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1、1材料科学与工程(无机非金属材料科学与工程) Materials Science to study various characterization methods and their applications in different materials, and acquire practical skills in designing, fabricating, processing, testing and evaluating of materials.Objective 2:Professional Knowledge2To develop and improve problem-

2、solving skills in scientific research and engineering practices using professional knowledge and methodology of materials science and engineering.Objective 3:Teamwork/LeadershipTo develop communication and cooperation skills for team-work, and gain project management abilities in the field of materi

3、als science and engineering.Objective 4:Engineered SystemsTo realize the important role of materials science and engineering in national economy, science and technology aspects; to become professionals in solving materials-related theoretical and/or technical problems through training and practice.O

4、bjective 5:Societal ImpactTo appreciate the potential influence of selection, design and application of materials on daily life, economic structure and human health.Objective 6:Global AwarenessTo maintain clear global awareness with the growth in globalization trends and perform own duties in a resp

5、onsible and competitive manner.Objective 7:Lifelong LearningTo become advanced engineering and technical personnel with good quality, comprehensive physical and moral qualities in the aspect of materials science and engineering. The graduates will have the abilities of research and development and a

6、pplication of the traditional materials and advanced materials, and the abilities of engineering design and production management of relate materials, as well as the ability of lifelong learning.专业特色:材料科学与工程专业(无机非金属材料科学与工程)设有材料学硕士、博士学位授予点和材料工程硕士学位授予点。本专业重点开展材料物理与化学、无机非金属材料、复合材料、光电子材料、功能薄膜材料、环境材料、生物医

7、学材料、纳米材料、新型建筑装饰材料、可循环再生环保材料、材料设计与计算机模拟以及材料的制备新技术、新工艺等方面的教学、科研和开发工作。本专业拓宽了专业口径,通过增加了选修课和实践机会,扩展学生知识面,提高学生对新材料的设计、研究、开发、生产和管理能力,扩大毕业生的就业领域,并为学生奠定了比较坚实宽广的理论和专业知识基础。Speciality Features:In the profession of Materials Science and Engineering(Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Science and Engineering), the p

8、rogram offers advanced major courses (such as physicochemistry of material, inorganic materials, composition materials, photoelectron materials, functional film materials, environmental materials, biomedical materials, nano-materials, architecture and decoration materials, 3ecological material, mate

9、rial design, computer simulation technology and technology/process of material preparation) and the corresponding skill training programs in lab-, pilot- and commercial scales. In addition, the program also provides seminars and some selective lectures on recent development and application of advanc

10、ed materials to expand the relative knowledges and increase the employment opportunity. The doctor, master and bachelor degrees in materials science and engineering can be awarded after completing each program in the profession.培养要求:课程目标体系构成,每门课的设置都有相对应的培养目的,即学生所获得相应的知识、能力和素质。Educational Requirement

11、:The objective system of each course is composed of a corresponding set of cultivation purposes, which are the appropriate knowledge, ability and quality that students are supposed to gain.知识架构:(Knowledge Structure)A1 文学、历史、哲学、艺术的基本知识;A1 Fundamental knowledge of literature, history, philosophy and a

12、rt;A2 社会科学学科的研究方法入门知识;A2 Fundamental knowledge of social science research methods;A3 自然科学与工程技术的基础知识和前沿知识;A3 Fundamental and frontier knowledge of natural science and engineering;A4 数学和逻辑学的基础知识;A4 Fundamental knowledge of mathematics and logic; A5 材料科学与工程专业领域内系统的核心知识;A5 Core knowledge of materials sc

13、ience and engineering area; A6 专业技术知识;A6 Knowledge of specialized technique; A7 管理知识;A7 Managemental knowledge;A8 跨文化、国际化知识;A8 Cross-cultural, international knowledge.能力要求:(Ability Requirements)B1 清晰思考和用语言文字准确表达的能力;B1The ability of clear thinking and accurate language expression;B2 发现、分析和解决问题的能力;B2

14、The ability of discovering, analyzing and solving problems;B3 批判性思考和独立工作的能力;B3 The ability of critical thinking and independent working;B4 与不同类型的人合作沟通的能力;B4 The ability of cooperating and communicating with different various people;B5 对文学艺术作品的初步审美能力;B5 Preliminary aesthetic ability on the literary a

15、nd artistic work;B6 至少一种外语的应用能力;B6 At least one foreign language proficiency;B7 终生学习的能力;B7 The capacity for lifelong learningB8 组织管理能力;B8 Organizational and managemental capacity;B9 具有创新意识和创新能力;B9A sense of innovation and creativity;B10 分析写作能力;B10 Analytical writing skills.素质要求:(Quality Requirements

16、)C1 志存高远、意志坚强以传承文明、探求真理、振兴中华、造福人类为己任,矢志不渝;C1 Ambitious, strong-willedwith the pursuit of civilization heritage, the truth, the rejuvenate of nation, as well as the benefit of human race;C2 刻苦务实、精勤进取脚踏实地,不慕虚名;勤奋努力,追求卓越;4C2 Diligent, pragmatic, down to earth, hard working, excellence striving;C3 身心和谐、

17、视野开阔具有良好的身体和心理素质;具有对多元文化的包容心态和宽阔的国际化视野;C3 Physical and mental harmony, open-mindedwith good physical and mental quality, as well as the tolerant mentality of multicultural and broad international perspective;C4 思维敏捷、乐于创新勤于思考,善于钻研,对于推陈出新怀有浓厚的兴趣,富有探索精神并渴望解决问题;C4 Quick thinking, innovative awarenessdil

18、igent in thinking, good at research, with strong interest in innovation, full of curiosity and desire to solve problems;C5 崇高价值观念具有正确的法律意识、职业道德及很强的社会责任感,具有较强的主动性、责任感与合作性。C5Noble valueswith the correct legal awareness, professional ethics and a strong sense of social responsibility, as well as strong

19、 initiative, responsible and cooperative awareness.授予学位:工学学士学位Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering主干课程:无机化学、物理化学、材料科学与工程导论、材料物理化学、材料现代测试方法、无机材料热工基础、机械设计基础、陶瓷工艺原理、水泥与混凝土工艺原理、玻璃材料科学与技术。Main Courses:Inorganic Chemistry, Physicochemistry , Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Physicoc

20、hemistry of Materials, Modern Methods For Testing Materials, Basis of Inorganic Materials Thermodynamics, Basis of Mechanical Design, Ceramic Processing, Cement and Concrete Technology, Glass Science and Technology特色课程: 双语教学课程:材料科学与工程导论、纳米材料与纳米结构、火山灰和胶凝材料创新实践课程:材料物理性能综合实验,材料物理化学与测试方法综合实验,陶瓷材料结构与性能综合

21、实验,玻璃材料结构与性能综合实验,水泥和混凝土综合实验Featured Courses:Bilingual Courses: Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Nano-material and Nano-structure , Pozzolanic and Cementitious Materials Innovation Practice Courses: Experiment of Inorganic Materials Physical Propeties, Compositive experimentation of

22、 the material physical chemistry and test technology, Practical Course of Ceramic Materials Structure and Properties, The Comprehensive Test of Glass Materials Structure and Properties, Practical Course of Cement and Concrete Materials5一、教学计划总体安排表(Teaching Plan Schedule)教 学 进 度 安 排 (周) 理论教学考 试入学教育军训

23、课程设计大作业工程训练电子实习综合实验社会实践生产实习毕业实习其它实习中外合作项目毕业设计就业安排机动假期小计学年学期 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R1 C A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B D D D 13 2 1 3 19一 2A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Q Q B B 16 2 2 203 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B E E 16 2 2 20二

24、 4A G G A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B 16 2 2 205 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B I I K K 14 2 2 2 20三 6I A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E E B B 15 2 2 1 207 I I A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B 15 2 2 20四 8L L L O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O P 3 15 1 19合 计(周) 105 14 1 3 4 2 5 1 2 3 15 1 2 158二

25、、各类课程学分登记表(Registration Form of Curriculum Credits)课程类别Course Category课程要求Requirement学分Credits学时Academic Hour备注Remarks必修Compulsory 62.0 924公共基础课General Basic Course 通识Elective 10.0 160必修Compulsory 42.0 736学科基础课Disciplinary Basic Courses 选修Elective 2.0 32必修Compulsory 9.0 144专业领域课Specialty- related Co

26、urses 选修Elective 19.0 304必修Compulsory 113.0 1804选修Elective 31.0 496理论教学Lectures合 计Total144.0 2300集中实践教学环节(周)Practice Training (Weeks) 33.0 33 周毕业生学分要求Graduation Credit Required 144+33=177注:通识课在合计中计入选修一项中。每学期建议修读学分表学期 第 1 学期 第 2 学期 第 3 学期 第 4 学期 第 5 学期 第 6 学期 第 7 学期 第 8 学期 合计学分 24.5+3 28+2 18.5+2+1 2

27、7.5+2 11.5+2+8 6+1+8 3+11 18 1776三、专业教学计划表(Teaching Schedule)学 时 数Total Curriculum Hours类 别Course Category课 程代 码Course No.课 程 名 称Course Title是否必修C/E总学时Class Hours上机Computer-aided Class Hours实验Lab Hours学分数Credits开课学期Semester知识架构Knowledge Structure能力要求Capacity Requirements素质要求Quality Requirements14309

28、3思想道德修养与法律基础Cultivation of Thought and Morals & Fundamental of Law(48)(36) 3.0 1 A1 C5143106毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Thought of Mao ZeDong and Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics(96)48 6.0 2 A1 C5143091中国近现代史纲要Skeleton of Chinese Modern History(32)24 2.0 3 A1 C5143090马克思主义基本原理Fundamentals of

29、 Marxism Principle(48)36 3.0 4 A1 C5143094形势与政策Analysis of the Situation & Policy(128) 2.0 1-8 A1 C5144001 大学英语(一)College English(1) 64 4.0 1 A8 B6 B7 C3144002 大学英语(二)College English(2) 64 4.0 2 A8 B6 B7 C3145223 大学计算机基础College Computer Basis 32 2.0 1 A3152001 体育(一)Physical Education (1) 32 1.0 1 B7

30、 C3152002 体育(二)Physical Education (2) 32 1.0 2 B7 C3152003 体育(三)Physical Education (3) 32 1.0 3 B7 C3152004 体育(四)Physical Education (4) 32 1.0 4 B7 C3106001 军事理论Military Principle (16) 1.0 2 A5130139 工程制图(一)Engineering Drawing (1) 48 3.0 1 A3130140 工程制图(二)Engineering Drawing (2) 32 2.0 2 A3140189 微积

31、分(一)Calculus(1) 80 5.0 1 A4140190 微积分(二)Calculus(2) 64 4.0 2 A4140197线性代数与解析几何Linear Algebra & analytic Geometry48 3.0 1 A4140019概率论与数理统计Probability & Mathematical Statistics48 3.0 2 A4公 共 基 础课GeneralBasicCourse141001 大学物理(一)General Physics(1)必修课48 3.0 2 A37141007 大学物理实验(一)Physics Experiment(1) 32 3

32、2 1.0 2 A3141002 大学物理(二)General Physics(2) 48 3.0 3 A3141008 大学物理实验(二)Physics Experiment(2) 32 32 1.0 3 A3145269VB 语言程序设计VB Language Program Designing 48 3.0 2 A3人文科学领域Humanities Field 96 6.0 A1社会科学领域Social Science Field通识课 64 4.0 A2合 计 1084 64 72.0三、专业教学计划表(续)学 时 数Total Curriculum Hours类 别Course Ca

33、tegory课 程代 码Course No.课 程 名 称Course Title是否必修C/E总学时Class Hours上机Computer-aided Class Hours实验Lab Hours学分数Credits开课学期Semester知识架构Knowledge Structure能力要求Capacity Requirements素质要求Quality Requirements147005 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 必 48 3.0 1 A3147003无机化学实验Experiment of Inorganic Chemistry必 16 16 0.5 1 A

34、3147008 分析化学Analytical Chemistry 必 32 2.0 3 A3147010分析化学实验Analytical Chemistry Experiment必 16 16 0.5 3 A3147020 有机化学Organic Chemistry 必 48 3.0 4 A3147007有机化学实验Organic Chemistry Experiments必 32 32 1.0 4 A3147059 物理化学Physicochemistry 必 64 4.0 4 A3147012物理化学实验Physicochemistry Experiment必 16 16 0.5 4 A3

35、136191材料科学与工程导论 An Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering必 48 3.0 3 A5133092 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 必 64 4.0 4 A3136113材料物理化学Physicochemistry of Materials必 80 5.0 4 A5学科基础课DisciplinaryBasicCourses136058材料现代测试方法Modern Methods For Testing Materials必 80 16 4.5 5 A58135092电工与电子技术Electrical

36、 Engineering and Electrontechnics必 64 4.0 4 A3135081电工与电子技术实验Experiment of Electrical Engineering and Electrontechnics必 24 24 1.0 5 A3130083机械设计基础Basis of Mechanical Design必 48 3 3 A3130311机械基础综合实验Poly-experiment of Mechanical Fundamentals必 16 16 0.5 3 A3136267无机材料热工基础Pyrology Basis of Inorganic Mat

37、erials必 32 2.0 5 A5实验室安全规范 必 8 0.5 3 A6/A7 B8 C5材料类科技英语Technical English for Materials Discipline选 16 1.0 3 A6 B6/B10 C4科技论文写作Academic Writing 选 16 1.0 5 A6 B1/B10 C4136085材料物理性能Physical Property of Materials选 48 3.0 5 A5必C 736 136 42.0合 计Total 选E 选修课修读最低要求 2.0 学分136069水泥与混凝土工艺原理Cement and Concrete

38、Technology必 48 8 3.0 5 A6136070 陶瓷工艺原理Ceramic Processing 必 48 8 3.0 6 A6136293玻璃材料科学与技术Glass Science and Technology必 48 4 3.0 6 A6136001固体物理Introduction to Solid Physics选 64 4.0 3 A6136268高分子材料导论Introduction to Polymer Materials选 32 2.0 5 A6135269金属材料导论Introduction to Metal Material选 32 2.0 5 A6专业领域

39、课Specialty-relatedCourses136084 粉体工程Powder Technology 选 32 2.0 5 A69136065科技文献检索与利用Indexing of Scientific Literature选 16 1.0 6 A6136157土木工程材料Civil Engineering Materails选 32 2.0 6 A6136076高性能陶瓷材料High Performance Ceramic Materials选 32 2.0 6 A6136077 复合材料Composite 选 32 2.0 6 A6136131纳米材料与纳米结构Nano-mater

40、ial and Nano-structure选 32 2.0 6 A6136092生物材料学导论Introduction to Biomaterials选 24 1.5 6 A6136200光电子材料与器件Optoelectronics Materials and Devices选 24 1.5 6 A6136270材料制备过程控制与模拟Control and Simulation of Material Product选 32 2.0 7 A6136146 专业日语基础Basic Special Japanese 选 24 1.5 7 A6136073陶瓷工业热工设备Thermal Equi

41、pment for Ceramic Industry选 16 1.0 7 A6136074水泥工业热工设备Thermal Equipments of Cement Industry选 16 1.0 7 A6136133火山灰和胶凝材料Pozzolanic and Cementitious Materials选 32 2.0 7 A6136271混凝土组成、结构与性能Concrete composition,structure,properties and new technologies选 32 2.0 7 A6136082 材料加工原理与设备 选 32 2.0 7 A610136272表面与

42、胶体化学Surface and colloid chemistry选 32 2.0 7 A6136132 特种光学玻璃与光纤 选 24 1.5 7 A6136102建材工业企业管理Management of Building Materials Industry选 24 1.5 7 A7必C 144 9.0合 计Total 选E 选修课修读最低要求 19.0 学分四、集中实践教学环节(Practice-concentrated Training)学 时 数Total Curriculum Hours课 程代 码Course No课 程 名 称Course Title是否必修C/E实践Pract

43、iceweeks授课Lecture Hours学分数Credits开课学期Semester知识架构Knowledge Structure能力要求Capacity Requirements素质要求Quality Requirements106002 军训Military Training 必 3 周 3.0 1 B7105001 公益劳动Public Service 必 1 周 1.0 假期 C5130195机械设计基础课程设计Course Project of the Basis of Mechanical Design必 2 周 2.0 3 A6 B2 C4130356 工程训练Engine

44、ering Training 必 2 周 2.0 4 A6 B2 C4136138 认识实习Basic Specialized Training 必 2 周 2.0 5 A3 B2 C4136123材料物理实验Experiment of Inorganic Materials Physical Propeties必 1 周 1.0 6 A6 B2/B9 C4136128材料物理化学与测试方法综合实验Compositive experimentation of the material physicochemistry and test technology必 2 周 2.0 5 A6 B2/B

45、9 C4136167陶瓷材料结构与性能综合实验Practical Course of Ceramic Materials Structure and Properties2 周2.07 A6 B2/B9 C4136227玻璃材料结构与性能综合实验The Comprehensive Test of Glass Materials Structure and Properties2 周2.07 A6 B2/B9 C4136168水泥和混凝土综合实验Practical Course of Cement and Concrete Materials限三选一2 周2.07 A6 B2/B9 C4136163 毕业实习Practice on Diploma Project 必 3 周 3.0 8 A5 B2/B4/B8 C4136162 毕业设计(论文)Diploma Project (Thesis) 必 15 周 15.0 8 A5 B2/B9 C4必C 31 周 31.0合 计Total 选E 选修课修读最低要求 2.0 学分


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