1、Hana Confidential,CPDP Trainers Development Training,Group Discuss,What Happen?,Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood知彼解已,Habit 5,Diagnosis must precede prescription. 先诊断,后开方Understanding comes through listening. 理解是通过听来实现.,Principle 原则,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,
2、Key Processes重要过程Listening聆听,Hearing听见,Understanding理解,=,+,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,Level of Listening听的层次,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,Ignore忽视听,Select选择听,Pretend假装听,Concentrate专注听,Empathy同理心倾听,同情Sympathy,冷漠Apathy,同理心Empathy,Habit5:Seek First to
3、 Understand Then to be Understood,假设你一是一个三岁小孩的父母,你的孩子生病了需要打吊针,针管插在孩子的胳膊上,孩子一直哭着,这个时候,您怎么让孩子不哭呢?,拜托你不要哭好不好,医院的人都被你吵得受不了了。妈妈抱你,听话啊 ,等一下我买玩具给你喔。你再哭,病就好不了喔!你不哭,我就去买好吃的麦当劳给你,好不好?你一直哭,那么大声,被隔壁警察听到了,就麻烦喔!,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,Empathy同理心,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then
4、to be Understood,假设你一是一个三岁小孩的父母,你的孩子生病了需要打吊针,针管插在孩子的胳膊上,孩子一直哭着,这个时候,您怎么让孩子不哭呢?,你很想不需要打针是吗?很难受,很想把这点滴拿掉是吗?你害怕打针要打很久?,听的取向,Do 使动,Describe 事实描述,Reflect feelings自我表达,Relationship人际关系,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,Key Processes重要过程Listening聆听,Hearing听见,Understanding理解,Paraphrasing
5、重复引申,=,+,+,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,Paraphrasing重复和引申,Buffer 缓冲剂,Confirm 确保理解对方的意思,Pilot 引导谈话方向,Detach hearing and thinking 把听和想分开,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,“就我的理解,你的看法是”“这么说,你的意思是” “您看看我是不是准确理解了您的意思” “这么说,你认为他是明知故犯” “所以,你怕如果说点儿什么的话会使事情更糟?”,Ha
6、bit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,Example范例,Advise建议: Giving counsel, advice and solutions to problems.给予忠告,建议和解决问题的方法。Probe探询: Asking questions from our own frame of reference/agenda.从我们自己的心境或日常工作来寻找问题。Interpret说明: Explaining anothers motives and behavior based on our own experien
7、ces. Trying to figure people out.从我们自己经验的基础上来说明不同的动机和行为。努力去了解别人。Evaluate评价: Judging and either agreeing or disagreeing.判断同意或者不同意。,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,Responses (反应) Autobiographic,建议 VS 主张,Habit5:Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood,UGLI Orange丑桔,Dr. Rolan
8、d:一家制药公司的研究人员Dr. Jones:一家制药公司的研究人员Cardozo:南美最大的丑桔出口商,Synergize统合综效,Habit 6,The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 整体大于部分的总和,Principle 原则,Habit6:Synergize 统合综效,Key Processes重要过程,Habit6:Synergize 统合综效,Habit4+Habit5, seek synergistic outcomes, including the Third Alternatives采用互利的思维(Habit4),通过
9、沟通了解(Habit5),努力寻求第三种共同利益,实现统合综效。Use synergy ground rules to discover the Third Alternatives 应用综合综效的基本规则,去寻求解决问题的第三种方法,Differences 差异,Habit6:Synergize 统合综效,Levels of Communication,High,Low,High,Trust信任,Cooperation合作,Defensive自我防卫(Win/Lose or Lose/Win),Synergistic综合综效(Win/Win),Respectful妥协(Compromise)
10、,Is or Not,Habit6:Synergize 统合综效,Results-oriented, positive synergy. 结果导向,积极合作A brainstorming free-for-all. 集体讨论Cooperating 合作Having a mutually agreed-upon end in mind. 思想一致Group think (giving in to peer pressure).屈服于同伴的压力Worth the effort and highly effective. 努力且高效A process. 一个步骤Accepting others id
11、eas as full truth. 接受别人的思想Always easy. 总是很容易Win-lose competition. 竞争Examining, exploring seeking diverse perspectives openly enough to alter or complete your paradigm.检查,探索,寻觅各种不偏私的想法,足以改变或完善你的方案A negotiation technique. 一种谈判技巧,The Process of Synergizing,Habit6:Synergize 统合综效,Synergy,Problemor Opport
12、unity,Synergize Habit 4,5&6,The Result,Third Alternative,21,“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.”“力量源自于差异,而非相同。”Stephen R. Covey,Habit6:Synergize 统合综效,What are you doing?Cant you see? Im sawing down this tree.You look exhausted! How long have you been at it?Over five hours. And Im bea
13、t! This is hard work.Well, why dont you take a break for a few minutes and sharpen that saw? Im sure it would go a lot faster.I dont have time to sharpen the saw. Im too busy sawing!,Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Habit 7,Production (results) requires development of Production Capability (resources). 磨刀不误砍柴功。,
14、Principle 原则,Habit7:Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Key Processes重要过程,Constantly develop and renew personal resources to create better personal P/PC balance. 不断发展并更新个人资源,创造更好的个人平衡。Set and achieve goals for renewal in the physical, mental, spiritual and social/emotional dimensions.在身体、心智、心灵和社会/情感方面,建立并完成目标,并不断更新
15、目标。,Habit7:Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Physical (身体),Proper Nutrition 适当的营养Exercise 锻炼Rest 休息Stress Management 压力管理,Habit7:Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Mental (心智),Reading 阅读Writing 书写Thinking 思考,Habit7:Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Spiritual(心灵),Reading inspiring literature阅读Through spending time with nature亲近大自然Meditating冥想
16、Praying祈祷,Habit7:Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Social/Emotional (社会/情感),Emotional Bank Account 情感帐户Public Victory公众成功,Habit7:Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Habit7:Sharpen the Saw不断更新,Four Dimensions of Renewal,Physical 身体 = to Live生活Mental 心智 = to Learn学习Spiritual 心灵 = to Leave Legacy放空Social/Emotional 社会/情感 = to Love爱,
17、The Maturity Continuum,Low Maturity,High Maturity,Dependence(You),Independence(Me),Interdependence(We),2,1,3,4,6,5,7,BeProactive,Beginwith theEnd In Mind,Put First Things First,Seek First to Understand,Synergize,Think Win-Win,PRIVATEVICTORY,PUBLICVICTORY,Sharpen the Saw,Be Patient 持之以恒Share ideas with others 与他人分享Get with a coach 找一个也在学习的Focus on a single habit 从某一个习惯开始,