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1、毕业论文(设计)外文资料翻译学 院:物理科学与电子技术学院专 业:电子信息工程姓 名:雷顺明学 号:05223137外文出处: http:/www.pr- 件:1、外文 资料翻译译文;2、外文原文。指导教师评语:该同学的外文资料翻译较准确,说明前期准备阶段的文献调研做了一定的工作,达到了预期目的。签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文 简易音乐彩灯控制器本例介绍一个简易音乐彩灯控制器,它的电路结构虽然非常简单,但使用效果很好,适宜初学者制作。 工作原理:简易音乐彩灯控制器电路如图所示,电路主要采用了一只晶闸管和一只三极管等组成。220V交流电经灯串EL和二极管VD1一VD4桥式整流后变成约


3、位也就愈高,当高至晶闸管VS门极的触发电平时,VS开通彩灯串点亮发光。弱信号时,VT集电极输出电平低于晶闸管门极的触发电平,晶闸管因交流电过零时即关断。所以彩灯串EL能随环境声波信号的强弱而闪烁。 元器件选择VS选用普通小型塑封单向晶闸管,如2N6565,MCR100一8、BT169型等;VT选用或3DG8型硅NPN小功率三极管,要求电流放大系数200;VD1一VD4选用1 N4007型等硅整流二极管。RP为WH5型小型合成碳膜电位器,其余电阻均选用RTX一1/8W型碳膜电阻器。C1用CD11一16V型电解电容器。B选用27 mm的压电陶瓷片,如Fr-27、HTD27 A一1型等。彩灯串EL可

4、用市售产品。 制作与调试除彩灯串EL外所有电子元器件安装在一块自制的印制电路板上,并将其装人大小合适的塑料或木制盒内。在盒面应开数个透音孔,在压电陶瓷片B的铜底板上涂一些环氧树脂胶,然后将压电陶瓷片,从盒内向外粘贴在机盒的透音孔上。在盒子的透音孔外,再粘贴一块开有小孔的塑料板,作为保护板,以防止人手可能触摸到压电陶瓷片的金属面。经过这样处理,机盒可充当压电陶瓷片的共鸣腔,有利于提高压电陶瓷片接收音波的灵敏度。使用时,将控制器放在音响设备的音箱附近,调节电位器RP,就能使彩灯串随音乐节奏而闪烁。调节电位器RP时,应先由大逐渐调小,当调到某一位置时,彩灯串会常亮不闪,然后将电位器稍微调大使彩灯串熄

5、灭,这时说明三极管VT刚好处于临界导通态,声控灵敏度为最高,只要环境稍有声响就能使灯串点亮。若将电位器阻值再调大,则声控灵敏度下降,即需要较强的声响才能使灯串闪烁。使用时,如发现电位器阻值调到最小都不能使彩灯串点亮发光,说明三极管 VT 始终处于导通状态,从而将晶闸管 VS 封死,此时可将 VT 换用月值较小的三极管试之,或适当增大电阻 R3 的阻值;如果电位器无论调在什么位置彩灯串 EL 始终常亮不闪,调到最大也不能使灯串熄灭,说明三极管 VT 不能进人导通态,应换用月值大一些的三极管试之,或适当减小电阻 R3 的阻值或再增大电阻 R2 的阻值,直至调动电位器 RP 时应有一位置能使彩灯串常

6、亮,再增大 RP 值时彩灯串应能熄灭,说明 R2、R3 恰当。在更换电阻或三极管时应切断电源后方可进行,必要重视。那些五彩斑斓、变化不定的灯光能有效地烘托演出气氛,突出主题。尤其是将音乐与灯光有机结合,即用音乐信号的强度控制灯光亮度的变化,使其具有“彩色音乐”的效果,使人获得高雅的享受。本课题来源于生产实际。当今的各种文艺演出场所,灯光控制是一项重要工作。大型庆祝活动及城市亮化工程对灯光控制也有需求。本课题设计要求如下:a)控制器具有 8 路输出,每路负载用一个 220V/15W 的彩色灯泡模拟,控制器同时驱动 8 路负载工作;b)控制器能存储 128 种以上的流水节目,使用时可任意调出其中的

7、一种进行显示;c)具有声控灯光亮度的功能,要求将音乐信号分为高、中、低三个频段,8 路彩灯分成 3 组,分别受高、中、低三个频率音乐成份控制,音乐信号强度越高彩灯越亮;d)为了确保电路安全运行,要求实行高、低压电路隔离;e)设计电路所需的直流稳压电源;课题解决的主要问题是音乐信号分频、音乐信号强度对灯光亮度的控制和“流水节目”的存储和实现。控制器电路主要由高、中、低频段音乐信号通道电路,驱动、隔离电路,流水节目控制电路,时基电路和稳压电源电路组成。音乐信号经音乐通道分成高、中、低三种频率音乐成分,各频率段有相应的彩灯,灯光亮度随信号强度的变化而变化,形成声控彩灯的效果。流水节目信号存放在 EP

8、ROM2716 中,通过改变其地址实现流水节目。稳压电源提供+5V 和+9V 的电压。共有市场上的新颖性,发光二极管探戈配件生产的 SKOFF 规定了新的趋势,照明制造商和室内设计部门。各种各样的应用,原来的设计和功能,使发光二极管装置的音乐线系列,越来越多的舞蹈进入我们的家庭和公共建筑。这么小的和优雅的装修提供了无休止的可能性,照明和照明的所有类型的内饰。探戈拟合的 LED 所产生 SKOFF 是不仅仅是一个光源,这是向前迈出的一步在若干领域-尤其如此,在现代设计。这是为什么?在丹拟合,就像在整个各类音乐系列产品的生产 SKOFF ,利用了现代的 LED 二极管照明系统。在 LED 技术的特

9、点是高光的发射在非常低的能耗水平。为此,探戈照明无比便宜了比传统灯。此外,丹配件已经作出的不锈钢或铝。这个原因,除了令人印象深刻的表现,他们也获得了几个实际的特点,如高品质的元件,和耐用性。还有一个优势在于寿命的 LED 二极管-五点万小时连续照明,至少!由于最低水平的散热量,探戈的特点是操作安全,这是一定的意义时,装置上进行易燃表面(木材,家具板,石膏板) ,并在地方受潮。该装置应被证明是优秀的使用的地方,如:楼梯,家具,走廊,大厅,厨房,浴室,孩子们的房间,迪斯科舞厅和酒吧的室内,公共建筑物:办公楼,医院,或通行的方式,因为这事件。安全和舒适的使用 SKOFF 的产品是如此巨大,音乐线系列

10、照明证明是优秀的,即使在近距离使用的新生儿。探戈装置是用来离散照亮孩子们的房间,因为他们排放软,非侵入性的光线,并通过其结构有利的驯服轻 ,发光二极管的使用是无形的用户,从而有可能避免不愉快的耀眼效果。探戈配件有两种材料版本-不锈钢和铝。根据某一特定对象的使用和用户偏好,提供介绍 SKOFF 四种颜色的排放轻:白色,红色,蓝色和绿色。也有提供设计师版本:探戈,迷你探戈,探戈棒(直接固定在任何表面上使用的胶水或压敏胶带) ,探戈小棒,以及多探戈(双拟合)和灯架铎探戈(双拟合距离片,将它移到离水面) 。简单的安装,充分的选择合适的类型,和良好的光效应,结合原始设计导致无限阵列的应用。一些著名奖项-

11、金奖波兹南国际贸易博览会,奖励在希隆斯克 Rzecz 设计比赛,和欧洲奖章-已授予 SKOFF 音乐线系列产品,其中包括探戈系列。这是一个明确的证据,证明该一起跳舞跳舞照明星是在没有其他的节奏比 SKOFF 的 LED 探戈节奏。For_Immediate_Release:波兰,波兰人民共和国(新闻发布) 08 年 11 月 18 号-这么小的和优雅的装修提供了无休止的可能性照明和照明的所有类型的内饰。探戈拟合的 LED 所产生 SKOFF 是不仅仅是一个光源,这是向前迈出的一步在若干领域-尤其如此,在现代设计。这是为什么? 在丹拟合,就像在整个各类音乐系列产品的生产 SKOFF ,利用了现代

12、的 LED 二极管照明系统。在 LED 技术的特点是高光的发射在非常低的能耗水平。为此,探戈照明无比便宜了比传统灯。此外,丹配件已经作出的不锈钢或铝。由于这一点,除了令人印象深刻的表现,他们也获得了几个实际的特点,如高品质的元件,和耐用性。还有一个优势在于寿命的 LED 二极管-五点万小时连续照明,至少!由于最低水平的散热量,探戈的特点是操作安全,这是一定的意义时,装置上进行易燃表面(木材,家具板,石膏板) ,并在地方受潮。 该装置应被证明是优秀的使用的地方,如:楼梯,家具,走廊,大厅,厨房,浴室,孩子们的房间,迪斯科舞厅和酒吧的室内,公共建筑物:办公楼,医院,或通行的方式,因为这事件。安全和

13、舒适的使用 SKOFF 的产品是如此巨大,音乐线系列照明证明是优秀的,即使在近距离使用的新生儿。探戈装置是用来离散照亮孩子们的房间,因为他们排放软,非侵入性的光线,并通过其结构有利的“驯服”光,发光二极管的使用是无形的用户,从而有可能避免令人不快的“耀眼的影响。 ” 探戈配件有两种材料版本-不锈钢和铝。根据某一特定对象的使用和用户偏好,提供介绍 SKOFF 四种颜色的排放轻:白色,红色,蓝色和绿色。也有提供设计师版本:探戈,迷你探戈,探戈棒(直接固定在任何表面上使用的胶水或压敏胶带) ,探戈小棒,以及多探戈(双拟合)和灯架铎探戈(双拟合距离片,将它移到离水面) 。简单的安装,充分的选择合适的类


15、生活环境,利用各种彩灯来装饰美化生活已成为一种时尚。附件 2:外文原文The Design of Simple Colourful Light of Music Controller CircuitIn this case to introduce a simple music lantern controller, the circuit structure although it is very simple, but effective, and suitable for beginners productionWorkuing PrincipleThe Circuit of Colou

16、rful Light of Music Controller is shown as the Figure.the Circuit mainly including a thyristor and a transistor and other components. 220V AC by the EL and LED string lights VD1 after a bridge rectifier VD4 into the pulse of about 200V voltage,Plus all the way at the two ends of VT in thyristor VS r

17、equired as positive anode voltage;another via R1 and R4 pressure, and by filtering capacitor Cl, Cl both ends available in about a stable 3V or DC voltage, VT as a transistors operating voltage.RP as a voice-activated sensitivity adjustment potentiometer, the Environment and in the absence of music

18、sound field, the adjustment of RP so just at the threshold VT transistor conduction state, when VS gate was then unable to obtain short-VT trigger voltage, so thyristor in VS shutdown state, the flow of current EL string lanterns minimal, lantern string EL does not shine. If someone opens audio equi

19、pment to play music, piezoelectric ceramics B pick up the environment on the acoustic signal and converts it into a corresponding increase in the audio voltage VT knot on the launch. Strong signal on the negative half-cycle so that VT transistor conduction state to withdraw from entering the enlarge

20、d state, so the collector VT Potential Rise, music signal stronger, VT collector potential is higher, when the high VS thyristor gate of the Trigger peacetime, VS opened lantern lit LED string. Weak signal, VT collector output level below the thyristor gate trigger level, thyristor AC-off due to zer

21、o or shutdown. So Lantern EL string acoustic environment can be as strong or weak signals that sparkles.Components selectionVS use an ordinary small plastic one-way thyristor, such as 2N6565, MCR100 a 8, BT169 type; VT selection or 3DG8 low-power silicon NPN transistor requires current magnification

22、 factor 200; VD1 a selection of VD4 type silicon 1 N4007 rectifier diodes. RP for WH5 type of small synthetic carbon film potentiometer, and the rest are selected RTX a resistance-type 1/8W carbon film resistors. C1 with CD11 a 16V-type electrolytic capacitors. B selection 27 mm of piezoelectric cer

23、amics, such as Fr-27, HTD27 A-1 type. EL string lanterns commercial products available.Production and debuggingIn addition to string lanterns outside EL all electronic components installed in a home-made printed circuit board, and one size fitted suitable plastic or wooden box. Noodles in boxes shou

24、ld be opened a few months through 音孔 in piezoelectric ceramics B, Tu 铜底some epoxy glue on the board, and then piezoelectric ceramics, paste from the box outside the box in the machine through the 音孔. Turner in the box 音孔 outside, and then paste has an open hole of plastic sheeting, as a protective p

25、late to prevent the staff may touch piezoelectric ceramics to the metal surface. After such processing, machine boxes could serve as a piezoelectric ceramics resonance cavity, conducive to improving the piezoelectric ceramics receive acoustic sensitivity.When used to control the speaker on the audio

26、 equipment near the adjustment potentiometer RP, will be able to string lanterns with music that sparkles. Adjust potentiometer RP should be gradually transferred by the big small, when transferred to a location, lantern Always string will not flash, and then slightly adjusted Potentiometers Ambassa

27、dor Lantern series is off, then that transistor VT just at the critical-conduction state, the highest sensitivity of voice, as long as the slightest sound environment will be able to string lights lit. If the potentiometer resistance and then transferred, and the voice-activated sensitivity decrease

28、d, that is a strong need to make sound string lights flashing.When used, such as potentiometers found resistance to the smallest can make lanterns lit LED string that is always triode VT conduction state, which will thyristor VS sealed at this time could be spent on value-for-VT Examination of a sma

29、ller transistor, or an appropriate increase of the resistance R3 resistors; If Potentiometers tune no matter what position in the string lanterns EL always Always do not flash, nor will it help to the largest string of lights went out, that can not be Triode VT Introduction into the state, should be

30、 replaced with larger value on test of the transistor, or the appropriate resistor R3 reduce or increase the resistance of the resistance R2 resistance until mobilization Potentiometers RP location can be a color Always light string, and then increase the value of RP lantern string should be able to

31、 go out on R2, R3 appropriate. Triode resistance or replacement should be cut off the power before, and the necessary attention.Those colorful gorgeous, changing contrast lighting can effectively perform the atmosphere, highlighting the theme. Especially the organic combination of music and lighting

32、, which uses music signal strength to control the brightness of the light changes, so that it will have “Color Music“ effect, people get to enjoy elegant. The topics come from actual production. Todays various art venues, lighting control is an important task. Large-scale celebrations and urban ligh

33、ting works on the lighting control also needs. The subject of design requirements are as follows: 1)Controller output with 8 each way with a load of colored bulbs 220V/15W simulation, 2)controller at the same time drives the work load 8; 3)Controller can store more than 128 kinds of water programs,

34、when used can be transferred out of which to carry out a significant Show; With voice-activated lighting brightness function, the requirements will be music signal is divided into high, medium and low three-band, 8-way Lanterns were divided into 3 groups, respectively, by the high, medium and low fr

35、equency music composition control, the higher signal intensity music more bright lantern; 4)In order to ensure the safe operation of the circuit, called for high and low voltage circuit isolation; 5)Circuit design required for DC power supply; Subject to resolve the main problems are music signal fr

36、equency, music signal intensity of light brightness control and the “water show“ and the realization of storage. Controller circuit mainly by the high, medium and low-band music signal channel circuit, driver, isolation circuits, water program control circuit, time-base circuit and regulated power s

37、upply circuit. Music signal by the music channel is divided into high, medium and low frequency music of three components, the frequency bands corresponding lantern, lighting brightness with the signal strength changes, the formation of voice-activated lantern effect. Water stored in the program sig

38、nals EPROM2716 through to change their address to achieve water programs. Provide +5 V regulated power supply and +9 V voltage. A total novelty on the market, LED TANGO fitting produced by SKOFF sets out new trends in the lighting manufacturers and interior design sector. A wide array of application

39、s, original design, and functionality, make the LED fittings of the MUSIC LINE series, more and more, dance their way into our homes and public buildings.Such a small and elegant fitting provides unending possibilities of lighting and illuminating of all types of interiors. The LED TANGO fitting produced by SKOFF is something more than just a source of light, it is a step forward in a number of areas -


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