Body language学案2.doc

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1、预习导航一、请看下面的图片,试着把图片和表示表情的英语单词连起来1joy _2surprise _3anger _4sadness _5fear _6pride _答案:1.D 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.B 6.E 二、看下面的手势,试着写出它们所代表的含义1A stands for “_”2B stands for “_” 3C stands for “_” 4D stands for “_”答案:1.OK 2.Pause 3.Stop talking/Be silent 4.Very good/Well done三、将下列单词或短语与相对应的释义搭配起来A B1represent apo

2、ssible,probable2in general bto move nearer3likely cofficially to do something for another person or group 4approach dto do something to protect somebody or something 5defend eusually or in most situations 答案:1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d四、从文中找出并翻译下列短语 1communicate with _2保卫以免受 _3Beijing University _4很可能;有希望 _

3、5half an hour of waiting _6总的来说;通常 _7put up ones hands _8认识;逐渐了解 _ 9shake hands _答案:1.与交流 2.defend against 3.北京大学 likely to. 5.半小时的等待 general 7.举手8get to know 9.握手五、阅读课文 COMMUNICATION:NO PROBLEM?,回答下列问题1Why did the writer go to the airport?ATo take an airplane to study in a foreign country

4、.BTo meet his parents from a foreign country.CTo meet some international students.DTo help the workers.2When the writer and another student arrived at the airport,_.Athe people they wanted to meet didnt arrive Bthe people they wanted to meet had already been waiting there Cthe plane was taking offDt

5、he people they wanted to see off had left3Why did Tony approach Julia,touch her shoulder and kiss her on the cheek?ABecause he wanted to hurt her.BBecause he wanted to greet her.CBecause he loved her.DBecause he wanted to play a joke on her.4From the passage we know,most international students greet

6、 others by _.Ashaking hands BbowingCkissing Dtouching shoulders5It can be learned that _.Aonly Chinese students can study in Beijing University Bwe should do as the Romans do when we are in RomeConly Chinese customs are the most important Dnot knowing foreign customs may cause a cultural mistake 答案:15 CABAD


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