1、继续向贫困宣战四个关系。一是攻坚战与持久战的关系。2020 年以前要实现全面建成小康社会目标,必须攻坚,但这一目标实现后并不意味着没有扶贫开发任务了,要有 2020 年以后打持久战的思想准备。二是解决突出问题与创新工作机制的关系。既要组织实施村级道路、饮水安全、农村电力、危房改造、特色产业增收、乡村旅游、教育扶贫、卫生和计划生育、文化建设、贫困村信息化这些重点工作,又要创新贫困县考核、精准扶贫、干部驻村帮扶、财政专项扶贫资金管理、金融服务、社会参与工作机制。三是中央和地方扶贫事权的关系。坚持中央统筹、省负总责、县抓落实的管理体制。国家加大对跨区域重大基础设施建设和经济协作的支持,加强生态保护和
2、基本公共服务。地方优化整合扶贫资源,精准扶贫,确保扶贫到村到户。四是“输血”和“造血”的关系。各级政府继续加大对扶贫开发的支持力度,各项扶贫政策以及国家大型项目、重点工程、新兴产业进一步向贫困地区倾斜,形成有利于贫困地区和扶贫对象加快发展的扶贫战略和政策体系。同时,贫困地区、贫困群众也要挖掘内部发展潜力,激发内生发展动力,在“输血”的基础上不断增强“造血”能力。 五项工作。一是尽快开展贫困识别和建档立卡工作,为精准扶贫摸清底数打好基础。二是健全完善驻村帮扶工作,为精准扶贫提供“滴灌”管道。三是努力增加财政专项扶贫资金和信贷扶贫资金投入,为精准扶贫整合更多资金。四是广泛动员社会各界参与,为精准扶
3、贫注入新的力量。五是组织实施片区规划,为精准扶贫创造良好环境和条件。 (五) “宣战” ,立下军令状:今年再减贫 1000 万人以上,首战必胜!李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出 2014 年再减贫 1000 万人,这个目标已得到“两会”代表通过。这就意味着已立下军令状。 今年是继续向贫困宣战的第一年,是明确提出年度减贫人数的第一年,是全面贯彻中央关于扶贫开发新政策新部署的第一年 乘势而上,首战必胜! 细心留意习近平总书记深入贫困地区考察的讲话,不难发现有两个词频频出现,一个是“改革” ,一个就是“创新” 。 在新阶段扶贫开发中,我们要致力于创新工作思路、工作格局、工作机制和扶贫产品,这既是实现扶
4、贫开发总目标的根本方略,也是完成今年减贫目标的有效途径。 改革开放,造就了历史的巨变;改革创新,引领着中国的未来。离目标越近,阻力就越大。 “继续向贫困宣战”的号令已经发出,在通往2020 年的征程中,要让梦想成真,更需要以改革创新精神攻坚克难。 Of all the new economic terms born in 2013, Likonomics might be the most popular with China. The term was coined by three economists working at Barclays Capital, naming it afte
5、r Chinas Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, who began overseeing the economy in March last year. Despite all the excitement created at having a Chinese name be turned into an economic term, the Chinese people actually do not understand what the term refers to and what it means for the future of China and i
6、ts economy Likonomics involves a “three arrow strategy”, similar to Abenomics used in Japan. It features “no stimulus, deleveraging, and structural reform”. It is seen as a very important part of Chinas economic reform program, focusing on slowing down GDP growth for a while in favor of a better and
7、 longer future economic boom. Just like any particular economic situation throughout history, certain circumstances call for certain strategies.“Keynesianism, ” named after economist, John Maynard Keynes, was coined during the Great Depression of the 1930s, after he proposed that depressions in the
8、business cycle were directly influenced by aggregate demand. Similarly, “Reagonomics”, (although still a controversial issue) was named after American President Ronald Reagans strategies of dealing with stagflation in the 1970s and 80s. Thatcherism born in the same period as Reagonomics, also helped
9、 boost the development of the British financial industry. The financial crisis that swept the world in late 2007 also led to the devel- opment of new economic theories and policies. And so, Likonomics was born. China has welcomed this change with open arms as its 30-year economic development strateg
10、ies, which have caused some imbalance in the country, is in need of some serious economic change. It is never easy for any economic policy to take care of the issues of micro-economy, macro-economy and the economys structure simultane-ously. Likonomics is no different, but it is a trend that will le
11、ad to a necessary change hopefully enabling the Chinese economy to reach a new level in the future. It will make up the “top-level design” of the Chinese economy in the coming years, along with urbanization, and the introduction of free trade zones. But, what was “Likonomics” like in 2013 and what i
12、s hoping to achieve in 2014? Li keqiangindex Li keqiangindex was an index the British magazine The Economist put forward in 2010 to assess the GDP growth of China. It compared the increase in electric power consumption by industries, the increase in the volume of freight train transport, and the newly added amount of middle- and longterm loans.