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1、听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】参考译文 美经济通胀担忧引发股市波动Which of these terms comes from a Latin word for “puffing up“?这些术语中哪一个来自于拉丁词“吹捧”?Inflation, boom, consume, gorge?通货膨胀(Inflation),繁荣(boom),消费(consume), 狼吞虎咽(gorge)吗?The Latin root of the word “inflation“ can describe a blowing up or pu

2、ffing up or inflammation.“通货膨胀”这个词的拉丁词根可以用来形容吹胀或胀大或发炎。AZUZ: In modern economic terms, inflation occurs when the things and services we buy get more expensive and our money doesnt go as far as it used to. Concerns about inflation are a major reason why the U.S. stock market has been so volatile latel

3、y. It said the market is driven by fear and greed, and recently, investors have been afraid inflation will hit the economy.阿祖兹: 在现代经济条件下,当我们购买的东西和服务变得更加昂贵时,通货膨胀就发生了,而我们的钱也贬值了。对通货膨胀的担忧是美国股市近来如此波动的主要原因。它说,市场是由恐惧和贪婪驱动的,最近,投资者一直担心通胀会冲击经济。Thats why the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 significant stock

4、s saw another major drop yesterday, closing down 1,033 points even though the economy is considered strong.这就是为什么道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)昨日再次大幅下跌,收盘下跌 1033 点,尽管人们仍认为美国经济增长强劲。听力原文Which of these terms comes from a Latin word for “puffing up“?Inflation, boom, consume, gorge?The Latin

5、 root of the word “inflation“ can describe a blowing up or puffing up or inflammation.AZUZ: In modern economic terms, inflation occurs when the things and services we buy get more expensive and our money doesnt go as far as it used to. Concerns about inflation are a major reason why the U.S. stock 听

6、力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】market has been so volatile lately. It said the market is driven by fear and greed, and recently, investors have been afraid inflation will hit the economy.Thats why the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 significant stocks saw another major drop yesterday, closing down 1,033 points even though the economy is considered strong.


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