Living with technology4.ppt

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1、Unit 1vReadingReading strategy: understanding headingsEarly history of sound recordersSound and video recordersSound and video go digitalEarly history of TVThe modern age: satellite TVHeadings appear before each section of a text.TV (In order of time)Sound andvideo recorders(In order of time) The fu

2、tureFirst reading: read the text and finishPart A on P2.1. John Logie Baird.2. Thomas Edison.3. Portable cassette players and videorecorders.What do you think is the best way to get the most important information in such a long passage?Follow the chronological order.(in order of time).Read the devel

3、opment of TVEarly history of TVJohn Logie Baird; Philo Farnsworth; Early history of TV187718871925192919381962The first recording of a human voice was made.Emile Berliner invented a record player thatused discs to record.The first public TV broadcasts were made, in the USA.Regular public broadcastin

4、g began in London.Satellites were used to broadcast TV.C2The first color TV programme was broadcast.1967198219931995Regualar color TV broadcasts began in the UK.The first CDs were made available.The DVD was invented.The DVD was born.C2E1.forsaw2.drawbacks3.constructed4.delayed5.percentage6.receiver7.EventuallyUnit 1vLanguage focus


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