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1、试题解析 Questions 1-7 题目类型: MATCHING 题目解析: 题号 定位词 文中对应点 1 exchange of expertise, between different sports/collaborate, across a number of sports B 段: and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres. AIS scientists work across a number of sports 题干中讲到不同体育领域的专业知识交流正好跟原文中跨不同体育专

2、家之间的合作相对应,理解意思即可容易找到正确答案。 题号 定位词 文中对应点 2 visual imaging/3D, image C 段 :shows off the prototype of a 3D analysis tool for studying swimmers./It collects images from digital cameras 通过题干中的视频成像可以很容易找到原文中 对应的 3D 和成像。 3 a reason for narrowing/cant waste time B 段: We cant waste our time looking at etherea

3、l scientific questions that dont help the coach work with an athlete 需要细读原文,发现此句话所要表达的意思是不在一些飘渺的、不切实际的科学问题上浪费时间,也就是说要缩小研究的范围。此处不容易找到对应,需要对于句子和题目的准确理解。 TIPS: 还可以通过题目中的 research activity 研究活动和原文中的 scientific questions 科学问题确认所定位的位置。 4 AIS ideas reproduce/copying F 段: Of course, theres nothing to stop o

4、ther countries copying 找到 AIS ideas 定位到最后一段,题干中的 reproduce是复制的意思,之后从文章中发现句子有复制copying,即可以直接定位。 5 Obstacle, investigated/ impact, monitor D 段: to monitor heart rate , sweating, heat production or any other fact or that might have an impact on an athletes ability to run. 题干提到理想成绩的障碍是如何被调查研究的,而读到对应句子之后

5、看到正好是 sensors(传感器 )对于运动员跑步的 impact(影响 )进行研究的仪器,而且obstacles 和 impact 对应。 6 Overview, funded support/finance A 段: finances programmes of excellence in a total of 96 sports for thousands of sportsmen and women. finances 是解题关键,意思为资助,正好跟题干中funded support 表达了相同的义项,直接对应。而且之后一句话提及以上项目所提供的服务和建议,可以确信答案。 TIPS:

6、看到 overview 就从文章开头和结尾去找。 7 Calculated before an event/using data, well before a championship F 段: Using data is a complex business. Well before a championship, 首先通过 well before a championship 和文章中 before an event 定位到 F 段,之后发现后面提及的 “ 竞争模型 ” 作用就是计算时间和速率,因此内容对应上calculate,此时可断定答案的位置。 TIPS: 这是一道典型的段落搭配相关

7、信息型 MATCHING 题目。 有效的解题方法是: 1.浏览所有信息,找出关键字。 2.精读各段首末句,泛读其他语句。 3.对应相关信息。 建议各位考生先做完这种题目,再完成其他题目。 Questions 8-11 题目类型:分类题, Classify 属于配对题。 题目解析: 此类题首先分析类别之间的不同,之后在文章中找到对应点。 题目类别的不同点: 类别 不同点 A 单单只有澳大利亚人目前使用的 (currently, exclusively) B 澳大利亚人将要在未来使用的 (in the future) C 澳大利亚人和他们的竞争者都正在使用的 (currently/both Aus

8、tralians and their rivals) 不难看出,三个类别中, A 和 B 分为一类, A 和 C 分为一类。进行对比。 题号 答案 文章对应点 解析 8 A C 段: SWAN system now used in Australian national competitions. It collects images from digital cameras. digital cameras 是对应词。而前一句已经提到该系统已广泛应用于澳大利亚各项全国赛事之中,而没有提到其他国家,因此可以判断应该只有澳大利亚人在使用。 9 B D 段: With the Cooperativ

9、e Research Centre for Micro Technology in Melbourne, they are developing unobtrusive sensors that will be embedded in an athletes clothes 找到相同对应词 sensor,读其前后的句子, 发现有 Melbourne,断定是澳大利亚人的发明。之后要特别留心动词 develop 运用现在进行时,表示正在开发;而且注意之后的定语从句采用了将来时,所以可以断定此发明还没有完成,应该属于将来的成果。因此选择 B。 10 A D段: AIS and the Univers

10、ity of Newcastle in New South Wales developed a test that measures how much of the immune-system protein immunoglobulin A/Since the tests were introduced, AIS athletes in all sports have been 非常容易在前面第一句话中找到跟题目 protein tests 所对应的词语 a testprotein 。之后细读前后句,发现后面一句话对于此项科技成果的受益者文章中只提到 AIS 运动员,即澳大利亚体育学院的运动

11、员,隶属于澳大利亚,所以应该选择 A。 11 C F 段: The same has happened to the altitude tent, developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level. 文章中很容易找到用引号括起来的题目中的名词短语,因此只要细心读原句,就会发现开头的 The same has happened 同样的事情也发生在 根据经验应该顺着文章向上追溯,发现跟 altitude tent相同情况的是 1996 年奥运会上澳大利亚人受益的流线型散热运动服现在全世界都在用。因此

12、 altitude tent也被世界各国应用。所以答案应该选择 C。且根据此段话大意可以了解文章只提到两种研究成果被别国运用,即高原帐篷和流线型散热服。所以可以间接判断前三项成果是由澳大利人独享的。 Questions 12-13 题目类型:问答题 Answer questions 属于主观题。 题目解析: 首先根据题目位置判断所对应的段落应该在文章的后半部分,然后开始找到对应词。需要特别注意题目要求是从文章中找到词语或数字答题,因此不能自己编写答案。 题号 对应点 解析 12 help an athlete plan, produced / prepare the athlete by, d

13、eveloping Help an athlete plan their performance 对应上 prepare the athlete by之后,要认真研究题目所问的是 what is produced,断定所作答案必定要填一个名词。 因此要细读原文发现有单词 developing恰与 produced 相对应,中文意思是 “ 开发 ” ,则答案必定是开发之后的名词。 TIPS:注意带引号的内容都含有比较重要的信息。 正确答案为 (a)competition model 13 1996 Olympic Games, cyclists, improve 1996 Olympic Gam

14、es 是一个很好的定位词。 定好位后要认真研究题目。分析问句是 By how muchimprove ,意思为 “ 提高了多少 ” ,可以判断出答案需要写一个数字。因此仔细阅读相关语句找到 sliced as much as two per cent off cyclists and rowers times.很快就可以找到数字百分之二。 TIPS:注意文章的题目要求是填写一个数字而非一个名词,很多考生因为找 到 1996 而盲目地填上成果的名称“ coolant-lined jackets” ,实在是遗憾。因此,语法分析是本题解题的关键。 正确答案是 (by)2 per cent/ 参考译文

15、 澳大利亚的体育成就 A 他们努力竞争,他们积极参与,他们参加比赛完全为了取胜。澳大利亚体育劲旅轻松击败对手,取得辉煌战绩。他们何以做到这一点 ?成功的秘密在于一个由体育学院和科研机构组成的网络,该网络以科学与医学为基础,涉及面广且耗资巨大。在澳大利亚体育学院(AIS)里,数百名青年选手与职业运动员在教练的指导下共同生活 和训练。另一家机构 澳大利亚体育运动委员会 (ASC),则为总计 96 项体育运动中项目的数千名表现突出的男女运动员提供资助。上述两家机构均提供强化训练、训练设备和营养咨询服务。 B 科学在体育科研机构中的地位举足轻重。 AIS 不仅雇用了上百名在体育方面深有研究的科学家和医

16、生,还与大学及研究中心的几十名专家学者致力合作。 AIS 的科学家们同时研究多个体育项目,并将一个项目中的研究成果跨界应用,例如将增强高尔夫球运动员肌肉力量的训练方法应用于游泳和壁球中。科学家们也得到了那些设计专用仪器来收集运动员资料的技术人 员们的强大支持。他们都只关注一个目标:胜利。 AIS 的科研主管彼得 弗里克说: “我们不能在不切实际的科学问题上浪费时间,它们既无法协助教练指导运动员,也无法提高运动员本身的能力。 ” C 专家们的许多工作都涉及具体测量,测量内容包括从游泳运动员潜水的精确角度到自行车运动员每秒功率输出的所有数据。这些资料将有助于运动员发挥最大的潜力来提高运动能力。工作

17、核心是以人为本,其目的在于促使运动员发挥最大潜力来提高哪怕是百分之一秒的速度或者是一毫米的成绩。无论多么微小的收获都值得为之努力。正是这些跬步的积累,才使得澳 大利亚取得举世瞩目的体育成就。为了说明系统运作的原理, AIS 的科学家布鲁斯梅森展示了为研究游泳运动员而设计的三维分析工具模型。只见一个游泳冠军获得者的线框模型划开水面,她的双臂以慢动作的形式划动。侧面观察,梅森可以测量每次划动中运动员前进的距离。俯视观察,他可以分析这位运动员的脊柱是怎样转动的。该系统设计完成后,他将能够为教练们建立生物力学的模型,协助培养游泳运动员。梅森对体育事业的贡献还包括游泳运动分析系统 (SWAN)的开发,该

18、系统现在正广泛应用于澳大利亚各项全国赛事之中。系统采用摄影频率为 50 格 /秒的 数码相机收集影像,然后将游泳运动员的每个动作都分解成可分析的因素,例如划距、划频、每个划水动作的平均持续时间、速率、出发时间、往返时间和结束时间等等。每次比赛结束后, SWAN 都会给出每名运动员的数据资料。 D “请看, ”梅森一边说一边抽出一张数据资料分析表。他指出获得第二名和第三名运动员的资料,数据证明游的最快的人其实是获得第三名的选手。那么,为什么他会以 0.35秒之差落后呢 ?梅森解释说: “他转身所需的时间比另一名选手长 0.44 秒。如果能够提高转身的技能,他的成绩将会大大提高。 ”AIS 科学家

19、们的研究将 这种精确性带到各种体育项目之中。他们正与位于墨尔本的微技术合作研究中心合作,共同开发可嵌入运动员衣服或跑鞋里的微型传感器,用以监控心律、出汗情况、发热量以及其他一切可能对运动员赛跑能力造成影响的因素。这不仅仅是简单地测评运动员们的表现。弗里克举了一个每年都会因感冒咳嗽而病倒十一二次的运动员的例子来说明了这一点。经过多年试验, AIS 与新南威尔士州的纽卡斯尔大学合作研发出一种测试,以测量运动员唾液中免疫球蛋白 A 的含量。如果免疫球蛋白 A 的含量突然降到某一水平之下,训练就会减弱强度或完全停止。不久,免疫球蛋白 A 水平 开始回升,危险也最终消除。自推行该测试以来, AIS 所有

20、体育项目的运动员们都非常成功地保持着良好的健康状态。 E 数据资料的分析与应用十分复杂。在锦标赛开始之前,体育科学家和教练们就早早着手训练运动员,为比赛做好准备。基于预期中将能夺冠的速度,他们力图使运动员进入 “竞赛模式 ”。梅森说: “人们设计一种模式以达到预期的速度,该模式规定了出发时间的长短、每次划水的速率、一定的划频和划距、转身所需的时间等等。 ”因此,无论是针对比赛整体还是其每个组成部分,所有的训练都是为了使运动员达到这些目标。诸如此类的先进科技 已使澳大利亚成为了一个当之无愧的世界体育强国。 F 当然,许多国家都曾尝试着模仿,这是无法避免的。十几年前, AIS 为进行耐力训练的运动

21、员设计出一款流线型散热运动服。在 1996 年举办的亚特兰大奥运会上,该运动服为自行车运动员和划艇选手们减少了 2的比赛时间。现在,所有的选手都在使用这种新型运动服。 “高原帐篷 ”也是如此,这是 AIS 为了模仿在海平面高度地点的训练效果而设计研发的。然而,澳大利亚的成功故事绝不仅仅是些可以机械复制的技术方案,这也是为何时至今日也没有任何国家能够效仿其包罗万象的训练系统。 剑桥雅思 7 READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passag

22、e 1below. Pulling stings to build pyramids No one knows exactly how the pyramids were built. Marcus Chown reckons the answer could be hanging in the air. The pyramids of Egypt were built more than three thousand years ago, and no one knows how. The conventional picture is that tens of thousands of s

23、laves dragged stones on sledges. But there is no evidence to back this up. Now a Californian software consultant called Maureen Clemmons has suggested that kites might have been involved. While perusing a book on the monuments of Egypt, she noticed a hieroglyph that showed a row of men standing in o

24、dd postures. They were holding what looked like ropes that led, via some kind of mechanical system, to a giant bird in the sky. She wondered if perhaps the bird was actually a giant kite, and the men were using it to lift a heavy object. Intrigued, Clemmons contacted Morteza Gharib, aeronautics prof

25、essor at the California Institute of Technology. He was fascinated by the idea. Coming from Iran, I have a keen interest in Middle Eastern science, he says. He too was puzzled by the picture that had sparked Clemmonss interest. The object in the sky apparently had wings far too short and wide for a

26、bird. The possibility certainly existed that it was a kite, he says. And since he needed a summer project for his student Emilio Graff, investigating the possibility of using kites as heavy lifters seemed like a good idea. Gharib and Graff set themselves the task of raising a 4.5-metre stone column

27、from horizontal to vertical, using no source of energy except the wind. Their initial calculations and scale-model wind-tunnel experiments convinced them they wouldnt need a strong wind to lift the 33.5-tonne column. Even a modest force, if sustained over a long time, would do. The key was to use a

28、pulley system that would magnify the applied force. So they rigged up a tent-shaped scaffold directly above the tip of the horizontal column, with pulleys suspended from the scaffolds apex. The idea was that as one end of the column rose, the base would roll across the ground on a trolley. Earlier t

29、his year, the team put Clemmonss unlikely theory to the test, using a 40-square-metre rectangular nylon sail. The kite lifted the column clean off the ground. We were absolutely stunned, Gharib says. The instant the sail opened into the wind, a huge force was generated and the column was raised to t

30、he vertical in a mere 40 seconds. The wind was blowing at a gentle 16 to 20 kilometres an hour, little more than half what they thought would be needed. What they had failed to reckon with was what happened when the kite was opened. There was a huge initial force- five times larger than the steady s

31、tate force, Gharib says. This jerk meant that kites could lift huge weights, Gharib realised. Even a 300-tonne column could have been lifted to the vertical with 40 or so men and four or five sails. So Clemmons was right: the pyramid builders could have used kites to lift massive stones into place.

32、Whether they actually did is another matter, Gharib says. There are no pictures showing the construction of the pyramids, so there is no way to tell what really happened. The evidence for using kites to move large stones is no better or worse than the evidence for the brute force method, Gharib says

33、. Indeed, the experiments have left many specialists unconvinced. The evidence for kite-lifting is non-existent, says Willeke Wendrich, an associate professor of Egyptology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Others feel there is more of a case for the theory. Harnessing the wind would not

34、 have been a problem for accomplished sailors like the Egyptians. And they are known to have used wooden pulleys, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone. In addition, there is some physical evidence that the ancient Egyptians were interested in flight.

35、 A wooden artefact found on the step pyramid at Saqqara looks uncannily like a modern glider. Although it dates from several hundred years after the building of the pyramids, its sophistication suggests that the Egyptians might have been developing ideas of flight for a long time. And other ancient

36、civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes. The experiments might even have practical uses nowadays. There are plenty of places around the globe where people have no access to heavy machinery, b

37、ut do know how to deal with wind, sailing and basic mechanical principles. Gharib has already been contacted by a civil engineer in Nicaragua, who wants to put up buildings with adobe roofs supported by concrete arches on a site that heavy equipment cant reach. His idea is to build the arches horizo

38、ntally, then lift them into place using kites. Weve given him some design hints, says Gharib. Were just waiting for him to report back. So whether they were actually used to build the pyramids or not, it seems that kites may make sensible construction tools in the 21 st century AD. Questions 1-7 Do

39、the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this 1 It is generally believed that l

40、arge numbers of people were needed to build the pyramids. 2 Clemmons found a strange hieroglyph on the wall of an Egyptian monument. 3 Gharib had previously done experiments on bird flight. 4 Gharib and Graff tested their theory before applying it. 5 The success of the actual experiment was due to the high speed of the wind. 6 They found that, as the kite flew higher, the wind force got stronger.


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