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1、1九年级英语第四单元测试题一、英汉短语互译(14 分)1. from time to time 8. 放弃 2. take up 9. 公开地 3. deal with 10. 以而自豪 4. all the time 11. 缺席 5. worry about 12. 做决定 6. be careful about 13.亲自;亲身 7. hang out 14.成功 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 (8 分)1.If you dont study hard , you may f the examination .2.My advice has no i on his action .3

2、.Mary hates swimming , so she s goes swimming with her friends .4.The boy got a full score in the exam . His parents were p of him .5.The woman was ill , so she was a from the meeting . 6.There are g in every school to keep students and teachers safe . 7.You are new here . Please give us a general i

3、 about yourself . 8.The library will be open to the p soon . 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(8 分)1.He got good on her exam . (score).2.Its interesting how people have changed . (see)3.France is a country . (Europe)4.After his parents to Guangzhou , his life changed .(move)5.After that , he became more in history .(i

4、nterest)6.I spent much time on the Internet . (chat)7.I used to ants and other insects when I was a child .(watch)8.These things are for my life . (help)四、选择填空 (15 分)( ) 1. I am like a cat on hot bricks. There are so many problems that I dont know to deal with them. Calm down first. Lets see what I

5、can do for you.A. what B. why C. who D. how( ) 2. Only a small number of students able to pass the exam. Yes. The number no more than 20.A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are( ) 3. Its not safe for a girl like you to so late. Thanks, but I am waiting for my father to pick me up here.A. hang ou

6、t B. stay up C. fall asleep D. get up( )4.Mike , youve got so many beautiful stamps . Yeah. I collect stamps when I was 8 years old .A was used to B used to C am used to D used ( )5.Its to work out the problem .There is no need to ask your teacher for help . A enough easy B easy enough C hard enough

7、 D enough hard 2( )6.Our hometown a lot in the last few years . A changed B has changed C is changing D changes ( )7.A girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father . A three-year-old B three-years-old C three-year old D three years old ( )8.Zhang Lin used to in the daytime , but now he is

8、used to at night .A read , read B reading , read C read , reading D reading , reading ( )9.Every year a lot of tourists travel to Hainan , because its island . A so a beautiful B so beautiful C such a beautiful D a such beautiful ( )10.There a swimming pool here . A used to have B was used to be C u

9、sed to be D is used to having ( )11.I used to play soccer and I was the soccer team . A / , in B the , on C a , on D / , on ( )12.His teacher advised his parents with their son . A talk B talking C talked D to talk ( )13. you take a bus to school ?Yes . But now I usually walk to school . A Did , use

10、 to B Were , used to C Do , use t o D Do, used to ( )14.He wont dare his promise .A break B to break C breaking D breaks ( )15.I saw him to the shop with his cousin just now . A goes B go C to go D went ( )1. There was one-hour interview with the super football star C.Ronaldo on CCTV 5 yesterday eve

11、ning. Yes. C.Ronaldo shared a lot of his experience during interview.A. a; the B. the; the C. a; an D. the; an( )2. Baseball is a popular game among students in Taipei. Really? But its unpopular in our city. Students play it. A. often B. seldom C. usually D. always( )3. I cant tell when the house wa

12、s built , but it must be very old.A. exactly B. differently C. quickly D. simply( )4. Look! The goldfish is dying. What a pity! This kind of goldfish a lot of care and attention.A. has B. offers C. requires D. receives ( )5. Henry is really a great grandfather. Sure, he is. He spends all his free ti

13、me teaching his everything helpful.A. son B. grandson C. neighbor D. friend( )6. Would you like to watch Transformer 4 in the IMAX theater with me? Id love to, I have watched it twice. The movie is really a treat to eyes.A. if B. since C. because D. even though( )7. Do you often e-mail your friends?

14、 No. I use WeChat more often, but I e-mail my friends.A. have to B. would like to C. used to D. get to( )8. This place used to be full of trees, it? Yes. But now it has turned into buildings.3A. did B. didnt C. was D. wasnt( )9. James, can you tell me ? Paul? I havent seen him for years. He used to

15、be a shy and quiet boy.A. what is Paul like B. what Paul is like C. what does Paul like D. what Paul likes( )1. He go out with his parents , but now he staying at home alone .A used to , is used to B is used to , used to . C use to , is used to ( )2. he to get up early ? Why does he get up late now

16、?A Does , use B Did , use C Did , used D Does , used ( )3.Im used to a sweater and jeans , but I didnt use to . A wear B wore C wearing D be wearing 按要求转换句型1. Did he use to be short ?做肯定回答, 。2. She used to be afraid of exams . 改为否定句3. I used to wear glasses . 改为一般疑问句?4. They used to dislike math . 改

17、为反义疑问句They used to dislike math , ?5. Mr Smith used to sleep in his office . 对划线部分提问 Mr Smith to sleep ?五、完成句中汉语(15 分)1. 我的脑海里时常浮现出一些好主意。Good ideas come into my mind .2.现在, 他渐渐习惯了在国外生活。Now he is getting abroad . 3. 他选学唱歌来解决他的害羞问题。He singing to his shyness . 4.他的这些朋友对他有很大的影响。These friends of his have

18、 him . 六、补全对话 (10 分)根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Wow! Li Wen, you have changed a lot.B: Why do you think so?A: (1) . Now you are very thin.B: So have you. You used to have short hair, but now its long.A: Yes. By the way, I hear youre studying in No.1 Middle School now. (2) ?B: Its boring. T

19、he classroom, the dining hall, the dormitoryevery day.A: I remember you used to be afraid of exams, didnt you?B: (3) . But now I can do well in most of them.A: And you used to play football after school. (4) ?B: No, I hardly ever do that.4A: Why?B: (5) . I have to do lots of homework after school ev

20、ery day.七、完形填空(10 分)A using B How C photos D their E spend F bring G But H easily I with J what K better L payingTen years ago , few people had mobile phones. But now , most people have 1 own mobile phones . With a mobile phone people can make phone calls 2 .Our life has changed a lot because of it

21、. Chatting and message exchanging help people get to know each other 3 . You can even take 4 and send them to friends far away . 5 amazing ! And now we can do more and more things 6 it , such as playing games , getting and sending e-mails , surfing the Internet , or even 7 for what we buy . But ther

22、e are some disadvantages . You have to pay the bill and its bad for your body if you keep 8 it for a long time . And for students , if they 9 too much time playing with it , they may not be able to study well . In a word , mobile phones play an important role in our daily life . Its helpful and nece

23、ssary . 10 people , especially students , should use them properly . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 八、阅读理解 (10 分)选择句子补全短文,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。I used to live in a small town with no tall buildings . The street was narrow . 1 But now it has changed a lot , it has become a beautiful river . The water is very clean and

24、there are many different kinds of fishes in it . It attracts a lot of visitors in weekends . My hometown is rich in strawberries . 2 The world is changing rapidly every day . 3 You can see tall buildings , big department stores and factories everywhere . Different kinds of cars and buses are running

25、 in the big streets . Cars bring a great deal of noise and air pollution that do a lot of harm to the environment . 4 Luckily , people in my hometown realize the serious problem and try their best to do some things , such as planting trees , keeping the roads clean , and not using plastic bags . In

26、my mind , changing air pollution will be my first choice if I can change one important thing about my hometown . I think we must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful . 5 The environment is much better than before .I love my hometown very much . Welcome to my hometown

27、. A My hometown has seen the changes over the years .B People are working hard so as to make it richer and more beautiful .C There was a dirty river outside the town . D Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious . E Many people have come to my hometown to pick strawberries in their c

28、ars .Unit4 单元验收答案5一、英汉短语互译1.有时 2. 从事,开始做 3. 处理, 应付 4. 一直, 总是 5. 担心 6. 注意,重视 7.闲逛 8.give up 9. in public 10. be proud of / take pride in 11. be absent from 12. make a decision 13. in person 14. make it 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 (8 分)1. fail 2. influence 3. seldom 4. Proud 5. absent 6. guards 7.introduction 8.

29、 private 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(8 分)1 scores 2 to see 3 European 4 moved 5 interested 6 chatting 7 watch 8 helpful 四、选择填空15 D B A B B 610 B A C C C 1115 D D A B B 五、完成句中汉语(15 分)1. from time to time 2 used to living 3 took up , deal with 4 a great influence on 六、补全对话1. Because you used to be fat 2. Hows your school life 3. Yes, I did4. Do you often play it now5. Because Im very busy now七、完形填空15 D H K C B 610 I L A E G 八、阅读理解15 C E A D B


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