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1、2015 年辽宁对外经贸学院外国语学院首届英语翻译竞赛英译汉竞赛原文Good-bye ManchuriaCountries have a way of turning their worst face toward one who arrives and their loveliest face to one who says good-bye. Often, during a life of reluctant and various exile, I have found myself alighting with muffled curses at uninviting destinat

2、ions and a few months or a few years later leaving the once-loathed spot to the tune of a sound like cracking heart-strings.When I arrived in Manchuria two years ago, it was like straying into a nightmare. No train, it seemed to me, had ever inflicted upon its passengers so many frozen draughts, so

3、many unwashed fellow-travellers, such uncomfortable and verminous seats or such a treeless, bladeless, khaki horizon. Iced dust blew in at every broken window, carping Japanese policemen blew in at every door. I remember I had brought with me Yi, the Korean cook, brought with me almost at random fro

4、m among the citizens of Seoul since cooks share with trees, birds, tigers, milch-cows, and Bolsheviks the distinction of being almost absent from the Manchuria-Siberian borders.“This place bad place,” said Yi, crying gently as he thought of his dear over-crowded Seoul. He had mislaid his hat; this w

5、as his invariable practice while travelling, as we afterwards found, and the loss had a profound psychological effect upon him. I have a theory that the tradition of wearing a porcelain or in more recent years horsehair-hat five sizes too small, frailly balanced on the skull, somehow inseparably con

6、nects the hat with self-respect in the Korean mind, and our cook, though he was a progressive fellow and wore a yellow knitted Balaclava cap in place of the precious topper of his forefathers, was always a worm without his hat. Tears with him, even at his most securely hated moments, were always nea

7、r the surface, and de-hatted, he made no effort to restrain them.“Very much bad place,” he sobbed, on first arrival, tears coursing down his simple face. “Missy more better go back Seoul.” And I admit that my tears came near to mingling with his.But two years have passed since then, and Yi now has m

8、any merry (if destructive) drunks and romances behind him. And across our khaki Manchuria, flowers have come and gone as sunsets came and went, the rough cheerless trails lead my memory now to charming destinations. Even the train, on the day of our departure, had a noble sophisticated look to me, c

9、oming, as I did, from constant painful journeys in springless Manchurian “carriages-and-five” or broken droshkies. Once more Yi, the cook, was with us dismissed two days before our departure for dancing in (hatless, of course) among our guests with the words, “Missy, I am plenty drunk, dinner no can

10、 do.”There were no perforated railway carriages or jostling crowds as we left Manchuria. Japanese officials since we were travelling as officials ourselves vied with each other in providing us with special compartments, lined with red plush, and in detailing minions to feed us all the way on persimm

11、ons, apples, sweet biscuits and tea.汉译英竞赛原文我常常在黄昏时分,坐在书房里,享受夕照穿窗而入带来的那一种异样的神奇。此刻,书房已经暗下来。到处堆放的书籍文稿以及艺术品重重叠叠地隐没在阴影里。暮时的阳光,已经失去了白日里的咄咄逼人;它变得很温和,很红,好像一种橘色的灯光,不管什么东西给它一照,全都分外的美丽。首先是窗台上那盆已经衰败的藤草,此刻像镀了金一样,蓬勃发光;跟着是书桌上的玻璃灯罩,亮闪闪的,仿佛打开了灯;然后,这一大片橙色的夕照带着窗棂和外边的树影,斑斑驳驳投射在东墙那边一排大书架上。阴影的地方,书皆晦暗,光照的地方连书脊上的文字也看得异常分明。 傅雷文集的书名是烫金的,金灿灿放着光芒,好像在骄傲地说:“我可以永存。 ”怎样的事物才能真正的永存?阿房宫和华清池都已片瓦不留,李杜的名句和老庄的格言却一字不误地镌刻在每个华人的心里。世上延绵最久的还是非物质的思想与精神。能够准确地记忆思想的只有文字。所以说,文字是我们的生命。2015 年辽宁对外经贸学院外国语学院首届英语翻译竞赛参赛报名表姓 名 出生年月性别参赛类别工作单位 职 业电子信箱 电话通信地址 邮 编


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