1、 AnesthesiaZhuWei MDFirst Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical UniversityAnesthesiaThe drugs act on the nervous system and make patient lose the sense temporarily. Lose the sense: pain free Temporarily: the process must be reversibleAnesthesian loss of feeling or sensation with or without a loss o
2、f consciousness. n keep the patient pain free during surgeryn control the bodys reaction to stressn relief fear and anxiety associated with surgery.一 麻醉学简史及现状n 1846年 10月 16日 , Willian TG Morton医生在美国麻省总医院公开示范乙醚麻醉获得成功,从此开创了近代麻醉的新纪元。麻醉概念麻感觉消失醉意识丧失现代概念:感觉消失,意识丧失,肌肉松弛,无应激反应,可控性强。美国麻省总医院(1846)Anesthesiologist: Dr. William T. MortonPatient: Gilbert AbbottSurgeon: Dr. John C. Warrenether demonstration Boston Daily Journal