Making the news课件2.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Making the news教材背景链接What qualities do you need to be a journalist?作 为 一名 记 者,需要什么 样 的品 质 和技能呢?Working as part of a team is common in many media jobs.It is important that you can get on and work quickly and efficiently with the other technical and creative production team staff.Time is very l

2、iterally(真正地)money in mediaproduction so there is no room for staff difficulties.When there are tough deadlines or late nights everyone must pull together to complete the task at hand.An employer will want to know that you can meet these demands and that you can establish a working relationship very

3、 quickly with people who you may be meeting for the first time.You also need good written and oral communication skills and must have a crisp concise writing stylewriting essays is not good evidence for this!They will expect you to have a good knowledge of current affairs and an inquisitive(好奇的 )nat

4、ure, and to be flexible(灵活的 )especially with regard to working hours.Manydemands can be made on your time, so how experienced are you in putting in extra hours?Two key qualities of journalists are an inquisitive nature and the ability to ask the right questions at interview! The best questions to as

5、k are those that you really would like to know the answers to, rather than those you can find in books on interview skills.If you research a company well enough, you will find a number of questions naturally arising that you wish to be answered.You should, though, concentrate on questions that show your interest in,and motivation to do, the job itself,rather than the rewards it will bring.新课导入培养新闻触角和新闻敏感 ,善于发现新闻线索 ,是写好新闻稿的基本前提。没有一定的新闻触角和新闻敏感 ,就很难写出一篇像样的新闻稿。美国新闻学家卡斯柏 约斯特在 新闻学原理 一书中的一段话,形象的阐述了新闻敏感对于记者的重要性。他说: “一个不善于辨别色彩的人,不能成为一个画家;一个不懂得和谐的人,不能成为一个音乐家;一个没有 新闻敏感的人,也不能成为一个新闻记者。 ”


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