Astronomy:the science of the stars课件4.ppt

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1、成才之路 英语路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索人教版 必修 3Astronomy: the science of the starsUnit 4第二课时 Learning about Language名词性从句:主语从句Unit 4课堂要点探究 2课堂达标验收3课前新知预习1课 时 作 业4课前新知预习v 说 出 that/what/whether所引 导 的从句在主句中充当的成分,及引 导词 的功能。v What it was to become was uncertain until between 4. 5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust s

2、ettled into a solid globe. (what引 导 _从句,并在从句中充当_)v The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. (whether引 导 _从句,在从句中不充当成分 )v What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. (what引 导 _从句,并在从句中充当 _)v What man

3、y scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. (what引导 _从句,并在从句中充当 _)v It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. (that引导 _从句,在从句中不充当成分 )v So whether life wi

4、ll continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. (第一个whether引 导 _从句;第二个 whether引 导 _从句 )v 答案: 主语;表语 主语 主语;主语 主语;宾语 主语 主语;宾语课堂要点探究v 一、基础点拨v (一 )定义v 在主从复合句中,充当主 语 的从句,即 为主 语 从句。v (二 )引导主语从句的词及其在句中的功能v 1 连 接 词 that和 whether/ifv that引 导 主 语 从句, that在从句中不充当任何成分, 仅 起 连 接作用,但不能省略。whether/if引 导 主 语 从句,在主从句中不充当任何成分,起 连 接作用,但有自己的意 义 ,也不可省略。


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