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1、2018 年中美 中医药 国际合作论坛 中国代表 论文 摘要表 2018 年 11月 1 日 -11日 美国 旧金山 洛杉矶 Please fill out this Form if you have checked Yes in Section Four.1 of the Delegate Registration Form 若您 在 代表注册表 第四部分第一项选择 “是 ”, 请填写本表格 Personal Information (the following information must be in accordance with that in the delegate regis

2、tration form) 个人信息(请与注册表中填写内容保持一致) Family Name 姓(英文) Given Name 名(英文) Name in Chinese 中文姓名 TYPE OF PRESENTATION 报告形式 Oral (Limit 15 minutes) 大会发言 ( 15 分钟 ) Oral presentation language is 报告语言 ENGLISH 英文 CHINESE 中文 Poster 壁报 Poster size must not exceed 90cm in width and 120 cm in height. Chinese poste

3、r must include English translation. 壁报最大尺寸为宽 90cm 高 120cm,中文壁报必须配英文翻译 If your abstract is not accepted for an oral/workshop presentation, would you agree to do a poster presentation? 如果您的论文要没有被录取为大会发言 /研讨会,您是否同意作为壁报展示? Yes 同意 No 不同意 Do you agree to having your email address published in the Book of

4、Abstracts? 你同意在论文摘要集刊登您的电子邮件地址吗? Yes 同意 No 不同意 AttentionAbstracts presentations must not contain any kind of advertising. Finalized powerpoints for oral presentation must be submitted by Oct15, 2018. 填写须知:摘要报告不得包含任何 形式的广告。大会发言 PPT须 2018 年 10 月 15 日之前 提交。 字体:中文 -宋体,英文 -Times New Roman; 12 号字;单倍行距;其他要

5、求详见小标题 ABSTRACT TITLE IN ENGLISH (Sentence case Initial letter of first word capitalised, CAPITALS only for ACRONYMS and Proper Nouns) 英文论文标题 (句首字母大写 即第一个字的首字母大写,仅缩略语和专有名词 字母大写) ABSTRACT TITLE IN CHINESE Use SimSun font (CAPITALS only for ACRONYMS and Proper Nouns) 中文论文标题(英文仅缩略语和专有名词字母大写) ABSTRACT A

6、UTHOR(S) IN ENGLISH Principal Author listed first; semi-colons between multiple authors) 作者 -英文 -首席作者列在第一位;多个作者之间用分号 (;)隔开 ABSTRACT AUTHOR(S) IN CHINESE Use SimSun font Principal Author listed first; semi-colons between multiple authors) 作者 (中文) -首席作者列在第一位;多个作者之间用分号 (;)隔开 TEXT OF ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH

7、 use Times New Roman 12 point - Maximum 250 words (For abstracts of reports on research, including clinical trials, the following should be included: General description/Objectives; Methods; Results; Conclusion/Commentary. Other abstracts sh ould clearly indicate the structure of the proposed presen

8、tation.) 英文摘要 -不超过 250 字( 临床试验 报告摘要应包括:一般描述 /目的、 方法 、 结果 、 结论 /评论。其他 类型 摘要应 明确 体现 论文 结构。 ) TEXT IN CHINESE Use Simsun font Maximum 250 words (For abstracts of reports on research, including clinical trials, the following should be included: General description/Objectives; Methods; Results; Conclusio

9、n/Commentary. Other abstracts should clearly indicate the structure of the proposed presentation.) 中文摘要 不超过 250 字( 临床试验 报告摘要应包括:一般描述 /目的、 方法 、 结果 、 结论 /评论。其他 类型 摘要应 明确 体现 论文 结构。 ) PRESENTER BIOGRAPHY IN ENGLISH Maximum 75 words (Please include a short bio about the presenting author.) 主讲人英文简历 - 不超过 75 字(请简要列出主讲作者简历) PRESENTER BIOGRAPHY IN CHINESE Use Simsun font Maximum 75 words (Please include a short bio about the presenting author.) 主 讲人中文简历 -不超过 75 字(请简要列出主讲作者简历) PLEASE SEND ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM TO 请将 本 表格提交 至 :


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