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1、1第 1 章 理解供应链1. 如果在一家便利店购买一听苏打水,请描述供应链的不同阶段,并且说明涉及的流程。When a customer purchases a can of soda at a convenience store, his purchase represents the end of a supply chains delivery of an item and the beginning of information regarding his purchase flowing in the opposite direction.The supply chain stage

2、s include customers, retailers, wholesalers/distributors, manufacturers, and component/raw material suppliers. A customers purchase moves product towards the customer and dollars and information towards the retailer.The retailer places an order from the wholesaler/distributor to replenish stock, the

3、reby moving information back up the supply chain while moving product down the supply chain. As the order is filled, the retailer will move dollars back up the supply chain.The wholesaler/distributor transmits information and dollars to the manufacturer who produces product and ships it down the sup

4、ply chain to the wholesaler.Finally (or initially, depending on your perspective) the manufacturer moves orders (information) and dollars towards suppliers in exchange for material flow into their production processes.当一个顾客在便利店买一听苏打水,他的购买行为代表着一个商品在供应链中传递的结束,同时他顺利的购买行为代表着信息在供应链相反方向的开始。供应链平台包括消费者、零售商、

5、批发商/分销商、生产者和零件 /原材料供应商。一个顾客的购买行为是商品向顾客的转移与信息向零售商的转移。零售商从批发商/分销商那列出一份订单,以便补充库存。因此信息是沿着供应链逆向移动而商品是顺着供应链正向移动。当订单完成后,零售商将会把资金沿着供应链的逆向传至供应链上游。批发商/分销商将信息与资金传递给生产者即生产产品,并将(产品)顺着供应链送至批发商手中的一方。最后(或最初,取决于你自己的观点)生产者将订单(信息)和资金转移给供应商以换取材料来投入生产流程。5. 考虑顾客从亚马逊订购书籍的供应链,辨别推/拉界限以及这两个流程的推动和拉动阶段。In Amazons original oper

6、ations design the push/pull boundary existed betwixt the retailer (Amazon) and their distributor. Amazon ordered product from the distributor and the customer order arrived. Today, Amazon has six warehouses where it stocks an inventory of items it is confident that will sell. In this scenario, the p

7、ush/pull boundary exists between the customer and the retailer.Processes in the pull phase are the order fulfillment, shipping, customer returns, and customer billing. Processes in the push phase are production, stock replenishments, shipping, and payment.在亚马逊的原始运营设计中,推/拉边界存在于零售商(亚马逊)和他们的分销商之间。亚马逊从分

8、销商和顾客手中获取订单后订购产品。如今亚马逊有六个仓库,在这六个仓库中存放着确定会被卖出的商品。在这种情况下,推/拉边界存在于顾客和零售商之间。2拉动阶段为订单的满足,运输,顾客的反馈与顾客的发票。推动阶段是生产,库存的补充,运输与付款。第 2 章 供应链绩效:赢得战略匹配与战略范围8. 711 便利店、超级市场连锁店和没过好市多这样的折扣零售商,他们面临的隐含不确定性有什么不同?When customers go to a convenience store chain such as 7-Eleven, they go there for the convenience of a near

9、by store and are not necessarily looking for the lowest price. Implied demand uncertainty would be high as customers are looking for a variety of products and convenience versus cost and demand levels are hard to predict. A supermarket chain focuses on cost and quality, with some specialty chains ad

10、ding flexibility by carrying a broader range of products that may be targeted towards customers interested in organic products or ethnic cuisine. Implied demand uncertainty for a supermarket chain tends to be low; shoppers are typically repeat customers and have a constant demand level. The supermar

11、ket supply chain must be responsive by receiving produce quickly to ensure freshness and have a high service level. Supermarket supply chains tend to be well-established and can improve strategic fit by emphasizing speed to maintain freshness, hence perceived quality.Low price is very important to c

12、ustomers of discount retailers such as Costco. This customer is willing to tolerate less variety and even purchase very large package sizes as long as the price is low. Customer demand can be more predictable and supply side needs are large and fairly stable.当顾客去类似 7-11 的连锁便利店时,他们追求的是邻近商店的便利,寻找最低价对他

13、们来说并没有必要。顾客寻找各种各样的商品时,便利性和成本相对,需求水平很难预料,隐含的需求不确定性会很高。超级市场连锁店关注成本和质量,一些特色的连锁店因为持有大范围的目标客户群为对邮寄产品和民族烹饪有兴趣的顾客的商品而增加了对灵活性的关注。超级市场连锁店的隐含需求不确定性偏低,因为光顾的通常是老顾客并且有一个持续的需求水平。超级市场供应链一定要通过快速接收产品进行响应以确保新鲜度并保持高服务水平。9. 当供应链的每个环节仅仅专注于自己的利润时,在作决定时会引起哪些问题?识别一些有助于零售商和制造商共同努力去拓展战略匹配范围的行动。High inventories, poor quality,

14、 low customer service, increased returns are just a number of problems that occur when each stage of a supply chain focuses solely on its own profits. The trucking company requires full truck loads for delivery forcing the retailer to carry more inventory than wanted or needed. The supplier offers d

15、iscounts to their buyers to maximize production but forcing the buyers to purchase in larger quantities than desired. This concept was very prevalent during the 1950s and 1960s as companies to minimize local costs and maximize their own profits.Today, retailers and manufacturers have the opportunity

16、 to plan promotions jointly such as Wal-Mart and P if a supply chain cant be responsive, the customers will move on to the next source. A distribution network designed for retail storage with customer pickup achieves quick response for high demand, low variety products. Other commodity products can

17、be effectively distributed using distributor storage with last-mile delivery, which is also suited for high demand, quick response products.商品项目可以从许多来源和客户期望他们快速交付,如果供应链不能响应,客户将继续下一个来源。零售的分销网络设计的存储与客户传感器实现高需求的快速响应,低品种产品。其他商品可以使用经销商有效的分布式存储与最后一英里交付,也适合高需求,快速响应产品。7. 为什么在线渠道在 PC 行业比在食品杂货行业更加成功?在未来,在线渠道在

18、 PC 行业的价值可能会是怎样的?The PC industry is selling a highly customized product that is purchased on a per-household basis, less routinely than the commodity products that make up groceries. A company like Dell can leverage the Internet as a marketing and distribution tool to advertise new capabilities and

19、options before bricks and mortar retailers can. Dell also removes whatever intimidation (or frustration) factor might be experienced by conversing with in-store sales representatives. Computers have a very high value to shipping cost ratio, so the increased shipping costs when compared to a traditio

20、nal store are negligible. Groceries have a much lower ratio; although in-store shoppers are incurring costs to pick up their groceries, those costs are hidden in comparison to the delivery charge on an itemized bill from Peapod.E-business will continue to be a valuable tool in the PC industry; none

21、of the advantages currently being enjoyed by Dell and Gateway are likely to change significantly.个人电脑行业是高度定制的产品销售,购买在每户的基础上,通常低于商品构成杂货。像戴尔这样的公司可以利用互联网作为一种营销和分销工具来宣传新功能和选项之前的砖和砂浆零售商。戴尔也删除任何恐吓(或沮丧)所经历的因素可能同店内销售代表谈话。电脑有很高的价值航运成本比率,因此,增加运输成本相比传统商店可以忽略不计。食品有一个低得多的比率;尽管店内顾客付出成本去接他们的杂货,这些成本都隐藏在一个分项账单递送费用的比

22、较从豆荚。电子商务将继续是一个有价值的工具在个人电脑行业,都享有的优势;目前戴尔和网关可能显著改变。5第 5 章 供应链的网络设计3. 运输成本的上升可能会怎样影响全球化的供应链网络?As transportation costs rise, more companies will elect to place facilities closer to the customer in order to lower overall transportation costs. Companies must weigh these increasing costs against the cost

23、of additional inventory and infrastructure costs in making the strategic decision where to place facilities. As transportation costs rise, these decisions will greatly impact overall supply chain profits.随着运输成本的上升,更多的企业选择将设施选址在离客户更近的地方,目的是在总体上降低运输成本。企业在做设施选址问题的决策时,必须权衡这些增加的花销,附加仓库和基础设施花销。因为运输成本上升,这些

24、决策将会在很大程度上影响整个供应链的利益。7. 考虑一个像福特公司这样的企业,其在全球的设施超过 150 个。请列出拥有很多设施的利弊并考虑这种方式是否适合汽车行业。Automakers often use a multiplant strategy to create server facilities. These server facilities provide product for the market where they are located, thereby taking advantage of tax incentives, local content requirem

25、ents, tariff barriers, and high logistics costs. This can be a good strategy if market demand exists for your product; when demand drops, the producer is left with expensive excess capacity. If the facilities are flexible, production of popular models can continue to prepare product for export. If f

26、acilities are inflexible or all sales are flat, then the producer must bear the cost or shed assets.汽车制造商通常采取多工厂的战略来建造服务设施。这些设施为他们所在位置的市场提供商品,因此可以利用税率的优惠,当地需求的优势并且避免了关税壁垒和高昂的物流成本,如果市场的需求存在于这些产品中,这将是一个很好的战略。当需求下降,生产者就剩下昂贵的过剩产能,如果设备是柔性的,通用模型的产品可继续为出口而准备生产。如果设备是非柔性的或所有的销售是平稳的,那么销售商必须承担花销或者剥离资产。第 6 章 设计

27、全球供应链网络1. 为什么在评估供应链设计决策时考虑不确定性是非常重要的?There is little in life that is certain, so it is important to consider the impact that uncertainty has on the supply chain. Modeling techniques discussed in this text require assumptions about future demand, price structures, paradigms, etc. It is safe to say th

28、at most assumptions that we make in using these models are false; we are permitted to apply these models because the assumptions occasionally are not false enough to make a difference. The supply chain decisions that must be made require considerable investments that cannot be changed or rescinded i

29、n the short run without incurring losses. It is important for the decision maker to weigh all alternatives and the uncertainties attached to the events that the future holds in order to arrive at the best decision.6没有在生活中是确定的,所以重要的是要考虑这种不确定性对供应链的影响。建模技术在本文讨论需要假设未来的需求,价格结构范式等。可以肯定地说,大多数假设我们在使用这些模型是错误

30、的,我们被允许应用这些模型,因为偶尔的假设不是假足以产生影响。供应链决策,必须需要相当大的投资, 在短期内不能改变或撤销不遭受损失。很重要的决策者权衡所有备选方案和未来的不确定性附加到事件以到达最好的决定。2. 能够影响供应链决策价值的主要的不确定性的来源是什么The major sources of uncertainty are fluctuations in demand and price. These may vary for a number of reasons; Porters five forces model suggests that the presence or ab

31、sence of substitute goods and services, the threat of existing competitors, of new competitors and the bargaining power of customers will affect a companys existing product. Prices may fluctuate according to supply and demand, changes in tariffs and exchange rates, and inflation.不确定性的主要来源是波动的需求和价格。这

32、些可能会有所不同的原因:波特的五种力量模型表明,替代产品和服务的存在与否,现有竞争对手的威胁,新的竞争对手和客户的议价能力将会影响公司的现有产品。根据供给和需求价格可能波动,关税和汇率的变化,以及通货膨胀。第 7 章 供应链的需求预测2.戴尔公司如何才能与供应商进行合作预测来改进供应链?Collaborative forecasting requires all supply chain partners to share information regarding parameters that might affect demand, such as the timing and magn

33、itude of promotions. Dell could share with their components suppliers all of the promotions, e.g., holiday, back-to-school, etc., they have planned. These suppliers could, in turn, notify their suppliers of discrete components that a spike in demand is anticipated. These demand forecasts for end ite

34、ms determine the demand for components and coupled with knowledge of fabrication times, allows all members of the supply chain to provide the right quantity at the right time to their customers.协作预测要求所有的供应链合作伙伴共享有关可能影响需求的参数,如促销活动的时间和幅度信息。戴尔可能有计划的与他们的零部件供应商分享所有的促销活动,例如假期,回校上课等等。反过来,这些供应商可能会通知他们的供应商,在

35、需求峰值预计分立元件。这些需求预测最终的项目是确定组件的需求,再加上制造时代的知识,使供应链上的所有成员向他们的客户在正确的时间提供正确的数量。7.如果预测人员利用上一年的销售数据而不是实际需求数据进行来年的预测,会出现什么问题?Last years sales data is fine as long as there were no stock outs. If an item is not on the shelf or is explicitly indicated as being sold out, the manager may be blissfully unaware of

36、customer demand that existed but was not expressed. Also, if there were special promotions last year that are not planned for the following year, the data must be adjusted to accommodate this factor. 7去年的销售数据很好,因为没有缺货。如果一个产品没有放在货架上或者明确指出已经销售完,管理人员可能不会察觉到那些存在但没有表达的客户需求。同时,如果去年有没有为第二年计划的特别促销,那么为了适应这一因

37、素,数据肯定需要调整。第 8 章 供应链综合计划5.综合计划需要输入哪些类型的成本?The major cost categories needed as inputs for aggregate planning are production costs and inventory costs. Production costs include labor costs of regular and overtime, costs of subcontracting production, costs of changing capacity by hiring or laying off w

38、orkforce and increasing or reducing machine capacity. Inventory costs include the cost of having too much (storage costs per period) and too little (backorder or stockout costs).需要输入的成本类型有生产成本和库存成本。生产成本包括正常人工成本、加班人工成本、转包生产成本和产能变更成本。其中产能变更成本具体包括招聘或解雇工人的成本和增加或减少机器产能的成本。库存成本包括过多(每周期存储成本)和过少(延期交货或缺货成本)

39、。8.在选择综合产品单位时,需要考虑的一些关键因素有哪些?While planning is done at the aggregate level, it is important that the aggregate unit be identified in a way that when the final production schedule is built, the results of the aggregate plan reflect what can be accomplished in practice. Given that the bottleneck is li

40、kely to be the most constraining area in any manufacturing facility, it is important to focus on the bottleneck when selecting the aggregate unit and identifying capacity as well as production times. It is also important to account for activities such as setups and maintenance that use up capacity b

41、ut do not result in any production.而规划是在总体水平上,重要的是总的单元被识别的方式,当最后的生产计划建立,总计划的结果反映在实践中能获得。鉴于瓶颈可能是在生产设施最受限制的地区,集中在选择集料装置与识别能力以及生产时间瓶颈的重要。同样重要的是要考虑设置和维护,使用能力,不影响任何生产。第 9 章 销售和运作计划:供应链的供给和需求计划2.讨论为什么转包商通常能够以低于企业自制的成本为企业提供产品和服务。The subcontractor can offer services more cheaply for a number of reasons.In m

42、any cases, the subcontractor is a specialist in the area and is more flexible, hence cheaper. If a subcontractor is performing similar work for a number of clients, they can take advantage of the zero-sum nature of business competition. By aggregating orders from a number of clients, the subcontract

43、or is able to satisfy peaks in demand from some of their clients because other standard clients will be experiencing valleys in demand. If subcontracting occurs because a firm is at capacity, the subcontractor (that is not overcapacity) can handle the production more cheaply simply because is expens

44、ive to operate a system at 8excess capacity.分包商可以提供的服务更便宜一些的原因。在许多情况下,转包商在该地区是一个专家并且更灵活,因此更便宜。如果转包商为客户正在表演类似的工作,他们可以利用零和商业竞争的性质。通过聚合订单的客户,转包商能够满足高峰需求的客户,因为其他标准的一些客户的需求将会经历着山谷。如果转包是因为一个公司的能力,转包商(即不是产能过剩)能够处理生产更便宜,因为是昂贵的操作系统产能过剩。4.讨论如何为供应链中的企业建立协作机制。Collaboration mechanisms in a supply chain should be

45、gin with the initial partnering process as the supply chain is being established. All parties in the chain must be aligned and dedicated to the success of the entire chain. Trust and open communication are of primary importance; there should be a myriad of formal and informal communication channels

46、open among all parties. If constancy of purpose is ever in question, each firm might devote some resources towards equitable “chain incentives” such that behaviors that benefit the entire supply chain are recognized and rewarded. The incentives, communication, and trust should be established at all

47、levels of every chain member. Company leadership should provide for highly visible evidence of these activities on their level and among cross-business supply chain teams.供应链合作机制是当供应链建立时便开始最初的合作过程。供应链中的各方必须团结,并致力于使整个供应链的成功。信任和开放式的沟通是最重要的,这儿应该有各种在各方之间正式和非正式的沟通渠道。如果坚定的目标存在质疑,每个企业应该对公平的“链激励机制”投入一些资源,这样

48、做有利于整个供应链并使其得到认可与奖励。激励,沟通和信任应建立在各级的每一个供应链成员之间。公司领导层应在他们之间和跨业务的供应链团队之间提供这些高度可见活动的证据。 第 10 章 供应链的协调1.什么是牛鞭效应?它与供应链失调有何关系?The bullwhip effect refers to the fluctuation in orders along the length of the supply chain as orders move from retailers to wholesalers to manufacturers to suppliers. The bullwhip

49、 effect relates directly to the lack of coordination (demand information flows) within the supply chain. Each supply chain member has a different idea of what demand is, and the demand estimates are grossly distorted and exaggerated as the supply chain partner is distanced from the customer.牛鞭效应是指订单按顺序沿供应链的长度波动,从零售商转向批发商转向制造商再转向供应商。牛鞭效应直接关系到在供应链中协调的缺乏程度(需要信息流的情况下) 。每一个供应链成员有不同的关于需求的想法,当供应链合作伙伴疏远客户时,这个需求评估会被严重歪曲和夸张。7.如何在供应链内构建战略伙伴关系和信任?Cooperation and trust within the supply chain help improve performance for the following reasons:When stages trust each other, they are mo


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