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1、HOPEWAY CABIN CREW1南航面试流程分析及面试攻略应聘条件一. 基本要求1、男女不限,身高:男 175-185cm,女 163-175cm。2、国家教育部承认的大专及以上学历,专业不限;3、全日制学历应聘人员须在 2018 年 9 月 1 日前取得毕业证书(空中乘务类专业放宽至2019 年 9 月 1 日前取得毕业证书);非全日制学历应聘人员(含自学考试、现代远程网络教育、成人高等教育等)须在应聘时提供毕业证书。4、不接受现役军人、武警报名。二. 年龄要求1992 年 1 月 1 日至 1999 年 12 月 31 日期间出生;三. 外语证书要求(一)乘务(安全)员:无需提供英语

2、证书,面试及笔试环节有英语测试。(二)“明珠之蓝”精英乘务员:需提供相关外语证书,具体如下:1、英语类:(下列五项满足其中之一)通过大学英语六级(CET6)及以上考试;通过英语专业四级(TEM4)及以上考试;托业考试分数 650 分(含)以上;英语新托福考试 60 分(含)以上;英语雅思考试得分 6.0 分(含)以上。2、小语种类:法语、俄语、德语、日语、韩语等五类专业的应聘人员,除通过以下任一小语种等级外,HOPEWAY CABIN CREW2还需通过大学英语四级(CET4)。法语、俄语、德语、日语、韩语五类小语种等级要求:法语专业四级(含)以上;俄语专业四级(含)以上;德语专业四级(含)以

3、上;韩语五级(含)以上;日语等级考试 N2(含) 以上。四. 身体条件满足中国民用航空局颁布的中国民用航空人员医学标准和体检合格证管理规则(CCAR-67FS)中规定的体检标准。五. 体能条件根据民航局要求,男生在取得安全员执照前须参加民航局组织的安全员初始训练考核,体能考核项目及标准为:光彩“明珠之蓝”业界“第一”精英乘务员品牌:南方航空于 2012 年率先推出的“明珠之蓝”精英乘务员培养项目。依靠完善的培养流程、优秀同学的不断加入、社会影响力的逐步释放,已铸就成为民航业内招募优秀外语类人才的第一品牌,是广大梦想从事空乘行业同学的第一选择。国际航线的精英:针对有志加入南航空中乘务队伍的优秀外

4、语类人才,提供特殊的职业发展机遇,助其成就精彩人生。HOPEWAY CABIN CREW3不凡的职业期待:有机会成为公司客舱管理队伍的储备力量。优享的关怀体验: 免去新乘入职培训费用; 专享公司人力资源部、培训部、客舱部联合打造的“明珠之蓝”培养计划,优先成长为国际航线骨干; 工作地点优先选择; 入职时优先解决档案、户口问题(北京、上海分公司不承诺解决户口)。面试要求、报名方式一、初次见面,请多关照1、必备材料:应聘申请表(A4 纸,正反打印在一页上);注:应聘申请表上个人所填报的工作地志愿是分配最主要的依据,请准确、慎重填写;为保证联系通畅,请准确填写联系电话,且在参加面试至入职报到期间,请

5、勿更换个人联系方式。身份证原件、复印件;外语证书原件、复印件(如有请提供); 学信网学籍/学历信息查询页(含二维码,有效期三个月以上)。2、最美的你:【女生】裙装 不要浓妆,不要美瞳 尽量将头发盘起,露出额头和鬓角;【男生】正装 配领带。HOPEWAY CABIN CREW4二、报名方式:现场提交应聘申请表报名,参加面试。初试a.排队递交报名表和发号码牌,10 人一组,进行简单的自我介绍(几组几号,来自哪里,年龄,毕业学校,专业,英语等级等基本信息)。b.在评委面前轮流说“南航欢迎你 ”,向左向右转一圈绕场一周,让评委看清整体外形以及站姿和走姿。c.伸出手臂检查疤痕,有疤痕的记得用遮瑕膏遮住。

6、d.评委会让通过四六级的举手,也会让外语专业的举手。HOPEWAY 小提示:自我介绍切记不要说名字,建议不要太长,或者说些其他不相符的内容。着装建议大家尽量穿白衣黑裙子职业装,衬衫不宜过紧,裙子不可过短,衬衫烫熨平整。头发梳得整整齐齐。建议无论是三七分还是全背头,一定不要有碎发。无论鞠躬、低头、转身、都不要有甩头发或者用手捋发的动作。妆面干净,尽量把瑕疵遮住。南航比较偏向粉粉的妆容,腮红和口红可以偏粉色系,但不要太浓。不要戴美瞳和假睫毛。站姿和走姿环节要时刻保持微笑,站姿要规范同时保持优雅的走姿。无论是哪位面试者在介绍自己,也无论评委是不是在看自己,目视前方,保持微笑,避免不自觉的小表情。复试

7、1.英语口语测试:依旧是 10 人一组。a.1 分钟英文自我介绍,内容可包括学校、专业、英语等级、兴趣爱好、工作经历等等。b.随机抽取纸条朗读英语短文并翻译。 英语短文翻译示例 HOPEWAY CABIN CREW5Part 1Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very a good seat.The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudl

8、y. I got very angry. I cound not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I cound not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily. Its none of your business, the young man said rudely, this ia a priv

9、ate conversation!Part 2It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. What a day! I thought. Its raining again. Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. Ive just arri

10、ved by train, she said. Im coming to see you. But Im still having breakfast, I said. What are you doing? she asked. Im having breakfast,I repeated.Dear me, she said. Do you always get up so late? Its one oclock!2.综合面谈还是 10 个人一组,进去之后还是先自我介绍,然后还会根据简历问一下问题。 部分综合面谈环节高频问答汇总:1.为什么选择南航?2.说说你对南航的了解3.之前面试过其他

11、航空公司吗?4.为什么想做空乘?5.谈谈你对空乘这个行业的了解6.你觉得一名优秀的空乘应该具备哪些品质?7.你的家乡是哪里,介绍一下你的家乡?HOPEWAY CABIN CREW68.在飞机上,如果外国乘客有宗教信仰需要特殊的食物可是你没办法提供你怎么办?9.在夜间航班,你看到有乘客(假如是我)在玩手机,你会怎么制止他?10.如果你看到你的同事在玩手机(飞机还未上客,在地面做准备工作),你会怎么做? .HOPEWAY 小提示:英文自我介绍避免千篇一律,没有个人特点和思想。评委问的问题有时会有一些很难回答,建议大家不要把答案说得过于绝对,多使用“或许”“如果”。无论是不是在发言,无论考官如何给你

12、制造难题,都要保持耐心与笑容,注意时刻保持得体的站姿。试装女生需要换上南航的制服,男生就是西裤白衬衫加领带,进去之后先拍照,全程不要提及自己的姓名及号码,对着镜头自我介绍,控制在一分钟以内,然后转身,从 A 点走到 B 点,然后再转身走过来,鞠躬说谢谢。试装结束之后可能会有面试提问环节,会根据你的简历和个人情况问一些问题,每个考区可能形式有所不同。HOPEWAY 小提示 :试装的时候女生需要自己带一个长袖衬衫,现场会准备南航制服的马甲和条纹裙。回答问题时注意和考官的眼神交流,自然的亲和的微笑很重要。因为需要拍摄视频,妆容和盘发都需要准备得精致,口红不要涂太深的颜色,记得脖子露出来的部分注意和脸

13、上的肤色保持一致,不可以有碎发。体检体检开始之前要填两份表,需要准备好照片、黑色水笔和快干胶,拿到表以后,尽快填写完毕,不确定的部分寻问老师再填写。HOPEWAY CABIN CREW7体检项目包含:身高体重、耳鼻喉、内科(需脱衣检查,如有疤痕请提前做好遮瑕)、抽血、尿检、B 超、心电图、胸透、辅助体检等等。注意体检过程中听从航医指挥,配合检查,行动利索。笔试环节笔试带好现金和身份证,找到考场,核对信息,交钱候场,进考场拍照,按拍照顺序坐。去了会再填写基本信息,包括自己的学信网帐号和密码,志愿,还有身份证、性别、名字、邮箱以及英语等级等。笔试一共 4 个档,合格,不合格,待定,补考。体检和笔试

14、结果一般会在 1 到 2 周通知,大家可以关注南航招聘网。笔试包括行测和英语:a.行测:考验正常人的判断力,智商情商的综合测评。b.英语:笔试时间是 45 分钟,机考形式,共 45 道题。25 题听力+10 题单选+10 题阅读请注意切勿迟到!考试时间紧张,注意把握。(2016 年只有听力和阅读) 南航笔试部分真题示例 【1 】 The Earths population will be forecd to leave home for two other planets within fifty years if natural resources continue to be used a

15、t the current rate,a report stated this week.Astudy by the World Wildwife Fund (WWF),to be released on Tuesday,warns that the humanrace is using up the planet at a pace that outstrips its capacity to support life.Taking a slap at Western societys high consumption levels,it adds that the extra planet

16、s (the equivalent size of Earth)will be required by the 2050 as existing resources are exhausted.The report,based on scientific date from across the world,shows that more than a third of the natural world has been destoyed by humans over the past three decades alone.Experts say that seas will become

17、 emptied of fish while forests,which absorb carbon dioxide,are HOPEWAY CABIN CREW8on their way to becoming completely destroyed.Freshwater supplies are either scarce or polluted.The study also reveals a sharp fall in the planets ecosystems between 1970 and 2002 with the Earths forests shrinking by a

18、bout 12 percent,the oceans biodversity ba a third,and freshwater ecosystems inthe region of 55 percent.(1)What has happened over the last three decades?A. Air quality has improved.B. Two planets have been targeted that would support human life.C. Over a third of natural resources have been destoyed.

19、D. Scientsts have argued over the validity of environmental reports.(2)What group does the report specifically criticize?A. Consumers in developing countriesB. Western consumersC. The World Wildlife FundD. The Earths population(3)What does the report state will be required by 2050?A. Two more planet

20、s for humans to live onB. Stronger laws to protect fishC. MOre money for the WWFD. A ban on all deforestation【2 】 In a study performed by the Harvard Bussiness School and University od North Carolina, two groups of researchers have tried to answer the question of wherther music sharing on the Intern

21、et has actually prover detrimental to CD sales or not.Researchers found that the average user doing music sharing on the net logged in only twice during the period of the HOPEWAY CABIN CREW9study,downloading about 17 songs.Some people overshot that average,however.One user apparently logged in 71 ti

22、mes,downloading more than 5,000 songs.Two professors narrowed their sample base by choosing a random sample of 500 albums from the sales charts of various music ganres and then compared the sales of these albums to the number of associated downloads.Even in the most pessimistic version of their mode

23、l,they found that it world take about 5,000 downloads to displace sales of just onephysical CD.Despite the huge scale of downloading worldwide,that world be only a tiny contribution to the overall slide in album salesover the past several years, they said.Furthmore,their data seemes to show that dow

24、nloads could even have a slightly positive effect on the sales of the top albums,the researchers said.The study is unlikely to be the last word on the issue.Previous studies have been released showing that file sharing had both posttive and nagative effects on music sales.The Recording Industry Asso

25、cistion of America was quick to dismiss the results as inconsistent with earlier findings.(1)What was the Recording Industrys reaction to the report?A. They were overjoyed.B. They were relieved.C. They were unconvinced.D. They were cautiously hopeful(2)What did the researchers data show?A. The data

26、showed that CD sales greatly increased.B. The data proved the Recording Industrys complaints.C. The data demonstrated that music sharing is a temporary trend.D. The data showed that music sharing may slightly help CD sales(3)How many times did the average user log in during the study period?HOPEWAY CABIN CREW10A. Over 71 timesB. At least ten timesC. Two timesD. Over five times版 权 说 明HOPEWAY 空乘面试攻略系原创内容欢迎大家分享至朋友圈如需转载或商务合作洽谈请联系公众号:HOPEWAY 内航文字及图片未经同意,请勿擅自使用侵权必究!


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