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1、AstudyonfossilizationofInterlanguageandJuniorHigh【Abstract】English in junior high has been an essential part for students since its a period toestablish basic English knowledge and skills. Its necessary for teachers to study English teaching. Interlanguage is an common phenomenon on English study. T

2、his article focus on the interlanguage, the fossilization of it and the impacts of interlanguage on the junior high English teaching. 【Key words】interlanguage; fossilization; English teaching; junior high I. Introduction With the globalization, English has become an international language to communi

3、cate with people around the world. In Sichuan, English is taught as a main course in junior high school, which is the primary stage for students to learn English. Almost all linguists acknowledge that learners use interlanguage subconsciously during learning a second language. And its unavoidable fo

4、r L2 learners to step into the stage of fossilization.As teachers, mastering knowledge of interlanguages quiet a good way to achieve this goal. II. Theory of Interlanguage and Fossilization Interlanguage is an vital concept in second language learning. It was first introduced by LarrySelinker in 197

5、2 in his book Interlanguage. He proposed that interlanguage is the systematic knowledge of a second language which is independent of both the learners first and second language. That is, interlanguage is a transitive language systematic language from L1 to L2. Its an dynamic changes in language acqu

6、isition. As we have noticed, the main elements of interlanguage is L1 and L2. It changes with the processes of learners acquisition. However, theres a common phenomenon called fossilization which refers to the phenomenon that a native speaker who learns a second language will tend to keep in their i

7、nterlanguage relating to the target language. When learners who have similar language background and learning experiences, no mater what age are learners or how long have they learned it, they are likely to reach fossilized system and they will never reach the level that a normal native speaker have

8、. III. The Impact of Interlanguage on English Teaching and Suggestions Interlanguage can be influenced by different aspects. Its necessary for teachers to work out the relations between second language acquisition and fossilization, so teachers can make some methods to lead learners to acquire L2 ef

9、ficiently in junior high. Firstly, correcting the mistransfer of first language should be considered. Junior high is the fundamental period for English learners. Teachers can try to reduce influences of mother tongue. Thus, teachers should firstly teach learners knowledge, or learners will speed up

10、themselves into the stage of fossilization. Most fossilization is caused by mistransfer of first language, which we call it “Chinglish”. Secondly, the ways to correct learners errors are required. Errors are unavoidable, and how to deal are quite important. Its necessary to find out the errors learn

11、ers made. However, not all errors need to be correct in class. Some errors sometimes are made just because of some spontaneous habits. At this moment, teachers can leave out them and focus on fluency or other aspects of language. Thirdly, linguistic complexity of teaching materials is an essential f

12、actor. Skehan (1998:99) believed that linguistic complexity of teaching materials is one of three most important elements that should be taken consideration when the educators design teaching tasks. It is harmful for learners to do the tasks that are too hard or too simple. IV. Conclusion Interlangu

13、age is a transitional language that learners use it when acquire a second language subconsciously. And fossilization makes educators clear how to put forward the plateau period in learning a second language. To sum up, L2 acquisition in junior high is a complex process, and how to use interlanguage

14、and avoid temporary fossilization are the main tasks that teachers should consider. Thus learners can acquire L2 in a much more efficient way. References: 1王建勤.中介语产生的诸因素及相互关系J.语言教学与研究,1994(4). 2戴伟栋,蔡权龙.中介语的认知发生基础J.外语与外语教学,2001(9). 3周雅娴.Interlanguage Theory and English TeachingJ.读与写杂志,2009.7,6(7). 4Selinker,L.1972,InterlanguageJ.INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS. 5赵萱.中介语石化现象与中介语心理认知机制浅谈J.外语与外语教学,2006(3). 6杨文秀.中介语石化现象与口语教学J.外语与外语教学,2000(9). 7Skehan,R.A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning.Oxford:Oxford University Press.1998.


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