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1、华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划178数字媒体技术专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialization in Digital Media Technology一、培养目标. Educational Objectives本专业围绕我国动画和计算机游戏等数字文化艺术产业对专业设计制作人才的需求,以培养学生的动画和计算机游戏等数字文化艺术作品的设计、制作和技术创新能力为核心,通 过与国内外软件企业、公司、院校合作办学,突出个性的人才培养模式,培养具有扎实基础、专业特长鲜明、知识结构合理、适应性强、高素质、强竞争力、善于团队合作、具有 动画和 计算机游戏等数

2、字文化艺术作品的设计、制作和技术创新能力的复合性人才, 毕业生能够从事动画和 计算机游戏等数字文化艺术作品的设计、制作、技术支持、生产管理和技术研发创新等工作。Taking cultivation of students ability of design, creation and technical innovation in the field of animation and computer games as the core, SSE stresses students personality in talents training pattern through the coop

3、eration with software enterprises at home and abroad. To satisfy the needs on the new century, SSE devotes to cultivating comprehensive qualified talents with solid foundation, characterized specialty, rational knowledge structure, strong adaptability, high quality and competitiveness, and teamwork.

4、 Graduates are qualified to undertake the task of art design, creation, production management and technological innovation in digital works of culture and art.二、基本要求Skills Profile毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1. 具有良好的职业道德和创业精神,积极为我国经济建设和社会发展服务;2. 掌握动画和计算机游戏等数字艺术作品设计的基础理论和基本知识,具有艺术表现的基本技能和方法;3掌握数字媒体的基本理论和数字媒体技 术

5、;4. 具备运用先进的工程化方法、技术和工具,从事动画和计算机游戏等数字艺术作品的设计、开发、 维护、管理等工作的能力,以及团队协作能力和市场开拓能力;5具有对动画和计算机游戏等数字 艺术作品设计制作的工程化方法和工具平台 进行技术创新和研发的能力。6.掌握一门外语 ,具备良好的阅读、理解、撰写外语资料的能力和进行国际化交流的能力;7. 掌握文献检 索、资料查询的方法和撰写研究论文的能力;8. 具有较强的自学能力和 创新意识;9具有适应社会工作岗位的综 合素质和能力。Students are expected to gain the following:1. Good Professional

6、 morality and creative heart in order to serve the economic construction and social development of our country;2. Solid understanding of the fundamental theories and knowledge in digital arts design such as, animation and computer games, and acquiring the basic skills for artistic representation;3.

7、Good grasp of the basic theory and technology of digital media;4. Abilities to design, develop and maintain digital works of arts, such as, animation and computer 华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划179games by using advanced methodology, technology and tools, and to possess teamwork spirit and market pioneering compet

8、ence; 5. Competence in innovating and developing the methodology and tool platform of the making of digital artistic works, such as, animation and computer games;6. Mastery of a foreign language, proficiency in reading, writing and international communication;7. Capability of literature search, data

9、 querying and thesis writing; 8. Strong abilities of Self-learning and innovation;9. Comprehensive quality for the adaptation to different occupations.三、培养特色Program Features本专业学生主要学习艺术和软件工程的基本理论,接受造型和艺术创新思维、 创作能力、创作技法、软件技术、应用软件、数字媒体制作等方面的训练, 实现艺术和工程技术的完美结合,成长为具备艺术理论素养和数字媒体技术的复合型人才。1. 本专业强调采用系统的课程学习与

10、创作实践相结合的培养方式,培养实用型、能 够充分满足社会相关行业需求的高素质人才;2. 本专业将采用面向职业规划的学分体系制度,提供具有 选择性的课程体系。广泛利用资源,院企合作建设高质量的课程内容和实训计划。部分 课程直接采用国外最新原版英文教材,采用双语或聘请外籍专家授课;3. 引进 国外高校的先进教学模式,在精 简理论知识授课时数的同时,通 过几个较大的项目实践或数字艺术作品创作实践来培养学生的动手与自学能力;4. 学生的毕业设计 将在软件企业中或项目开发实践中完成。The students are required to master the basic theories of art

11、s and software engineering, and to get training concerning modeling, art innovative thinking, creative ability and creative techniques, software technology, software application and digital media production to be qualified as comprehensive talents with both theoretical knowledge and digital media te

12、chnology. 1. The program emphasizes both systematic course studies and practical creative training so as to fully satisfy the social needs for high-quality personnel of the relevant industries;2. The program will adopt career-oriented credit system, providing optional courses system. And all possibl

13、e resources will be exploited to get the school-enterprise cooperation for high-quality curriculum and training program. In addition, some courses will employ the latest authentic English textbooks from famous universities abroad while some other courses will be taught bilingually or by foreign expe

14、rts.3. We tend to introduce the advanced teaching pattern of foreign universities and try to reduce the class hours for theory teaching. Meanwhile, we hope to cultivate students practical and self-studying ability through the design and development of some large-scale digital art projects;4. Student

15、s thesis will be finished through the practice in the software enterprises or project development. 四、主干学科Major Disciplines数字媒体技术Digital media technology五、学制与学位华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划180Length of Schooling and Degree修业年限:四年Duration:4 years授予学位:工学学士Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering六、学时与学分Hours/Credi

16、ts完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:187Minimum Credits of Curricular Required(Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):187完成学业最低课外学分要求:5Minimum Extracurricular Credits Required:51. 课程体系学时与学分Hours/Credits of Course System课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例()必修 944/55 35.48通识教育基础课程选修

17、160/10 6.45学科大类基础课程 必修 560/35 22.58学科(专业)基础课程 必修 464/29 18.71专业核心课程 必修 288/18 11.61学科基础课程专业方向课程 选修 128/8 5.16合计 2544/155 100Course Classified Course Nature Hrs/Crs Percentage (%)Required 944/55 35.48Basic Courses in General EducationElective 160/10 6.45Basic Courses in General Discipline Required 56

18、0/35 22.58Basic Courses in Discipline Required 464/29 18.71Common Core Courses Required 288/18 11.61Basic Courses in DisciplineSpecialty-Oriented Courses Elective 128/8 5.16Total 2544/155 1002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实践教学环节学分比

19、例()军事训练 必修 2/2 6.25课程设计 必修 1/1 3.12美术实习 必修 2/2 6.25项目实践 必修 4/4 12.5动画设计制作实习 必修 2/2 6.25游戏设计制作实习 必修 2/2 6.25工程实践与毕业设计(论文) 必修 19/19 59.37合计 32/32 100华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划181Internship Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei

20、 Province2CET-6 Win certificate of Band-6 2TOEFL 90 Points or Higher 3IELTS 6.5 Points or Higher 3GRE 1350 Points or Higher 3National Computer Rank Examination Win certificate of Band-2 or higher 2Win certificate of programmer 2Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 32Examinations in English and Com

21、puterNational Computer Software QualificationWin certificate of System Analyst 4Win first prize 3Win second prize 2University LevelWin third prize 1Win first prize 4Win second prize 3Provincial LevelWin third prize 2Win first prize 6Win second prize 43 CompetitionsNational LevelWin third prize 34 Th

22、esis Those whose thesis appears in national publications Per piece 2-35 Scientific ResearchDepending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research projectEach item 1-36 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 1-3Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the

23、 second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.七、主要课程Main Courses in Specialty美术基础 Basic Art、设计原理与技法 Designing Principle and Technique、计算机基础 Introduction to Compute

24、r Technology、数字媒体技 术 Digital Media Techniques、软件工程 Software Engineering、计算机图形学 Computer Graphics、计算机网 络 Computer Networks、计算机三维建模Computer Aided 3D Modeling、数字 图象处理 Digital Image Processing、动作捕捉技术与应用 Motion Capture Technology & Application、计算机动画 Computer Animation、计算机游戏基础 Fundamentals of Computer Gam

25、es、多媒体技 术 Multimedia Technology、人机交互技术 Human-Computer Interaction Technology、虚拟现实技术 Virtual Reality Technology、计算机动画创作 Creation of Computer Animation、动画插件编程 Animation Plug-ins Programming、游戏引擎基础 Fundamentals of Game 华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划183Engines、计算机游戏设计 Computer Games Design、在线互动媒体技术 Online Techniques

26、for Interactive Media八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验)Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)素描实习 Sketch Practice、色彩实习 Color Practice 、设计实 践 Design Practice、动画设计制作实习 Practice Week of Animation Design and Making、游戏设计 制作 实习 Practice Week of Games Design and Making、创 意设计实现实习 Practice Week of Cre

27、ative Design and Realization、专业实训 Specialty Internship、毕业设计 Undergraduate Thesis 九、教学进程计划表Table of Course Schedule院(系):软件学院 专业:数字媒体技术School (Department): School of Software Engineering Specialty: Digital Media Technology其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNa

28、ture课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时 /学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0301901思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 48/3 12 36必 修Required 0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History 32/2 8 24必 修Required 0100731马克思主义原理Theory of Marxism 4

29、8/3 12 36必 修Required 0100931思政课社会实践Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course32/2 28 4必 修Required 0100321毛泽东思想概论、邓小平理论概论和 “三个代表”重要思想概 论Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Three Representations”96/6 32 64必 修Required 0100741形势与政策Current Affairs and Policy

30、 32/2 14 3 3 3 3 3 3必 修Required 0510071中国语文Chinese 32/2 10 22必 修Required 0512351基础英语(一)Fundamental English () 64/4 64必 修Required 0512361基础英语(二)Fundamental English () 64/4 64必 修Required 0512371基础英语(三)Fundamental English () 32/2 32通识教育基础课程BasicCoursesinGeneralEducation必 修Required 0512381基础英语(四)Fundame

31、ntal English () 32/2 32华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划184续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时 /学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0700011微积分(一)上Calculus () 88/5.5 88必 修Required 0700012微积

32、分(一)下Calculus () 88/5.5 88必 修Required 0400111大学体育(一)Physical Education () 32/1 32必 修Required 0400121大学体育(二)Physical Education () 32/1 32必 修Required 0400131大学体育(三)Physical Education () 32/1 32必 修Required 0400141大学体育(四)Physical Education () 32/1 32必 修Required 1200011军事理论Military Theory 16/1 16必 修Requi

33、red 0800171大学计算机基础Introduction to Computer Technology 32/2 12 32必 修Required 0700051线性代数(一)Linear Algebra() 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0700063概率论与数理统计(三)Probability and Mathematics Statistics () 40/2.5 40通识教育基础课程BasicCoursesinGeneralEducation人文社科类选修课程Electives in the Humanities and Social Sciences160/10必 修

34、Required 0501086美术基础Basic Art 48/3 48必 修Required 0800441信息技术导论Introduction to Information Technologies 24/1.5 4 24必 修Required 0810011C 语言程序设计Advanced Programming Language (C) 64/4 20 64必 修Required 0700181离散数学Discrete Mathematics 80/5 80必 修Required 0816521数字媒体技术Digital Media Techniques 32/2 8 32必 修Re

35、quired 0800223计算机图形学Computer Graphics 40/2.5 16 40必 修Required 0816901面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented Programming 48/3 12 48学科基础课程学科大类基础BasicCoursesinGeneralDiscipline必修Required 0800412数据结构Data Structures 48/3 6 48华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划185续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质Co

36、urseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时 /学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0803172软件工程Software Engineering 48/3 16 48必修Required 0804041算法设计与分析Algorithm Design and Analysis 32/2 8 32必 修Required 0800141计算机网络Computer Networks 48/3 16 48必 修Required 0817

37、081计算机三维建模Computer Aided 3D Modeling 48/3 16 48选 修Elective 0813641信息获取与沟通技巧Information Catch &Communication Skills 16/1 8 16必 修Required 0816861设计原理与技法Design Principle and Technique 32/2 32必 修Required 0817071数字图象处理Digital Image Processing 40/2.5 8 40必 修Required 0804321人机交互技术Human-Computer Interaction

38、 Technology 32/2 8 32必 修Required 0817001操作系统原理Principle of Operating Systems 64/4 16 64必 修Required 0803301数据库系统原理Principle of Database Systems 64/4 16 64必 修Required 0817011动画概论及工艺流程Introduction to Animation and Its Technical Process32/2 32必 修Required 0820971动作捕捉技术与应用Motion Capture Technology & Appli

39、cation 32/2 16 32必 修Required 0820981计算机动画Computer Animation 48/3 16 48必 修Required 0817051计算机游戏基础Fundamentals of Computer Games 48/3 16 48必 修Required 0808101多媒体技术Multimedia Technology 40/2.5 12 40学科基础课程学科(专业)基础BasicCoursesinDiscipline必 修Required 0505031英语强化Intensified English 32/2 32必 修Required 08171

40、72计算机动画创作Creation of Computer Animation 64/4 32 64必 修Required 0820991动画插件编程Animation Plug-ins Programming 48/3 16 48专业课程专业核心课程必 修Required 0817181计算机游戏设计Computer Games Design 48/3 16 48华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划186续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseC

41、ode课程名称Course Name学时 /学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0821001游戏引擎基础Fundamentals of Game Engines 48/3 16 48必 修Required 0817191在线互动媒体技术Online Techniques for Interactive Media 40/2.5 12 40CommonCoreCourses in Specialty 必 修Required 0821011Open GL 三维图形编程

42、Open GL 3D Graph Programming 40/2.5 12 40专业方向选修课程Electives in Specialty-Oriented 160/10选修Elective 0821021动画绘画Drawing for Animation 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0816881角色设计Role Design 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0817321虚拟现实技术Virtual Reality Technology 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0816921场景造型Scene Design 32/2 32选修Elective 0817

43、031动画史和动画风格History and Style of Animation 32/2 32选修Elective 0817101游戏策划Games Planning 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0821031光影渲染技术Rendering Technology 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0821041曲线曲面造型技术Curve and Surface Modeling Technology 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0821051数字音效与视频Digital Audio & Digital Video 24/1.5 8 24选修Elective

44、0817061Internet 程序开发Internet Program Development 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0821141智能移动设备软件开发Mobile Device Programming 32/2 32选修Elective 0821131面向对象系统分析与设计Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design 48/3 16 48选修Elective 0809381信息系统安全Security of Information Systems 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0842071 XML 数据 库及应用 24/

45、1.5 24选修Elective 0814841嵌入式系统开发The Technique of Embedded System 32/2 12 32专业课程专业方向课程 Specialty-OrientedCourses选修Elective 0817161原画基础Animation Concepts 32/2 8 32华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划187续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时 /学分

46、Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th选修Elective 0821061数字媒体后期制作The Later Stage Editing of Digital Media 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0821071数字内容管理Management of Digital Content 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0817241游戏智能Games Intelligence 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0817271计算机游戏编程Computer Games

47、Programming 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0817281网络互动游戏设计Design of Interactive Network Games 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0817291移动媒体游戏设计Design of Mobile Media Games 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0817301游戏测评Games Evaluation 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0817311游戏开发协作与管理Games Development and Management 32/232选修Elective 0817221分类游戏案例分析

48、Case Analysis of Classified Games 24/1.5 8 24选修Elective 0821081网页设计与脚本程序Webpage Design & Script Programming 32/2 12 32选修Elective 0821091多核与并行程序设计Multi-core and Parallel Programming 32/2 8 32选修Elective 0812291专业认证Professional Certifications 16/1 16专业课程专业方向课程 Specialty-OrientedCourses选修Elective 080943

49、2创业讲座 Entrepreneurship Lectures 16/1 8 8必修Required 1300012军事训练Military Training 2w/2 2w必修Required 1300281C 语言程序设计课程设计Course Project of Advanced Programming Language C1w/1 1w必修Required 1301251美术实习Art Practice 2w/2 2w必修Required 0816961项目实践(一)Project Practice() 1w/1 1w必修Required 0816971项目实践(二)Project Practice() 1w/1 1w实践环节InternshipandPracticalTraining必修Required 0817131项目实践(三)Project Practice() 1w/1 1


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