1、 Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, 212013Tel: 0511-88780062http/:在职及收入证明致:国别大使馆/地区领事馆 尊敬的签证官先生/女士: 兹证明, 某某某自 2000 年 7 月以来一直为我校教师。在 2011 年、2012 年以及 2013 年的年薪为人民币 70000 元、人民币 80000 元以及人民币 80000 元(其中包括基本工资、津贴),其个人所得税由我校根据中华人民共和国个人所得税暂行条例代扣代缴。 江苏大学人事处 二一四年九月四日 Employment and Income CertificateSep. 4,
2、2014Dear Sir/Madam,This is to certify that Wang Yan has been working as a teacher at Jiangsu University since July of 2000. Mrs. Wangs annual salary income in 2011, 2012, 2013, is at RMB 70,000, 80, 000, and 80, 000, respectively, which cover his regular salary and annual allowance. His personal income tax has been yearly deducted and paid by our university in terms of provisional regulations of personal income tax in China.Yours Sincerely, Dept. of Human Resource Management,Jiangsu University博學 求是 明德