游乐园游乐园1PPT课件BDEAHCFG2PPT课件Thank you!3PPT课件Merry-go-round 旋转木马旋转木马4PPT课件5PPT课件Spin up,The Merry-Go-Round first appeared in the Byzantine Empire.最早记录的旋转木马出现于拜占庭帝国时期。6PPT课件Its said that the Merry-Go-Round witnesses the love of two persons who falling in love.有人说旋转木马是见证两个有人说旋转木马是见证两个相爱的人的爱情游戏相爱的人的爱情游戏,As long as the two people who really love each other sitting on the merry-go-round,the trojans will take them to a perfect paradise,their love will last forever.只要两个真心相爱的人同时只要两个真心相爱的人同时坐在旋转木马上坐在旋转木马上,木