始。When you read you begin with”当你读书时,你从”-Children: “A, B, C”“ABC开始。”-Maria: “When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi”当你唱歌时,你从DoReMi开始。-Children: “Do-re-mi”“Do remi?”

22、-Maria: “Do-re-mi“Do remi。The first three notes just happen to be开始的三个音是,Do-re-mi”Do re mi”-Children: Do-re-miDo re mi-Maria: “Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti”“Do re mi fa so la ti”Lets see if I can make it easier.让我看是否能使它容易点。“Doe, a deer A female deerfemale: 雌性的“Doe是一头雌性的鹿Ray, a drop of golden sunRay是一线金色的阳光M

23、e, a name I call myselfMe是我对自己的称呼Far, a long long way to runFar是一段漫漫长路Sew, a needle pulling threadSew是用针拉着线La, a note to follow sewLa是Sew之后的音Tea, a drink with jam and breadTea是配果酱面包的饮品That will bring us back to doe那样我们又回到DoeDoe A deer, A female deer”Doe 是一头雌性的鹿”-All: “Ray, a drop of golden sunRay是一线

24、金色的阳光Me, a name I call myselfMe是我对自己的称呼Far, a long long way to runFar是一段漫漫长路Sew, a needle pulling threadSew是用针拉着线La, a note to follow sewLa是Sew之后的音Tea, a drink with jam and breadTea是配果酱面包的饮品That will bring us back to doe那样我们又回到DoeDo-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, so-do”Do re mi fa so la ti do,so do”-Maria: G

25、ood. -Bargitta: But it doesnt mean anything.但那是没有意义的。-Maria: So we put in words. One word for every note.所以我们要加上,每一个音一个字。Like this:像这样“When you know the notes to sing“当你学会音符后You can sing most anything”你几乎可以唱任何歌”Together!一起来!-All: “When you know the notes to sing“当你学会音符后You can sing most anything你几乎可

26、以唱任何歌Doe A deer, A female deerDoe 是一头雌性的鹿Ray A drop Of golden sunRay 是一线金色的阳光me A name I call myselfme 是我对自己的称呼Far A long long way To runFar 是一段漫漫长路sew A needle pulling threadsew 是用针拉着线La A note To follow sewLa 是Sew之后的音Tea A drink With jam And breadTea 是配果酱面包的饮品That will bring us back to doe”那样我们又回到

27、Doe”SCENE FOUR【上校带着男爵夫人回庄园,正好孩子们穿着游戏服回来,男爵感到不快,与Maria发生了争论,并要将Maria赶回修道院】-Captain: All right. Go inside, clean up, change your clothes and report back here,immediately! lady, you will stay here, please!进去屋里,抹干身子,清洁好,换衣服后再回来此地。小姐,请你留下来。-Maria: Children cannot do all the things theyre supposed to if t

28、hey have to worry about spoiling their precious clothes.孩子们不该担心他们会弄脏他们珍贵的制服。-Captain: I haven t heard a complaint yet!我没听过埋怨。-Maria: Well, they wouldnt dare! They love you too much. They fear you too much.他们不敢,他们太爱你。我想-Captain: I dont wish you todiscuss my children in this manner.我不希望你用这种方式来谈论我的孩子们。

29、-Maria: Youve got to hear from someone, youre never home long enough to know them.你必须听某人说的,你从来不在家久留的。-Captain: I said I dont want to hear any more from you about my children.我不想再听你说有关我孩子们的事。-Maria: But youve got to! Now, take Friedrich. Friedrich wants to be a man but youre not here to show him how!

30、但你必须!就拿Friedrich来说吧。Friedrich要像你一样成为男人,但没有人给他作榜样。-Captain: Dont you dare tell me about my son.你怎胆敢告诉我儿子的事?-Maria: Kurt pretends hes tough not to show how hurt he is when you brush him aside.Kurt,当你漠视他时,他假装强悍。-Captain: That will do!就该这样。-Maria: But someone has to find out about them, and the little o

31、nes just want love. Please, love them all.但是总得有人了解她,这些小孩只想要被爱。求求你,舰长,爱他们。-Captain: I dont care to hear anything further from you about my children.我不想再听你说有关孩子的事。-Maria: I am not finished yet, captain! 我还没说完!-Captain: Oh, yes, you are, Now, you will pack your things this minute. . .and return to the

32、abbey.是的,你说完了。你现在立刻收拾行李,回去修道院。【PPT 文案:这时突然传来孩子们的歌声,舰长走进房子,发现孩子们正为男爵夫人唱着欢迎的歌】【上校匆匆走向屋内,看到孩子们正在给男爵夫人唱歌】【歌曲The Sound of Music】-Children: “ My heart wants to sing every song it hears“群山让我心充满音乐Every song that it hears要唱出每支歌My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise我心震荡像鸟儿翅膀From the lake

33、 to the trees由湖边飞上树To the trees飞上树My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies我心叹息From a church on a breeze像钟声飘扬To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls笑声像小溪Over stones on its way流过石头跌荡抑扬On its way跌荡抑扬To sing through the night夜晚歌唱Like a lark who is learning to pray”像云雀祈祷”-Captain独唱: “I go to

34、the hills“当我奔向山里When my heart is lonely心情落寞I know I will hear我听到What Ive heard before昔日歌声My heart will be blessed我心就会歌唱With the sound of music因为音乐的响起And Ill sing.我要再度.once more”歌唱”【captain追出房间为自己之前的言行向Maria道歉,感谢她将音乐带回这个家庭并请她留下来,Maria与孩子们沟通下请求舰长也唱一首歌】【Maria突然笑着对走出房间的孩子们说】-Maria: Children, who shall w

35、e hear from next?孩子们,下一个该谁唱?-Children: Who?谁唱?-Maria:Yes.对。【孩子们在背后用手指着舰长】-Maria: The vote is unanimous. You, captain.全体一致通过。由你演唱,舰长。-Captain: Me?No, no, no, no.我?不-Maria: Im told that you were quite good.我听说,很久以前你唱的非常好。-Captain: That was A very, very long time ago.那是非常非常久之前。-Children: I remember, Father. Play us something We know. Oh, Please, Father.我还记得,父亲。请为我们唱一首,求求你,父亲。-Captain: Well. . . .这个【拿过吉他自弹自唱】-Captain:【歌曲Edelweiss】“Edelweiss“火绒草Edelweiss火绒草Every morning you greet me每日清晨你向我打招呼Small and white


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