1、海洋藻类的造氧量占全球的70%,珊瑚礁的面积占海洋总面积的0.2%,珊瑚礁栖息了25%的海洋生物,全世界的国家47%从珊瑚系统中获得资源,珊瑚种类超过10%濒危或接近灭绝!,去年9个月的时间内大堡礁死亡67%!,阿糖胞苷(Ara-C)化疗 海绵海鞘 器官再生和骨髓移植 斯坦福大学(Stanford University)鸡心螺 止疼药SGN-35 非霍奇金淋巴瘤,珊瑚礁致命的伤害,珊瑚礁致命的伤害,5亿VS12亿 5年VS14个月 2400万VS2.2亿,Every breath we take and every drop we drink depends on a healthy ocea
2、n. Now her life depends on us. So instead of asking “What exactly is the ocean?” maybe we should be asking: “Who exactly are we?”,人类的淡漠无疑是海洋最大的威胁,1. Anammox(厌氧氨氧化) involving the generation of N2 from inorganic constituents by autotrophic microbes. 2.Nitrogen fixation.固氮3. Nitrification. 硝化4. Heterotrophic denitrification.(异养反硝化):N2 ,NH4+ ,N2Oand CO2 5. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA).异化型硝酸盐还原The N2-output pathways:1 and 41.,Maren Voss and Joseph P. Montoya,nature,(2009),语文,生物,数学,英语,数学,人类对海洋的利用和探索曾经也必将继续改变整个世界,