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1、第 1 页(共 26 页)初中现在完成时练习题一选择题(共 49 小题)1一 Hello!Could I speak to Lily?一 Sorry,she is not inShe _ Shanghai ( )Ahave been to Bhave gone to Chas been to Dhas gone to2Jack,I havent seen your uncle for a long timeHe _ Shanghai on business for two months ( )Awent to Bhas gone to Chas been in Dhas been to3Why

2、 are you worried?Im expecting a call from my daughterShe _ New York for three years ( )Ahas gone to Bhas been to Chas been in Dhas come in4where is your father?He _ Australia and he _ Sydeny ( )Ahas been to; has been in Bhas gone to; has been inChas been in; has been to Dhas gone to; has been to5Do

3、you miss your parents far away?Yes,very much They the hometown for over two years ( )Aleft Bhave leftCwere away from Dhave been away from6Where are the flowers?You see,someone them to the window ( )Amoves Bhad moved Chas moved Dwould move7一 Your shoes are so oldWhy dont you buy a new pair?一 Because

4、I _ all my money on an MP5 ( )Aspend Bhave spent Cam spending Dwas spending8When did Mike _ the office ?Err,he _ for about 10minutes ( )第 2 页(共 26 页)Aleave,left Bleft,was awayCleave,has been away Dleave,has left9“Did you borrow the comic book from the library?“Yes,I it for three daysIll return it th

5、is afternoon“ ( )Aborrowed BkeptChave borrowed Dhave kept10Our English teacher is very niceWe _ friends since three years ago ( )Awere Bbecame Chave been Dhave made11Excuse me, where is Mr Browns office?Sorry,I dont knowI _ here for only a few days ( )Awork Bworked Chave worked Dwill work12By the ti

6、me I got to the cinema,the movie _ for ten minutes ( )Ahad begun Bhad been on Chas started Dhas been on13She _ this book for nearly three weeks ( )Ahas borrowed Bhas lent Chas bought Dhas kept14What are you going to do this weekend?I_ yet ( )Ahavent decided Bwont decideChave decided Ddidnt decide15H

7、e has _ for two yearsTwo years _ a long time ( )Aleft home; are Bleft home; isCbeen away from home; is Dbeen away from home; are16Im sorry to hear that your pet dog has diedThough my dog for three months,I still miss him ( )Ahas died Bhas been deadCdied Dwas dead17Where is MrSmith ?He _ GuangzhouHe

8、_ there for a week ( )Ahas gone to; has been to Bhas gone to; has beenChas been to; has gone to Dhas been in; has gone to第 3 页(共 26 页)18I heard the new song on the radioI high and low in the music store,but I cant find the song ( )Asearch Bhave searchedCam searchingDwill search19Ben and Sue arent ho

9、me,are they?NoThey to London on business ( )Ahave gone Bgo Chave been Dwill go20Premier Zhou Enlaiformany years,he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people ( )Adied Bwas diedChas been died Dhas been dead21Mike used to be a top student,but he_ behind since he lost himself in computer games ( )Afel

10、l Bhas fallen Cwas Dhas been22Im sorry to have kept you waiting longNever mindI _ here for only a few minutes ( )Ahave been Bhave come Cwas Dam23Helen,when did you move here?I here since two years ago ( )Amoved Blived Chave moved Dhave lived24People more and more useful things to protect the earth s

11、ince Earth Day was started ( )Adid Bwere doing Cwill do Dhave done25Is Jimmy going to the party?Im afraid notHe _ to Hainan Island ( )Awent Bhas gone Cwas going26What do you think of our city?Very beautifulYou know it is the first time that I _ here ( )Awill be Bwas Chad been Dhave been第 4 页(共 26 页)

12、27Hurry up!The piano concert for five minutes ( )Ahad begun Bhas been on Chas begun Dbegan28When did the Greens come to China ?They_ China for seven years ( )Ahave come to Bhave been to Chave come inDhave been in29I this book for a weekI have to return it now ( )Aborrow Bhave borrowedChave kept30Do

13、you know the movie Lost in Thailand?YesI it twiceIts funny ( )Asaw Bsee Chave seen Dwill see31How long has Robert _?Since 2000 ( )Abeen to Beijing Bjoined the art clubCbecome a policeman Dstudied in this school32Miss Lin_ a lot of work for the poor area since 2010 ( )Adoes Bdid Chas done Dwill do33H

14、ello!May I speak to Alice?SorryShe isnt here right nowShe _ to the library ( )Agoes Bwent Chas gone Dis going34Sanya is a beautiful cityI there twice ( )Ahave gone Bhave been Chave gone to Dhave been to35Wheres Lisa,Eric?She _ to the library ( )Agoes Bhad gone Chas gone Dwould go36Hello ,may I speak

15、 to MrSmith?Sorry,he isnt in He _the office ( )Ahas been to Bhas gone to第 5 页(共 26 页)Chas been away37Have you seen DrAdams recently?NoHe _ Hong Kong for an international meetingHell come back tomorrow ( )Ahas gone in Bhas been in Chas gone to Dhas been to38 did your uncle leave his hometown?He for n

16、early twenty years ( )AWhen; has left BWhen; has been awayCHow long; has left DHow long; has been away39I many new friends since I came here ( )Amake Bmade Cwill make Dhave made40Do you know Lucys grandma?Of courseShe is a kind woman,but she has for about a month since she in the accident ( )Abeen d

17、ead ; was killed Bdied; was killedCbeen dead ; killed Ddied; killed41 you ever the history museum,Paul?NoI havent ( )ADo;visit BDid;visit CHave;visited42Jenny,when did you move here?I here for three yearsAlived Bmoved Chave moved Dhave lived43I think our teacherMrsAllen,knows everythingI agreeBecaus

18、e she over 2,000 books ( )Aread Bhas read Creads Dis reading44Look!Someone _ the classroom第 6 页(共 26 页)Well,it wasnt meI didnt do it ( )Ais cleaning Bwas cleaning Chas cleaned Dwill clean45Its nice to see you again We each other since 2014 ( )Awont see Bdont see Chavent seen Ddidnt see46We upso we s

19、hould help parents do some housework ( )Agrow Bgrew Cwill grow Dhave grown47The shop in Baolong Square _ for six years,but I _ there so far ( )Ahas opened; havent goneBhas been open; havent beenChas been open; havent goneDhas opened; havent been48_ to the United States?No,never But I went to Canada

20、a few years ago ( )AHave you been BHave you goneCDid you go DWill you go49Hurry up!The movie _ for 10minutes ( )Abegin Bbegan Chas begun Dhas been on二填空题(共 1 小题)50Look!The snow (stop) Lets go outside to make a snowman第 7 页(共 26 页)初中现在完成时练习题参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共 49 小题)1一 Hello!Could I speak to Lily?一 Sorry

21、,she is not inShe _ Shanghai ( )Ahave been to Bhave gone to Chas been to Dhas gone to【分析】你好,我可以和 Lily 讲话吗? 对不起,她不在她已经去上海了【解答】答案:D根据“she is not in“可知已经去上海了,主语+have/has+gone to+地点表示已经去某地了,主语+have/has+been to+地点意为曾经去过某地,表示去过回来了,主语是 she,要用主语+has+gone to+地点,故选 D【点评】本题考查主语+have/has+gone to+地点和主语+have/has+

22、been to+地点用法区别,及主语是第三人单数时要用助动词 has2Jack,I havent seen your uncle for a long timeHe _ Shanghai on business for two months ( )Awent to Bhas gone to Chas been in Dhas been to【分析】 杰克,我很长时间没见过你的叔叔了他去上海做生意两个月了【解答】答案:C 根据 for two months 可知,“两个月“ 表示一段时间,表示过去的动作一直持续到现在,应该用现在完成时态;现在完成时态的结构为 have/has+动词的过去分词,主

23、语是 he,助动词用 has;动词短语 has been to 表示“去而归“ 和 has gone to 表示“ 去而未归“,故排除 BD;has been in 表示“在某处“ ,be是延续性动词,它后面可以表示一段时间的状语,故选 C【点评】判断动词的时态,要通过所给的时间状语、提示词或语境去判断动词存在的状态此题注意 has been to“去而归 “, has gone to“去而未归 “和 has been in“在某处“等相似动词短语的词义辨析3Why are you worried?第 8 页(共 26 页)Im expecting a call from my daughte

24、rShe _ New York for three years ( )Ahas gone to Bhas been to Chas been in Dhas come in【分析】 你为什么焦急? 我在期待我女儿的电话,她在纽约三年了【解答】答案:C have gone to 去了,没回;B have been to 去过某地; C have been in 一直呆在某地; D have come in 无此结构,根据句中的时间 for three years 可知应用现在完成时,表示过去发生的事一直持续到现在,需要注意的是谓语动词必须是延续性动词,have/has been to/gone

25、to/come 是非延续性动词,has been in+地点的结构是延续性动词,又因为主语是单数,所以只能用 has,故选 C【点评】判断动词的时态,要通过所给的时间状语去判断动词存在的状态注意延续性动词和短暂性动词的区别4where is your father?He _ Australia and he _ Sydeny ( )Ahas been to; has been in Bhas gone to; has been inChas been in; has been to Dhas gone to; has been to【分析】 你爸爸在哪里? 他去了澳大利亚,他在悉尼【解答】正确

26、答案:Bhave gone to 表示去了某地或在去某地的路上,have been to 表示曾经去过某地,现在已经回来了,have been in 表示在某地根据题干可知说话人在询问对方爸爸在哪里,且悉尼是澳大利亚的一个城市,则他爸爸是去了澳大利亚,他在悉尼,故选择 B【点评】本题考查 have gone/been to,have been in,基础题,掌握三者的基本用法与区别,再根据题干进行选择5Do you miss your parents far away?Yes,very much They the hometown for over two years ( )Aleft Bha

27、ve leftCwere away from Dhave been away from【分析】你想念你远方的父母吗?第 9 页(共 26 页)是的非常想念他们离开家乡已经有两年了【解答】答案:D 根据时间状语 for two years 可知,要用现在完成时态;并且动词要用延续性动词,leave 为瞬间动词,be away 为延续性动词;又因现在完成时态的结构为 have/has+动词的过去分词故选D【点评】判断动词的时态,要通过所给的时间状语去判断动词存在的状态,以及是否要用延续性动词6Where are the flowers?You see,someone them to the win

28、dow ( )Amoves Bhad moved Chas moved Dwould move【分析】翻译: 花在哪里?你看,有人把他们移到了窗口【解答】moves 一般现在时;had moved 过去时;would move 过去将来时;叙述的时候,花已经被移走了,根据语境可知应用现在完成,故选:C【点评】本题主要考查现在完成时的用法,根据语境利用排除法即可选的7一 Your shoes are so oldWhy dont you buy a new pair?一 Because I _ all my money on an MP5 ( )Aspend Bhave spent Cam sp

29、ending Dwas spending【分析】你的鞋这么旧你为什么不买一双新的?因为我已经把所有钱花在了买 MP5 上了【解答】答案:B 考查现在完成时态的用法:它表示过去发生或完成的事情对现在造成的影响和结果现在完成时的结构是 have/has+动词的过去分词,根据 Your shoes are so oldWhy dont you buy a new pair?鞋现在是旧的却不买新的可知,我已经把钱花在了买 MP5 上了,故选 B【点评】此类题目要首先了解现在完成时态的意义,要注意与一般过去时态的区别,它主要表现了过去发生或完成的事情对现在造成的影响和结果这是现在完成时态的重要应用之一8

30、When did Mike _ the office ?Err,he _ for about 10minutes ( )Aleave,left Bleft,was awayCleave,has been away Dleave,has left第 10 页(共 26 页)【分析】 迈克什么时候离开办公室的?他离开大约有 10 分钟了【解答】答案:C根据 When did Mike _ the office?结合选项可知迈克什么时候离开办公室的?句子是由助动词 did 构成的一般过去式的一般疑问句,后接动词原形 leave;he _ for about 10minutes结合选项可知他离开大约有

31、 10 分钟了可知句子里有 for+一段时间, ;它是现在完成时的标志词,强调状态的持续,现在完成时的构成是:has/have+pp;for 引导一段时间,主句用现在完成时的延续性动词 be away,结合语境,故选 C【点评】在做题时首先找出考点(现在完成时) ,然后再掌握用法(for 引导一段时间,主句用现在完成时的延续性动词) ;再结合题干做出正确的选择9“Did you borrow the comic book from the library?“Yes,I it for three daysIll return it this afternoon“ ( )Aborrowed Bke

32、ptChave borrowed Dhave kept【分析】 你从图书馆借那本漫画书了吗?是的,我借了三天我今天下午去还【解答】答案:D 现在完成时态表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在并还可能继续延续下去的动作,此时的动词必须是延续性动词,句中常带有表示一段时间的时间状语,如:for+时间段根据 for three days 可知,要用现在完成时态,现在完成时态的结构为 have/has+动词的过去分词,又知 borrow 是非延续性动词而 keep 是延续性动词 故选:D【点评】现在完成时态表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在并还可能继续延续下去的动作,此时的动词必须要用于延续性动词10Our English teacher is very niceWe _ friends since three years ago ( )Awere Bbecame Chave been Dhave made【分析】我们的英语老师很好自从三年前我们就是朋友了【解答】答案:C 根据时间状语 since 可知,要用现在完成时态,现在完成时态的结构为 have/has+动词的过去分词并且句子中的谓语动词要为延续性动词,D 选项中 made 为瞬间动词;故选 C【点评】判断动词的时态,要通过所给的时间状语去判断动词存在的状态,并且要注意句子中应该用瞬间动词还是延续性动词的问题


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