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1、 原创初中英语短剧剧本Billy and Aladdins lamp 男孩比利和阿拉丁神灯表演需 12 分钟布景:舞台中间一张桌子和椅子,桌子上有一堆零食。舞台另一边有三张桌子三张椅子面朝舞台中央,有一块画板,上有 Paul,埃菲尔铁塔和凯旋门。Scene 1:Narrator: Sandy and Sue are going to Billys house. Its Billys birthday. Billys 9 years old today.(Sandy is carrying a box. Sue knocks at the door.)Sue: Billy, open the d

2、oor, please. Were Sue and Sandy.Billy: Just a minute. (Billy finishes eating a bar of chocolate and drinking a bottle of lemonade, and then opens the door).Sue: Happy birthday, Billy.Sandy: Happy birthday, Billy. Here is a present for you.Billy: Thank you, Sandy. Thank you, Sue. You are so nice.(Bil

3、ly wants to touch the box. Sue stops him.)Sue: Wait a moment. Do you want to get the present?Billy: Of course! (Billy 做迷惑状 .)Sue: All right. But we have a game for you.Billy: A game?Sue: Yes! ( 做神秘状 )Sue: Liz! Lillie!Liz, Lillie: Here we are. ( 带着神秘的微笑,蹦跳着从房间出来 )Sue: Liz, Lillie will dance for you.

4、Then you tell us whos Liz, whos Lillie, OK? If youre right, you can get the present.Billy: All right then. (思考一会儿做无奈状 )Scene 2:(Liz and Lillie begin to dance and sing very happily)Liz: Im Liz.Lillie: Im Lillie.Lillie: Shes Liz.Liz: Shes Lillie.Lillie: Im not Liz.Liz: Im not Lillie.Tom: Shes Liz. (围着

5、两人转一圈打量后指向 Lille)Sandy: No, shes Lille. (围着两人转一圈打量后指向 Liz)Sue: No, shes Liz. Shes Lilie. (推开 Tom 和 Sandy, 先指 Liz 后指 Lille)Liz: Am I Liz?Lillie: Am I Liz?(Billy 做迷糊状)Sandy: Billy, whos Liz? Whos Lillie? (带着看好戏的表情)Billy: ErErShes Liz. Shes Lille.(随手乱指)Liz: No, youre wrong!Lillie: No, youre wrong! (模仿

6、Liz 的语调和动作再说一遍 ). One more chance!Liz and Lillie move fast and change their positions.(挽手转圈跳舞)Sandy: Whos Liz? Whos Lillie, Billy?Billy: ErErSorry, I dont know.(更迷糊状)Sue: Oh, Billy, you dont know whos Liz, whos Lillie. You cant get the present.But this present is very special. (蛊惑状)Billy: Really? (眼

7、睛发亮,做非常想要礼物状)Sue: Do you still want the present?Billy: Yes.Sue: OK. If you dance for us, I will give you this present.Billy: Dance? But I cant dance well.Liz: It doesnt matter. I will be your teacher. Can you try? (逗弄 Billy 状)(Billy 犹豫一会儿,又看了看包装精美的礼物。 )Billy: All right then, I will try.(犹豫无奈状)Scene

8、3:Liz and Lillie helps Billy wear a shirt.Liz: Now, follow me. (Liz dances like a swan and Billy follows her clumsily. Other children are laughing)Billy: Can I get the present now?Sue: All right. Here you are.Billy: Is it a Jack-in-the-box?Sue: No, it isnt.(Billy opens the box and takes out the lamp

9、)Billy: Whats this? A lamp? Sue: Yes, its a lamp. But it isnt an ordinary lamp. Its Aladdins lamp.Billy: Aladdins lamp? (不可置信状 )Sue: Yes, we find it for you. You can make 3 wishes and then they will come true.Billy: Really? I cant believe that.(Sandy 点燃灯,火焰晃动,一个低沉的声音传出 )Aladdins lamp: Young boy, I a

10、m asleep for 1 thousand years. Now, you wake me up again. You can make 3 wishes. They will come true. So, what are your wishes? (声音微带被打扰的不快)(Billy 惊讶,愣神)Aladdins lamp: Oh, a silly boy! I am sleepy again.Sandy: Billy, tell your wishes quickly! (焦急状)Billy: ErEr(努力思考状)I am fat. I am silly. I am a poor

11、student. Miss Williams doesnt like me.Can you make me thin, clever? I want to be a good student, a very good student. I want Miss Williams to like me very much.Aladdins lamp: Thats easy.(神灯说咒语 )Aladdins lamp: Change!( Billy becomes a thin boy.)Children: Wow! ( 男孩们离场准备下一场。女孩离场等最后一场)Scene 4:Narrator:

12、Aladdins lamp changes the fat silly Billy into a thin and clever Billy. P.E, geography, math, history, all subjects are easy for him.Now, its P.E class. Billy, Sandy and Tom are in the playground.体育老师胸前挂口哨上场,一手拿足球,上场后放下足球。P.E teacher: Get into lines, boys. Good! Now we can do some exercises.Jump tog

13、ether, 1,2,3,4, stop! Touch your knees, touch your toes!(Billy 非常轻松灵活的做完所有动作 )P.E teacher: Very good, Billy! (严肃的表情转为赞赏 )(Sandy and Tom 非常惊讶,难以置信 )P.E teacher: Take a break. Then you can play football. Catch it, Sandy! (捡起足球潇洒地跑向Sandy)Tom: Wow, I cant believe my eyes!Sandy: Me, either. But its all r

14、ight. (捡起足球走向 Billy)Billy, lets play football!Billy: No, I dont want to play football with you. You two are silly and ugly! (骄傲状 ,趾高气扬地离开 , Sandy 和 Tom 不敢置信 illy 竟然这么说他们,又惊又气 )Scene 5:Narrator: Now, its geography class. Billy, Sandy and Tom are in the classroom.(画板放到舞台中间, 45 度角朝向观众,三个男孩坐成一排 )(Billy

15、is listening carefully and taking some notes, but Sandy and Tom are not.)Miss Williams: Look at this boy. His names Paul. Hes a French boy.What language does Paul speak? Who can try?Billy: Let me try, Miss Williams. He speaks French.(踊跃地站起来回答问题)Miss Williams: Yes, youre right. Which is the capital c

16、ity of France? Who can try?Billy: Let me try, Miss Williams. Paris is the capital city of France. (又站起来回答问题)Miss Williams: So where does Paul live? Who can try?Billy: Let me try, Miss Williams. He lives in Paris. (再次站起来回答问题)( Miss Williams is very excited.)Miss Williams: Very good, Billy! Youre the

17、cleverest student I know! I believe you will be the next Einstein.(Billy 非常自豪。Sandy, Tom 惊呆而嫉妒)Miss Williams: Now the class is over. Take a break.Tom: Wow, Billy, youre so good. Can you help me study geography? I get only 10 points in the exam. (Tom 展示一张惨不忍睹的地理卷子)Billy: Sorry, I cant. I will be the

18、next Einstein. But you are nobody. I dont need a friend like you.老师正在收拾课本等准备离开。 Billy 拿出一张非常漂亮的画走到老师面前,画上的人特别漂亮,类似某女明星。Billy: Wait, Miss Williams, I draw a picture of you!Miss Williams 接过画并面向观众展示,惊喜不已。Miss Williams: Is that me, Billy? (惊喜的语气)Billy: Yes, Miss Williams. Thats you. You are the most bea

19、utiful teacher in the world!(拍马屁而不心虚)Tom: Is he really Billy? I dont like this Billy. I like that Billy who is friendly and honest.Sandy: Me, too. The good old Billy is gone! Scene 6:Narrator: Billy is the cleverest and best student in Miss Williams class. He is the favorite student for Miss William

20、s. But hes very proud, unfriendly and dishonest. So no one likes him. No one wants to play with him. He is very lonely. Its P.E class again.Billy: Can I play football with you, Sandy? (期待讨好状)Sandy: No, I am silly. You are the cleverest boy. I am not the one who can play with you.Billy: Tom, I can he

21、lp you study geography.(讨好状)Tom: No, thanks. You will be the next Einstein. But I will be nobody. You dont need a friend like me.( Billy 一个人在房间里做伤心哭泣状,深思后再次找出了自己的神灯并且点燃。 )Billy: You tell me I can make 3 wishes. Can I make my second wish now?Aladdins lamp: All right. (不耐烦状)Billy: I dont want to be li

22、ke this. I am thin. I am clever. Miss Williams likes me very much. But I dont have any friends. Sandy, Tom, Sue, Liz, Lillie, no one likes me. This isnt me. I want to be myself. The fat, silly Billy, the good old Billy!Aladdins lamp: All right then. (神灯说咒语)Aladdins lamp: Change!(Billy 变回原来的模样.)Billy

23、 runs to children who are playing.Billy: Hi, my friends. Look at me!Tom: The old Billy?Sandy: The good old Billy?Billy: Yes, I am the old Billy, the good old Billy!Sandy: Youre back! Look, everyone, Billys back.Billy: My dear friends, I will give you a present, a special present. I believe you will

24、like it!(孩子们惊讶地看着他。 Billy 拿出神灯并点燃 )Billy: Aladdins lamp, can I make my third wish now?Aladdins lamp: Oh, young boy, tell you last wish quickly. I want to sleep. (哈欠声响起)Billy: I want my friends to be happy and healthy forever, can you help me?Aladdins lamp: You are a good boy. All right. You wish will come true.孩子们欢乐地拥抱 Billy.Sandy: 3 cheers for our good old Billy!Children: Hip!Hip!Hurray!.集体拉手谢幕。


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