1、肿瘤患者谵妄的识别与处理,希波克拉底曾用”Phrenitis”描述发热、中毒或头部外伤所导致的精神障碍;塞尔萨斯最早使用” Delirium”代替”Phrenitis”用以描述谵妄状态,早期” Delirium”指代的是一种症状或症候群。,Adamis D, Treloar A, Martin F C, et al. A brief review of the history of delirium as a mental disorderJ. History of psychiatry, 2007, 18(4): 459-469.,Delirium的来源,病史资料,患者男性,70岁,确诊为小
2、细胞肺癌(局限期)。2013年8月 CE方案(卡铂+依托泊苷)化疗4个周期后,达部分缓解(PR)。2013年11月 肺部病灶放疗1个周期,达完全缓解(CR)。2013年2月 头颅CT示脑转移,行全脑放疗后病灶消失。2013年8月 出现腰痛并逐渐加重,疼痛评分8分,ECT及MRI是腰5椎体骨转移,行椎体及附件放疗。唑来膦酸4mg/次,1月/次治疗。盐酸羟考酮控释片(30mg,q12h)洛索洛芬钠片(60 mg,q12h),并予以盐酸吗啡片处理爆发痛,疼痛评分:3分。,2013年9月16日患者出现轻度嗜睡,由于患者有咳嗽、咳痰和发热症状,同时给予莫西沙星(0.4 g)每日一次静脉点滴抗感染治疗。2
3、013年9月17日盐酸羟考酮控释片(30mg,q12h),疼痛评分3分,但患者出现憋气、多汗、心率快,动脉血氧饱和度(SpO2)80%,予鼻导管吸氧后SpO2 可回升至95%,憋气症状好转。2013年9月18日患者逐渐出现排尿困难,白天嗜睡、夜间兴奋、入睡困难,予非那雄胺治疗无效。2013年9月19日晨出现间断思维混乱及幻视,伴双上肢不自主运动,无明显头痛、头晕症状及肢体活动障碍。,血常规、肝肾功能、电解质基本正常;血气分析(吸氧2 L/min):pH=7.38, 动脉血二氧化碳分压(pCO2)为53 mmHg,动脉血氧分压(pO2)为102 mmHg,剩余碱(BE)浓度为4.5 mmol/L
4、;头颅磁共振成像(MRI)示左侧内侧颞叶新出现异常强化结节,直径约0.5 cm,右侧基底节区软化灶。神经内科会诊考虑为谵妄。,辅助检查,神经内科会诊:考虑为谵妄,谵妄也常称为急性精神错乱,表现为注意力障碍、意识错乱、认知或感知功能障碍,常表现为急性发作、反复变化。常预示患者预后不佳,处理及时是可以预防和治疗的。在癌症患者中,谵妄是伴随症状,也是与治疗相关的并发 症 。癌症患者尤其在终末期患者中,谵妄发生率较高 ,高 达25% 85% ,是危重症患者常见的临床表现 。 但由于临床医生对其认识不足,谵妄的漏诊率可高达 33%66%。,一、谵妄概述,1.Ely E W, Shintani A, Tr
5、uman B, et al. Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unitJ. Jama, 2004, 291(14): 1753-1762.2.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.3.Bush S H, Bruera E. The assessment and management o
6、f delirium in cancer patientsJ. The Oncologist, 2009, 14(10): 1039-1049.4.Young J, Murthy L, Westby M, et al. Diagnosis, prevention, and management of delirium: summary of NICE guidanceJ. BMJ, 2010, 341.,二、谵妄特点,急性发作:经过数小时至数天发展,突然发作前驱期:出现在部分逐渐起病患者,主要表现短暂、轻度的乏力、注意力下降、易怒、烦躁、焦虑或抑郁;也可伴有轻度认知障碍、感知异常、对光和声音的
7、过度敏感,伴有睡眠颠倒。睡眠觉醒障碍:可为首发症状,表现为夜间睡眠中断或睡眠减少,患者伴有美梦或噩梦。,1.Ely E W, Shintani A, Truman B, et al. Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unitJ. Jama, 2004, 291(14): 1753-1762.2.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. America
8、n Psychiatric Pub, 2011.3.Bush S H, Bruera E. The assessment and management of delirium in cancer patientsJ. The Oncologist, 2009, 14(10): 1039-1049.4.Young J, Murthy L, Westby M, et al. Diagnosis, prevention, and management of delirium: summary of NICE guidanceJ. BMJ, 2010, 341.,意识障碍:Jaspers等将意识障碍分
9、为意识降低;意 识模糊。注意力降低:易受外界光线、声音干扰思维异常:思维方式及内容异常为主要特征语言障碍记忆及定向力异常,睡眠觉醒周期异常(97%)和注意力不集中(97%)是谵妄症患者最常见的症状,1.Ely E W, Shintani A, Truman B, et al. Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unitJ. Jama, 2004, 291(14): 1753-1762.2.Diagnostic and statistical
10、 manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.3.Bush S H, Bruera E. The assessment and management of delirium in cancer patientsJ. The Oncologist, 2009, 14(10): 1039-1049.4.Young J, Murthy L, Westby M, et al. Diagnosis, prevention, and management of delirium: summary of NICE
11、 guidanceJ. BMJ, 2010, 341.,精神运动障碍:分为活动增多型、活动减少型 、混合型,急性兴奋型,急性兴奋型表现为大喊大叫、攻击冲动 等不协调性兴奋,甚至冲动伤人、自伤等,Mittal等研究发现活动增多型谵妄症患者较其他亚型更易被转到精神科,1.Ely E W, Shintani A, Truman B, et al. Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unitJ. Jama, 2004, 291(14): 1753-
12、1762.2.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.,运动过少型表现为运动减少甚至嗜睡、呆滞、少语,在床边摸索不停;,活动过少型,活动减少型常误诊为抑郁症,并很难与阿片类药物造成的镇静状态及临终前的迟钝状态区分,1.Ely E W, Shintani A, Truman B, et al. Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in
13、the intensive care unitJ. Jama, 2004, 291(14): 1753-1762.2.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.,混合型:兼有急性兴奋型和运动过少型的表现,临床绝大多数患者表现为以上三种类型由于晚期癌症患者一般情况差以及镇静药 物的使用,“安静的谵妄”并不少见,应注意患者可能有症状掩盖,需提高意识认真识别,以免漏诊。,1.Ely E W, Shintani A, Truman B, et al.
14、Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unitJ. Jama, 2004, 291(14): 1753-1762.2.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.3.Bush S H, Bruera E. The assessment and management of delirium in c
15、ancer patientsJ. The Oncologist, 2009, 14(10): 1039-1049.4.Young J, Murthy L, Westby M, et al. Diagnosis, prevention, and management of delirium: summary of NICE guidanceJ. BMJ, 2010, 341.,三、谵妄相关危险因素,年龄:65岁认知功能:过去/现在认知障碍或痴呆近期髋部骨折严重疾病,1.Delirium:Diagnosis, prevention and management. NICE clinical gui
16、deline2.Young J, Murthy L, Westby M, et al. Diagnosis, prevention, and management of delirium: summary of NICE guidanceJ. BMJ, 2010, 341.,高龄认知功能受损低蛋白血症严重疾病中枢神经系统转移骨转移血液系统恶心肿瘤,Ljubisavljevic V, Kelly B. Risk factors for development of delirium among oncology patientsJ. General hospital psychiatry, 20
17、03, 25(5): 345-352.,谵妄风险评估模型,谵妄的发生与患者的高危因素有关(如高龄),在入院前已确定;一定的诱发因素导致患者谵妄(如感染、脑转移、药物过量)谵妄的发生时高危因素和诱发因素联合作用的结果,Tropea J, Slee J A, Brand C A, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of delirium in older people in AustraliaJ. Australasian journal on ageing, 2008, 27(3): 150-156.,四、诊断,危险因素
18、分析患者出现认知、知觉、身体功能、社会行为异常(谵妄特点)诊断及评估量表的使用,1.Delirium:Diagnosis, prevention and management. NICE clinical guideline2.Young J, Murthy L, Westby M, et al. Diagnosis, prevention, and management of delirium: summary of NICE guidanceJ. BMJ, 2010, 341.,注意力障碍起病急骤、症状反复变化伴有认知障碍标准及无法用已存在的神经疾病解释 排除觉醒障碍从病史、体检、或实验室
19、检查中可见迹象表明是一 般躯体情况的直接的生理性后果,通过患者的病史、症状、实验室检查可诊断谵妄,标准化的量表可协助诊断谵妄及谵妄的严重程度,DSM-V在诊断谵妄时需要满足以下5个条件:,Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.,1、the Clinical Assessment of ConfusionA(CAC-A)2、the Confusion Rating Scale (CRS)3、the MCV Nursing Delirium R
20、ating Scale (MCV-NDRS)4、the NEECHAM Confusion Scale,筛查量表,1.Ely, E. Wesley, et al. Evaluation of delirium in critically ill patients: validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Critical care medicine29.7 (2001): 1370-1379.2.Luetz A, Heymann A, Radtke F M, et a
21、l. Different assessment tools for intensive care unit delirium: Which score to use?*J. Critical care medicine, 2010, 38(2): 409-418.3.Schuurmans, Marieke J. The Neecham Confusion Scale and the Delirium Observation Screening Scale: capacity to discriminate and ease of use in clinical practice.BMC nur
22、sing6.1 (2007): 3.4.van Eijk, Maarten MJ, et al. Comparison of delirium assessment tools in a mixed intensive care unit*.Critical care medicine37.6 (2009): 1881-1885.,1、 the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)2、Delirium Scale (Dscale)3、Global Accessibility Rating Scale (GARS)4、Organic Brain Syndrome S
23、cale (OBS)5、Saskatoon Delirium Checklist (SDC),诊断量表,1.Ely, E. Wesley, et al. Evaluation of delirium in critically ill patients: validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Critical care medicine29.7 (2001): 1370-1379.2.Luetz A, Heymann A, Radtke F M, et al. Di
24、fferent assessment tools for intensive care unit delirium: Which score to use?*J. Critical care medicine, 2010, 38(2): 409-418.3.Schuurmans, Marieke J. The Neecham Confusion Scale and the Delirium Observation Screening Scale: capacity to discriminate and ease of use in clinical practice.BMC nursing6
25、.1 (2007): 3.4.van Eijk, Maarten MJ, et al. Comparison of delirium assessment tools in a mixed intensive care unit*.Critical care medicine37.6 (2009): 1881-1885.,谵妄程度的评估量表,1、 the Delirium Rating Scale (DRS)2、 the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS),1.Ely, E. Wesley, et al. Evaluation of deliri
26、um in critically ill patients: validation of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Critical care medicine29.7 (2001): 1370-1379.2.Luetz A, Heymann A, Radtke F M, et al. Different assessment tools for intensive care unit delirium: Which score to use?*J. Critical care m
27、edicine, 2010, 38(2): 409-418.3.Schuurmans, Marieke J. The Neecham Confusion Scale and the Delirium Observation Screening Scale: capacity to discriminate and ease of use in clinical practice.BMC nursing6.1 (2007): 3.4.van Eijk, Maarten MJ, et al. Comparison of delirium assessment tools in a mixed in
28、tensive care unit*.Critical care medicine37.6 (2009): 1881-1885.,简单版本CAM-S包括以下条目:1、急性发作或症状波动;2、注意受损;3、思维不连贯;4、意识水平变化。,症状严重程度分别为:缺如(0分)、轻度(1分)及显著(2分)总分0分为正常,1分为轻度谵妄,2分为中度谵妄,3-7分为重度谵妄。,The CAM-S: Development and Validation of a New Scoring System for Delirium Severity in 2 Cohorts Sharon K. Inouye; Cy
29、rus M. Kosar; Annals of Internal Medicine,谵妄分级量表-98修订版评分表(DRS-R-98 SCORESHEET),诊断依据,危险因素分析,高龄认知功能受损严重疾病(晚期肿瘤)中枢神经系统转移骨转移,典型谵妄特征,白天嗜睡、夜间兴奋、入睡困难,间断思维混乱及幻视,伴双上肢不自主运动,DRS-R-98 SCORESHEET:总分25分,严重程度18分(总分18或严重程度分15即诊断为谵妄),谵妄量表评估,思考:常用谵妄评估量表在肿瘤科的实际可操作性?几乎所有量表针对专科医生目前没有肿瘤患者量料繁忙的临床工作(量表耗费大量时间),上海新华医院宁养院诊断共识
30、(科室内):晚期患者;药物诱因;突发症状;症状时好时坏;患者睡眠日夜颠倒;,讨论:适合肿瘤科实际临床工作的诊断共识?,复合诊断量表(UK&US),急性起病、病程反复,注意力下降,思维混乱,意识状态改变,可于5min内完成评估敏感性及特异90%,Ely E W, Shintani A, Truman B, et al. Delirium as a predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unitJ. Jama, 2004, 291(14): 1753-1762.,谵妄不是一种
31、独立的疾病,而是由多种 原因导致的临床综合征。引起谵妄的原因多种多样,可以是与癌症直接有关 、与癌症导致的并发症相关,也可以与治疗及药物相关 。癌症患者中谵妄的病因通常是多种因素并存,56%的患 者有一种可能的病因,44%的患者平均有2.8个病因,认真识别病因对于谵妄的诊治及预后至关重要。,病因分析,对晚期癌症已近临终者,由于实验室及器械检查的困难或无必要,故近一半的患者难以明确病因。,Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.,病因分析,可逆
32、病因的诊断及处理为谵妄处理的重要手段谵妄常难以与痴呆相鉴别,有些患者可能两种疾病并存。如果难以鉴别,常规先按照谵妄处理。,Naughton B J, Saltzman S, Ramadan F, et al. A multifactorial intervention to reduce prevalence of delirium and shorten hospital length of stayJ. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2005, 53(1): 18-23.,病因与谵妄亚型的关系,1.Meagher, David J.
33、, et al. Relationship between symptoms and motoric subtype of delirium.The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences12.1 (2000): 51-56.2.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.,患者发生谵妄时,首先应该尽可能祛除诱发谵妄的病因,这是最重要的治疗环节监测生命体征、液体的出入量、吸氧、停
34、用不必要的药物以及避免同时加入多种药物。非药物治疗是谵妄患者的基础治疗良好的护理对谵妄的治疗有重要价值 药物治疗用于谵妄程度较重的患者以及在祛除病因后非药物治疗疗效不佳时的情况 。,治疗原则,Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.,非药物治疗是谵妄患者的基础治疗 。 具体的措施: 帮助患者识别时间和亲人; 告知其目前所处的场所情况; 避免环境中的不良刺激(如强声、光等刺激); 对精神运动性兴奋的患者采取适当的约束措施; 取得家庭成员或护理人
35、员的理解和配合,发挥 他们的作用。,非药物治疗,1.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.2.Brown, T. M., and M. F. Boyle. ABC of psychological medicine: Delirium.BMJ: British Medical Journal325.7365 (2002): 644.,纠正非药物因素调整抗肿瘤治疗 控制颅内病灶 抗感染治疗 纠正电解质紊乱,尤其注意骨转移患者的血钙水平 ; 保
36、护重要脏器功能,1.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.2.Brown, T. M., and M. F. Boyle. ABC of psychological medicine: Delirium.BMJ: British Medical Journal325.7365 (2002): 644.,诱发谵妄的病因的处理,肺部感染:莫西沙星(0.4 g)每日一次静脉点滴 抗感染治疗阿片类药物:20mg Q12给药,患者症状改善低氧血症:吸
37、氧,药物治疗用于谵妄程度较重的患者以及在祛除病因后非药物治疗疗效不佳时的情况。抗精神病药是药物治疗谵妄的基础,药物治疗,考虑使用氟哌啶醇0.52 mg,每46小时口服或静脉用药,或奥氮平2.55 mg,每68小时口服或舌下含服;或利培酮0.250.5 mg,每日12次,由于这些药物半衰期很长,长期使用时有必要减小剂量,1.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.2.Brown, T. M., and M. F. Boyle. ABC of p
38、sychological medicine: Delirium.BMJ: British Medical Journal325.7365 (2002): 644.,研究结果显示,氟哌啶醇与安慰剂组患者的无谵妄和昏迷天数大致相同,其中位数分别为5天和6天。研究中最常见的不良事件是过度镇静,在氟哌啶醇与安慰剂组分别有11例和6例;其次是QTc间期延长,两组分别有7例和6例。研究者认为,氟哌啶醇虽然可在危重患者中安全使用,但在更新的试验结果发表之前,其静脉应用应仅被视为急性躁动患者的短期治疗方法。,Effect of intravenous haloperidol on the duration o
39、f delirium and coma in critically ill patients (Hope-ICU): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Valerie J Page, E Wesley Ely, Lancet Respir Med2013; 1: 51523,高龄中枢神经系统转移谵妄亚型,奥氮平疗效影响因素,Breitbart W, Tremblay A, Gibson C. An open trial of olanzapine for the treatment of delirium in hosp
40、italized cancer patientsJ. Psychosomatics, 2002, 43(3): 175-182.,奥氮平与氟哌啶醇比较无显著差异奥氮平椎体外系症状发生率更低,Skrobik Y K, Bergeron N, Dumont M, et al. Olanzapine vs haloperidol: treating delirium in a critical care settingJ. Intensive care medicine, 2004, 30(3): 444-449.,苯二氮卓类可否用于谵妄的治疗?,苯二氮卓类通常用于酒精撤退谵妄症的治疗一项对照试验比
41、较劳拉西泮、氟哌啶醇和氯丙嗪对住院艾滋病患者谵妄症的疗效。结果显示与使用氯羟安定有关的精神错乱增多苯二氮卓类本身可诱导谵妄的发生,1.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V-TRM. American Psychiatric Pub, 2011.2. supportive oncology Davis Feyer Ortner,数年数月至1年数周至数月,见干预措施(PAL-22),评价谵妄(DSM-IV评分)筛查和处理以下可逆病因:代谢原因缺氧肠梗阻/便秘感染CNS事件膀胱排尿梗阻药物因素或停药所致(如苯二氮卓类
42、,阿片,抗胆碱能药等)评估、筛查,充分利用非药物干预(定向、认知刺激,睡眠保健等),满意:谵妄控制满意患者/家属痛苦减少可接受的控制感照护人员负担减轻情感关系加强生活质量提高Personal growth and enhanced meaning,不满意,继续治疗和评估症状及生活质量,根据实际情况调整治疗,加强姑息治疗力度咨询或转诊给姑息治疗或精神治疗专家,继续再评估,再评估,数日至数周(临终患者),重度谵妄(激惹),轻/中度谵妄,氟哌啶醇 0.5-10mg IV/1-4h prn备选药物:奥氮平,2.5-7.5mg/d IM/2-4h prn(最大剂量=30mg/d)氯丙嗪,25-100mg
43、 IM/IV/4h prn如高剂量神经安定类药物对躁动无效,考虑加用劳拉西泮,0.5-2mg IV/4h从起始剂量滴定至最佳效果给照护人员支持,NCCN姑息治疗指南2013:谵妄的评估和干预,数年数月至1年数周至数月,干预措施(见PAL-21),满意:厌食/恶液质症状改善患者/家属痛苦减少控制感可接受照护负担减轻情感关系加强生活质量提高Personal growth and enhanced meaning,不满意,加强姑息治疗力度咨询姑息治疗专家或精神专家考虑姑息镇静(见PAL-31),继续再评估,生存预期,干预措施,再评估,数日至数周(临终患者),高剂量阿片药物可能加重谵妄,导致躁动,并误
44、认为疼痛轮换使用阿片药物注重控制症状注重教会家属支持和应对正确上调氟哌啶醇,利培酮,奥氮平,喹硫平等剂量对抗精神病药无效的顽固性躁动的患者,适当上调劳拉西泮剂量肝肾功能衰竭时,减少经肝肾代谢的药物剂量考虑经直肠或静脉使用氟哌啶醇或使用氯丙嗪劳拉西泮撤除非必需的药物和管道等对家属和照护人员进行培训,继续治疗和评估症状及生活质量,根据实际情况调整治疗,分析有无医源性因素,医源性,解除诱因并予以对症治疗,肿瘤进展所致,NCCN姑息治疗指南2013:谵妄的评估和干预,药物治疗,9月20日开始奥氮平片(2.5 mg)治疗,每晚1次,逐渐增量至5 mg,上述思维混乱等症状逐渐好转。9月21日因疼痛加重服用
45、羟考酮 20 mg Q12,即释吗啡(20 mg),因上述症状再次加重而停用止痛药物,停用强阿片类药物后,神志完全清楚,未再有类似情况发作 ,继续口服奥氮平片治疗。,现实的尴尬,NCCN姑息治疗指南关于谵妄的药物处理:氟哌啶醇、奥氮平、利培酮上海10家三级医院问卷发现,氟哌啶醇、奥氮平、利培酮各医院均无备药,单纯强调这几种药物的疗效已无意义仅有的药物选择:氯丙嗪,讨论:氯丙嗪用于控制谵妄的剂量选择?是否有可推荐的其他药物?,终末期患者谵妄症治疗的争议,正方:谵妄症是死亡过程的自然组分,不应被改变。,反方:对于躁动谵妄症患者应给予抗精神病药物治疗;即使昏睡患者也可能突然转变为躁动、活动增多型谵妄
46、症,伤害家属及陪护人员,讨论:终末期谵妄患者的治疗?,supportive oncology Davis Feyer Ortner,少数严重病例,在生命的最后几天或几个小时,兴奋、错乱比较严重,烦躁不安、痛苦异常,呻吟不断,这种情形下需要“末期镇静”常用: 咪达唑仑1530mg/日,皮下或静脉给药; 左美丙嗪 12.5mg25mg/次,口服、皮下或静脉注射, 48小时可重复,每日总量25200 mg。 阿片类药物与之合用时,一般仍维持原有的剂量。,终末期镇静,1.Riker R R, Shehabi Y, Bokesch P M, et al. Dexmedetomidine vs midaz
47、olam for sedation of critically ill patients: a randomized trialJ. Jama, 2009, 301(5): 489-499.2.Braun T C, Hagen N A, Clark T. Development of a clinical practice guideline for palliative sedationJ. Journal of palliative medicine, 2003, 6(3): 345-350.3.Truog R D, Campbell M L, Curtis J R, et al. Rec
48、ommendations for end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: a consensus statement by the American College of Critical Care MedicineJ. Critical care medicine, 2008, 36(3): 953-963.,四、谵妄的护理,将患者安置于安静及熟悉的环境中,家属专人陪护。引导家属坐于床边让患者接触到熟悉的面孔,使他们有安全感。用患者熟悉的语言沟通如家乡话。不与患者发生争执。燥动不安者提供安全舒适环境保护,如用棉被,毛毯盖住床栏,以免碰伤,不可用强迫约束患者。不要斥责患者的古怪言行,留意他们的内在情绪。给予患者自主权,如在监督下让患者吸烟或饮酒,因为熟悉的人或事物有助减少混乱。,