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1、【学习目标】1To know the meanings and usages of the new words and phrases 2To use these words and phrases correctly in different situations.【学习内容】 1. look ahead 向前看;为将来打算look after 照顾,照料look up 仰视,查阅look up to sb. 尊敬某人look down on/upon sb. 轻视;瞧不起look in 短时间探访look into sth. 调查look over 浏览检查,察看look through

2、翻阅,查找即学即练 1(1)Just _ _ and youll see a pagoda.只要向前望去,你就可以看到一座宝塔。(2)We must _ _ before we go further in the matter.在进一步进行这件事之前,我们必须把眼光放远。(3)We must _ _ before we make a decision.我们作出决定之前必须想得远一点。2date back to 追溯到;上溯到date back todate from因追溯是从现在算起指向过去,所以这个短语常用一般现在时,也没有被动语态。即学即练 2(1)This custom _ _ _ th

3、e 16th century.这风俗起源于 16 世纪。(2)This is an old building _ _ _ the 16th century.这是一栋追溯至 16 世纪的古老建筑物。(3)This town _ _ _ Roman times.这个城镇可追溯到罗马时代。(4)The unearthed sword _ _ _ the Han Dynasty.这把出土的宝剑属于汉代。 3somehow adv. 用某种方法,不知怎么地,不知为什么somehow adv. 在句中做状语修饰动词,位置比较灵活somewhat 稍微,有点anyhow 无论如何anyway 无论如何;不管

4、怎样;用任何方式即学即练 3(1)_ he was afraid of her.不知为什么,他怕她。(2)Dont worry, well get the money back _.别担心,我们总会把那些钱拿回来的。(3)I was _ surprised.我有点儿吃惊。(4)It may rain, but we shall go _.可能要下雨,不过我们照走不误。4. be fed up with 受够了,饱受例句:(1)Im fed up with the job.我对这份工作极其厌烦。(2)people get fed up with all these traffic jams.人么

5、厌烦这么多的交通堵塞。be fed up 厌烦feed sb./sth. on sth 用喂养feed sth to sb./sth.喂给.feed on sth.以为食,靠 生活live on sth.以为食,靠生活即学即练 4(1).People are fed up _ all these traffic jams.(2).You can feed these carrots _ the rabbits.(3).People here live _ rice.5.significance n.意思,意义,重要性例句.Few people realized the significance

6、s of his role in the whole matter.很少有人意识到在整个事件中他的作用的重要性。significant. adj.重大的,有意义的significantly adv.重大地,有意义地the significance of 的重要性be of (great) significance=be significant有(重大 )意义, (非常)重要be of no significance 无意义、不重要be of little significance 不太重要即学即练 5(1( The two sets of figures are not _ different

7、.(2( Its _ that he changed his will only days before his death.(3( The new drug has great _ for the treatment of the disease.6.applaud vi.& vt. 欢呼,鼓掌欢迎,赞赏例句. The audience applauded the singers performance.观众为歌手的表演鼓掌。The boss applauded my efforts by praising my work.老板通过表扬我的工作,来表示对我努力的赞许。applaud sb./

8、sth.为某人、某事鼓掌applaud sb. for sth.因赞赏某人即学即练 61 The crowd _ _ _(为他的演出鼓掌)for five minutes.2 The teacher _ _ _(赞扬我的进步)by praising me.【课后作业与练习】.单词拼写1_(不知怎么地), the message was passed.2This new discovery of oil is of great _ (重要性) to the countrys economy.3His room is always _ (凌乱的)4They questioned the _ (精确

9、性) of the information.5The audience rose to _ ( 鼓掌欢迎) the speaker.6We must stop him from seeing her _ (以方式) 7_ (种类) is a class or group of things in a complete system of grouping. 8. Your name has been _(删除)from the list.9After a few years of practice, he became very_(熟练的)at drawing.10He _(加速)his sp

10、eed, hoping to catch up with all the other athletes ahead of him.完成句子1Whenever we are in trouble, we must_ _(向前看)and encourage ourselves.2The history of this country can_ _ _(追溯到)the Stone Age.3_ _(要是就好了)we could have a day off tomorrow.4. Failing to be admitted into his dream university he _ _ _ _.

11、(情绪低落) .单项选择1_,we must expect changes to be made in our system of teaching.ALooking around BLooking ahead C Watching out DSeeing around2I was overjoyed to pass the oral English test _, though I was not good at it.Asomewhat B anyhow Canyway Dsomehow3_ the Christmas holidays would come sooner!AOnly if

12、 BIf CIf only DUnless4I m really _ this weatherwhy cant it be sunny for a change?Afed up to Bfed on Cfed to Dfed up with5(2010绵阳中学)_ Chinese which city is famous for ice and snow, and the answer is sure to be Harbin.AIf you ask a BAsked some C Ask any DHaving asked every6(2012吉安模拟 )Some educators _

13、that children should be rewarded for their great performance.Aassumed Badopted Cadvocated Dconvinced7The origin of Chinese culture _ more than 5,000 years ago.Ais dated back to Bdates back toC is dated from Ddates back8.【2012杭州模拟】Can you understand the _ of the work that we will do?Achoice Bsignific

14、anceC celebration Dwelcome9. An average of 130000 Chinese _ abroad for studies every year over the past few years, boosting exchanges in the educational fieldsA. was going B. have been goingC. has been going D. are going10Every year,a good many tourists are attracted to visit the old temple _ back t

15、o the eleventh century.Adated Bdating Cto date Dbeing dated11._it is human nature to be curious,it is also our responsibility to respect others secrets.AWhile BBecause CAs DSince12The schoolmaster_the girls bravery in his opening speech.Aapplauded Bappeared Capologized Dclapped13Is your husband good

16、 at cleaning up the room?Not very, but when it_cooking, he is much better than I am.Atalks about Brefers to Ccomes to Ddeals with 14The agent was_for carrying a false passport.Aarrested Baccused Ccharged Dsuspected15I had given up hope of going to college_word came that I had been admitted to a famous British University.Awhile Bwhen Cso that Duntil


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