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1、四年级上册英语练习题一、单项选择。(此题 100分:1-6 题每空 1分;7-8 题每空 2分;9题每题 3分;10-13 每题 1分。)1. Let _clean the classroom. A . me B. my C. we2. Where is my book?- It is _your bag? A. in B. on C. at3. I _my English teacher. A. like B. have C. likes4. Im_. Let me help you. A .long B. strong C. short5. He has _ hair, big eyes

2、and small ears. A. white B. big C. long6. _are you? - I am in the living room. A. What B. What C Where7. Would you like _bread? A. any B. you C. some8. _can you see in my room? A. What B. Where C. Who9. Every thing _ready. A. at B. is C. are10. What would you like _dinner? A. to B. on C. for2.选择最佳选项

3、.( )1. I love my _.A. pear B. parent C .parents( ) 2. My _has _members .A .families , three B . familys , three C .family , three( ) 3.Do you have a _ .A. uncles B. uncle C .aunts( ) 4.He is my _ .A. brother B. brothers C .sister( ) 5 .-Who is he ?- He is my_.A. sister B. aunt C .uncle3、单项选择,请将正确选项字

4、母标号填写在题前括号内。( ) 1. - _ in the classroom? - Some desks.A. Wheres B. Whats C. What are D. Whos( ) 2. - How many _ do you have? - Twenty.A. Englishs book B. Englishs books C. English books D. English book( ) 3. My friend _strong. He _ short hair.A. is; have B. is; has C. are; have D. are; has( ) 4. -Wh

5、ats _ plus _? - Its fifty.A. twenty three; twenty seven B. twenty-three; twenty sevenC. twenty-three; twenty- seven D. twenty three; twenty-seven( ) 5. - _ are the rules? - Two yuan.A. How much B. where C. How many D. What( ) 6. I _ French fries. A. would B. like C. am( ) 7. - _ is the boy? -He is m

6、y brother. A. What B. Who C. Where( ) 8. Let _ clean the windows. A. me B. I C. we ( ) 9. - _ is in the classroom? - Li Ping. A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 10. My father is _ the living room. A. in B. under C. on( )11. M y sister is _the study. A. on B. in C .at( ) 12. The book is _the table . A. from

7、B. to C .on( ) 13. _this a table? A. Is B. Do C. Have( )14._they near the table? A. Do B. Have C. Are( )15.Let us _our glasses . A. changed B. change C. changing( )16. _the door please . A. Set B. Open C. Sit( )17.What you see in my room? A. is B. are C. can( )18._ are you ? I am in the living room

8、.A. What B. Where C. How( )19. I _my kitchen. A .am B. like C. likes( )20. I _a new eraser. A. have B .am C. is4、选择正确的答案,把序号写在( )里。( )1、_your sister? -She is a student. A、Whos B、Whats C、What ( )2、_that girl? -She is my friend. A、Whos B、Whats C、Who ( )3、_ his name? -His name is ZhangPeng. A、Whos B、Wh

9、ats C、Who ( )4、He is a baseball player. He looks _.A、strong B、thin C、young ( )5、They are_ members in my family. There are my dad,my mom and _.A、2 ; me B、3; me C、3; I5择优录取我最棒。( )1. a big breakfast . A. What B .How C .Have( )2. Wait see. A .or B .and C .for( )3. I would like some ,please . A. vegetabl

10、e B .vegetables C vegetablees( )4. -What would you like ? -.A.I would like some rice and soup .B. I like some rice and soup .C. I would like some rices and soups( )5.Mom ,can I help you ? A. Let me show you . B. Yes, pass me a plate ,please .( ) 6.I would like some milk ,please .A . Sure ,here you a

11、re . B. Thank you very much .( )7.Dad ,what is for dinner ? A. Wait and see. B. Let me try .( )8. Pass me a knife , please . A. Thank you . B. Here you are .( )9. Good night A. Help yourself. B. See you tomorrow .( )10.I like Chinese food . A. Me too. B. Oops, sorry.6根据情境,选择正确的问句。( )1.当你想知道米饭多少钱时,你会

12、问:A .How much is the rice ? B. What is the rice ?( )2.当你想知道晚餐吃什么,你会说:A. What is for lunch ? B. What is for dinner ?( )3.当你想知道对方喜不喜欢蔬菜,你会问:A. What would you like ? B. Do you like vegetables?( )4.当你想知道对方晚餐想吃什么,你会问:A. What would you like for dinner? B. What would you like for breakfast?( )5.当你很饿时,你会说:A

13、.I am full . B.I am hungry.7.情景会话。( )1. Let us clean the classroom .( ) 2. What would you like for dinner ?( ) 3. What is your brother ?( ) 4.How many people are there in your family ?( ) 5.What color is it ?A . It is yellow . B . Three C . Good idea .D . I would like some fish . E . He is a teacher

14、 .8、选答句。( ) 1.Are they in the shelf? A. I can see many books.( ) 2.Where are my bags? B. Its in the bedroom.( ) 3.Is it in your hand? C. No, they arent.( ) 4.What can you see? D. Yes, it is.( ) 5.Is he in the study? E. No, she isnt.( ) 6.Wheres the cat? F. No, he isnt.( ) 7.Is she a student? G. They

15、 are near the door.9、读懂对话,从 AE中选择适当的句子填在横线上。-: _-: Five. My parents, my grandpa, my grandma, my sister and me. -: _-: My father is a teacher and my mother is nurse.A. How many people are there in your family?B. Is your grandpa a teacher, too?C. What are your parents?D. Whats your sister?E. No , he i

16、snt.10 .从 II栏中选出 I栏的正确答语。I栏 II 栏( ) 1.Is she in the study ? A . It is pink.( ) 2. Is this your bedroom ? B . Yes, it is.( ) 3.Where is my cat ? C. OK.( ) 4 .What colour is your eraser ?. D . Yes, she is.( ) 5. Open the door , please . E . She is in the bedroom.( ) 6. Are they in the shelf? F. I can

17、see many books.( ) 7. Where are my bags? G. No, they arent.( ) 8. Is it in your hand? H. Yes, it is.( ) 9 . What can you see? I. No, he isnt.( ) 10. Is he in the study? J. They are near the door.11情景反应。(从 II中选出与 I栏相对应的答语)I栏 II 栏( )1.What would you like for dinner ? A .Thank you !( ) 2.Can I have som

18、e juice , please ? B. Wait and see .( ) 3.What is for dinner ? C .I would like some fish , please .( ) 4.Everything is ready . D .Look ! It is here .( ) 5.Where is my chicken ? E .Sure . Here you are .12、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。 A、They are my parents and me.B、Shes a farmer.C、Fifteen.D、Hes my uncle.E、Yes, he

19、 is.( )1、How many pears are there under the tree? ( )2、Who are they? ( )3、Whos this man? ( )4、Whats your grandma? ( )5、Is this your brother?13、把正确的答句的字母标号写在相应问句前的括号内( ) 1. Whats in the classroom? A. Shes a doctor.( ) 2. Whos the girl? B. Yes, it is.( ) 3. Is this your room? C. No, they arent.( ) 4.

20、Are the keys on the table. D. Amy White.( ) 5. Whats your sister? E. Some desks.二、英汉互译(每空 2分,共 50分)一、将下列短语的汉语意思写在横线上。1.have a sleep _2.take a shower _3.have a snack _4.read a book_5.set the table _6. pass me a plate _7.put up the picture_ 8.do sports _9.answer the phone _10.use the chopsticks _ 二、给第

21、 615个句子找出正确的汉语意思。( )6. Whats your mother?. A. 他们是谁?( )7. My family has three members. B. 他喜欢运动!( )8. Whats he? C. 我的姑姑是一位老师。 ( )9. And this is my sister. D. 他们是农民吗? ( )10. Are they farmers?. E. 我家里有三人。( )11. My uncle is a driver. F. 你的妈妈时做什么的? ( )12. He likes sports! G. 这个男人是谁?( )13. Whos this man?.

22、 H. 我叔叔是一名司机。 ( )14. My aunt is a teacher. I. 他是做什么的?( )15 Who are they? J. 这是我的妹妹。三、下面 5个句子用英语怎么说。( )1.明天见! A. Can I have some bread? ( )2.晚餐准备好了。 B. We have a good time. ( )3.我喜欢中国食物。 C. Lets me try.( )4.我能吃点面包吗? D. Dinners ready! ( )5.我们很开心。 E. See you tomorrow!选出下列单词中不属于同类的一项。(每空 1分,共 30分。) ( )(

23、 )1.Abedroom B. kitchen C. book( ) 2.A. change B. sofa C. fridge( ) 3.A. chair B. table C. Teddy bear( ) 4.A. it B. he C .am( ) 5.A. classroom B. bedroom C. here( ) 6.A.apple B. orange C. study( ) 7.A.juice B. school C. classroom( ) 8.A. phone B. bathroom C. bedroom( ) 9.A.bed B .table C .boy( ) 10.A.window B. door C. book( ) 11. A. baseball player B. doctor C. driver D. parents( ) 12. A. fork B. soup C. spoon D.chopsticks( ) 13. A. school B. bedroom C. bathroom D. kitchen( ) 14. A. bread B. dinner C. egg D. beef( ) 15. A. come B. pass C. sports D. wait ( )16. A .soup B . sure C .rice


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