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1、五年级朗文英语 Chapter 3-4 单元测试卷姓名_班级_听力部分 ( 35 分 )一, 听音素, 选出所含有该音素的单词,将编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。 (5 分)( ) 1. A beef B bread C grain( ) 2. A bacon B waste C pasta( ) 3. A not B salty C pork( ) 4. A buffet B sausage C spaghetti( ) 5. A rough B brought C thought二,选出你听到的句子,将句子编号写在题前的括号里,念两遍。10%( )1. A. What did you do?

2、 B. What do you do?C. What have you done?( )2. A. Theyve finished the housework. B. Theyve cooked the lunch.C. Theyve painted the fence.( )3. A. What have the girls done? B. What have the boys done?C. What havent the boys done?( )4. A. Theres a football match at two oclock. B. Theres a basketball ma

3、tch at two oclock. C. Theres a basketball match at four oclock.( )5. A. Have you swept the floor yet? B. Have you made the beds yet?C. Have you thrown away the rubbish?( )6. A. There is a little water in the glass. B. There is a little milk in the glass.C. Is there a little milk in the glass?( )7. A

4、. Ken has more grapes than Lily. B. Lily has more grapes than Ken.C. Kate eats more grapes than Lily.( )8. A. You shouldnt eat too many noodles. B. You shouldnt eat too many sweets . C. You shouldnt eat too much ice cream.( )9. A. Its OK to drink some yoghurt. B. Its OK to eat a few biscuits and som

5、e yoghurt. C. Its OK to do more exercises in the morning.( )10. A. I want to be fit so I go on a diet. B. Im fat so I will go on a diet. C. We should have a very balanced diet.三, 听录音,选择正确的答句或问句。念两遍。10%( ) 1. A. What did you eat? B. What have you eaten?C. What did you drink? ( ) 2. A. Are the student

6、s good friends? B. Are there any students? C. Yes, there are . ( ) 3. A. I have gone on rides twice. B. I have gone there.C. She has gone on rides once.( ) 4. A. Im having a few peas. B. I had a few peas.C. I have had a few peas.( ) 5. A. Yes, hes gone there. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, twice.( ) 6. A.

7、 Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she has. ( ) 7. A. Thank you. B. Never mind. C. All right.( ) 8. A. Weve cooked the dinner. B. Weve cleaned the room.C. Theyve made the beds.( ) 9. A. Shes going to draw the signs. B. Shes drawing the signs. C. She has drawn the signs.( ) 10. A. It makes us healt

8、hy. B. It makes us fat.C. We shouldnt eat too much fried food.四,听短文,判断句子正误,对的写“T”错的写“F” ,念两遍。 (5 分)( ) 1. The most important meal is breakfast.( ) 2. In China, we have bread or noodles for breakfast.( ) 3. We can eat a lot in the evening.( ) 4. We must eat all kinds of food.( ) 5. Many foreigners en

9、joy American food.五,听句子,将句中所缺单词补充完整,念两遍。 (5 分)1. We should eat _ of dairy products .2. He had _ bread on Tuesday than on Monday .3. We have _ money to buy this good book .4. The doctor gave me some _on eating .5. You should eat more _ .笔试部分(65 分)一,判断单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“Y” ,不同的写 “N”。 (6 分)1. habit fat

10、( ) 2. eat bread ( ) 3. little broccoli ( )4. bean meat ( ) 5. knew few ( ) 6. noodles food ( )二,词型转换(6 分)1. little 比较级_ 2. many 比较级 _ 3. health 形容词_ 4. should 否定式 _ 5. salty 名词_ 6. make 过去分词 _ 三,根据课文内容选择正确答案。 (8 分)Mega-boy licked his lips. I had a lot of _( steak / steaks) , six pork chops and five

11、 _(bowls / bowl) of noodles. He said. The professor _( shake / shook) his head. But Mega-boy _( wasnt / werent ) finished, and a chocolate cake and some _ (biscuit / biscuits).Stop ! said the professor. You eat _ (too many / too much) ! You should eat _( less / fewer ) meat and _ ( less / fewer ) no

12、odles. 四,选择填空。 (10 分)( ) 1. _ you ever been to a palace .A. Has B. Did C Have D Would ( ) 2. You should have good _ habits .A. eat B. eats C. eating D eaten ( ) 3. Its healthy _ a lot of vegetables and fruit .A. eat B. to eat C. for eat D eating ( ) 4. Hurry up .There is _ time .A. few B. a few C. l

13、ittle D a little ( )5. I am going to watch less TV _ I can have more time for revision.A. so that B. because C. but D. or( ) 6. Do you have _ fruit ? Yes , I do .A some B any C much D little ( ) 7. You shouldnt eat _ sausages and _ chocolate .A too many too many B too much too much C too many too mu

14、ch D too much too many( ) 8. Look , they are singing _ .A happy B unhappy C happily D happiness ( ) 9. Would you like some noodles ? _ A. Never mind. B. Sorry. C. Yes ,please . D. Oh , my god .( ) 10. I have _ to the supermarket. I am at home now.A. been B. gone C. went D. go五, 选择正确的词语填在横线上。 (10 分)1

15、. He could not stop _ ( eat / eating ) so he is fatter and fatter .2. Dont forget _ ( to drink / drink) water every day .3. He _ ( too / also ) had some sausages .4 . He ate _ ( a few / a little ) steak yesterday .6. I _ ( met / have met ) some cartoon characters in Disneyland last year .7. - _ ( Ho

16、w often / How many times ) have you seen dolphins? - Twice .8. - _ ( How long /How far ) is it from here to that city ?100 km .9. He has fed the dog _ ( just / already ).10 . Red Spider dont eat _ ( plenty of / enough ) food so he had no energy.六,完形填空,请将正确答案的编号填到括号内。(10 分 )It is a good idea to 1 a s

17、mall present when you go to a 2 party in England or the USA. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine 3 you know what the family 4 . You should arrive on time or 5 minutes late. Dont get there early. If you are going to be there 6 fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell the

18、host and hostess(女主人).Try to relax(放松) at the dinner table. If you dont know 7 to use the fork, the knife, or the spoon, just watch 8 and follow them. You can also ask someone next to you. If you like the food, say so. Of course, you will thank the host and the hostess 9 the meal and for their kindn

19、ess. Its good to send a card or a “thank you” note the 10 day.( ) 1. A. bring B. take C. carry D. move( ) 2. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. birthday( ) 3. A. when B. if C. so D. as( ) 4. A. eat B. eats C. drink D. drinks( ) 5. A. five B. ten C. five to ten D. one to five( ) 6. A. less than B. mo

20、re than C. about D. for( ) 7. A. why B. how C. what D. when( ) 8. A. other B. the other C. another D. the others( ) 9. A. for B. of C. at D. about( ) 10. A. last B. tomorrow C. next D. later七,阅读理解。 (10 分) A large number of people in the world eat fast foodWhenever you go into a fast food restaurant,

21、you can see lots of people enjoying their meals thereBut do you know in which country people like fast food best?The English people like the fast food best,while the French are the least interested in quick meals,according to survey done last yearThe survey of thirteen countries shows 45% of the Eng

22、lish people say they cant give up fast food because its deliciousAnd 44% of Americans and 37% of Canadians say the sameThe French,proud of their delicious and high-class cuisine,dont like fast food81% of them think it is unhealthy,followed by 75% of the JapaneseHow about the Chinese? How often do yo

23、u have hamburgers or fried chicken? It doesnt matter whether you like Western fast food or Chinese foodThe most important things is to keep a balanced diet根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 1 From the survey we know _ like fast food bestA the English Bthe FrenchCthe Japanese D the Chinese( ) 2 some people cant give

24、up fast food because _A its cheap Bits delicious Cits safe Dits healthy( )3The word “cuisine“ in the passage means _A food Bhouse Cwater Dcountry( )475% of the Japanese thinks fast food is _A healthy Bunhealthy Ccheap Dexpensive( ) 5The survey is about _A countries Bfast food Crestaurants in the world DChinese food八,写作。 (5 分)健康的饮食习惯对我们的健康很重要,请以“Healthy eating”为主题写一段话,不少于 50 词 。It is important to have good eating habits. _ _ _ _ _ _


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