Aims (学学 习习 目目 标标 ) 自我自我评评价价know another sound of letter Aa (我能 总结归纳 字母 Aa的另一种 发 音)act out the cartoon vividly(我能生 动 有感情的表演卡通 动 画。)Sing and adapt the song Days of the week(我能演唱并 创编 歌曲。)What makes a week?一周有哪几个星期呢?weekLets talkLets singWhat is my favorite day?我最喜欢哪一天?Monday see you againI love_, because I can_.What is your favorite day?你最喜欢哪一天?Step 1: Adapt the song according to yourself and sing it.Step 2: Tell us the reason with the following sentence:I love _, because I can_.When do you get up on Saturday and Sunday?周六、周日你什么时候起床?Lets reviewLets reviewLets review