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1、 UsingLanguageListening on P261. Wei Ping is studying at university in Australia. Just before the summer holidays his friend Bob Martins invites him to go camping. He is a little nervous about this. In a small group discuss what Wei Ping might be nervous about.2. Listen to the conversation between B

2、ob and Wei Ping and answer the questions.1.What is Wei Ping worried about?2.Does Bob share his worry?3.Do you think by the end of the conversation, Bob has talked Wei Ping into going camping? Why do you think this?1. What is Wei Ping worried about?Wei Ping is worried about snakes.2. Does Bob share h

3、is worry? No. Because he does not believe they are likely to see any and he knows what precautions to take against being bitten.3. Do you think by the end of the conversation, Bob has talked Wei Ping into going camping? Why do you think this?He probably has talked him around because he assured Wei P

4、ing that there was very little danger. Also the fact that Wei Ping summarized the advice Bob gave him suggests that he has accepted bobs assurances.How to avoid _ bites When walking in long grass, wear_; make _ to frighten them away;_ any wood lying on the ground; If possible, _ in long grass.3. Lis

5、ten again and complete the poster.a noisedo not moveavoid walkingsnakeboots and long trousers4. Listen once more and discuss the following questions with a partner.1). Why did Wei Ping misunderstand Bob when he said “ When we walk through the bush”?2). Why cant Wei Ping make a snake run away?1). Why

6、 did Wei Ping misunderstand Bob when he said “When we walk through the bush”?Because Wei Ping may think the bush means wild and dangerous land, but Australians use it to mean the countryside where there arent any houses or farms or other signs of humans. 2). Why cant Wei Ping make a snake run away?Because snakes dont have legs (this is where the humor lies)AUSTRALIAS DANGEROUS CREATURESA funnelweb spiderA box jellyfishA brown snakeA great white sharkA saltwater crocodile


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