1、Lesson 29 Dont Smoke, Please!Lead inHow do you think about smoking?Listen and answer1.Is Danny at school today?2.How does Brain feel today?3.Is smoking allowed in public?No, he isnt.He feels well.No, it isnt.Presentation Answer the following questions 1 How long has Danny been away?2 What would Bria
2、ns poster be about?3 What was wrong with their great-grand-father?For three days.He had lung disease. Because he smoked.Smoking.Some boy students think smoking makes them look more handsome.Do you think so?Smoking is harmful to healthSmoking is anti-life bulletsList some diseases in the world today.
3、Why do people get ill?What should people do to stay healthy? List some diseases in the world today.Cold 感冒Lung disease 肺病Heart disease 心脏病Liver disease 肝病Appendicitis 阑尾炎T.B. 肺结核Cancer 癌症SARS 非典Bird Flu 禽流感AIDS 爱滋病Smoking Drinking Stay up late PressureTake less exercise Junk food Pollution NoiseWhy do people get ill?