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1、商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 商务英语书信 之 询价和报价Business English-Enquiries and Quotations内容提要:询盘如何开始如何回询盘询盘常用的句子报价常用的句子关于价格表达询盘、报价、 还盘的例子生活买卖中实用的巧答How to start: We are(想买入)interested inin the market forlooking for(Name of the products) Please send us We shall be obliged/grateful if you could send us We would like to h

2、ave We trust that you will make an effort to quote us We would appreciated your sending details information your latest catalogue/sample (如蒙惠予商品目录/ 样品,不胜感激)pattern/quotation/pricelist (如蒙惠予贵方样品/报价单/价目表,不胜感激)full details of your (如承赐示商品完整详情,不胜感激)your lowest quotation for (请向我方报的最低报价)your favorable te

3、rms for big quantities (我方相信,对于大宗订货,贵方会给予优惠的报价条件)on CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule (如能 获悉贵方 CIF 价格/折价/交货时间表,将不胜感激)商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 How to reply:Dear Sir or Madam: We are pleased to have We have received We acknowledge receipt ofyour inquiry/letter dated. (收到您.日期 的来信/ 询盘) Thank you for yo

4、ur letter We thank you for your inquiry of感谢您( 日期) 的来信/询盘 As requested In reply/answer to your request/letter of we enclosedwe are pleased to send youwe are sending you here withour samples 随函附上我方的样品catalogue 随函附上我方商品目 录pricelist 随函附上我方 报价表Useful sentences in enquiries (Enquiries) 询盘常用的句子 We have se

5、en your advertisement in the . Would you please send us patterns and prices of quality cotton piece goods? Id like to have your lowest quotations C.I.F. China. We wish to place an order with your corporation for. Please let us have the information on the price and quality of the goods. We want to kn

6、ow what you can offer in this line as well as sales, such as mode of payment, delivery, discount, etc. Will you please send me a copy of your catalogue and pricelist of desktop computers? Will you send us some your samples with the quotations. Please put us on your best terms. Kindly favor us with t

7、he lowest cash price for the goods. Please quote us the lowest price for.我们看到你们在。 。上刊登的广告,如能寄来优质布匹的报价单和样品,将十分高兴。我想请你们报中国到岸价的最低价格。我们希望向贵公司订购。请告知该商品的价格和质量。我们想了解一下你们在这方面的供货能力、付款、装运和折扣等销售条件。请寄我一份台式计算机的目录本和价商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you? If your pric

8、es are favorable, I can place the order right away. When can I have your C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li? How long does it usually take you to make delivery? Can you make prompt delivery? Can you tell me which kind of payment terms youll choose? Do you take special orders? Please send us a catalog of your tog

9、ether with terms of payment.?Your prices are too high to be accepted. We hope we can do business with you in this line。 To know more your products, we need some technical details. Please send us literatures, brochures, or leaflets dealing with your products. We are satisfied with the quality of your

10、 samples, so the business depends on your price. 目单,或者任何说明小册子?敬请惠寄报价单和样品可否? 请提供最好的(优惠) 条件。敬请告知该货以现金支付的最低价格。请对报最低价格。请将贵公司的进口商品目录寄来为荷。如果价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价?你们通常要多久才能交货?可以即期交货吗?能否告知你们将采用哪种付款方式?你们接受特殊订货吗?请给我们寄来一份。 。(商品名)的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式。你的价格太高,我们不能接受。商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 我们希望能和你们展开贸易来往。为使我们了解贵公司的产品,我

11、们需要一些技术方面的细节。请寄有关产品的说明书,小册子或者活页目录。我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败取决于你们的价格。(Quotation) 报价常用的句子 We hope the enclosed brochure will be helpful to you. What about having a look at sample first? Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer? Reliability is

12、our strong point. We will allow you 10% discount if you purchase 5000 dozens or more. I think they will find a ready market in Malaysia. Our products are very good in quality, and the price is low. Our offers are for three days. Our quotation is subject to change without notice. Because this is the

13、first deal of us, please understand that this is an exceptional treatment, and we cant drop for you any more. Here are our F.O.B. price lists. The final prices are subject to our confirmation. 我们希望附寄的小册子对您有所帮助。先看一看样品吧?谢谢你询价。为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量?可靠性正是我们产品的优点。如果你方能订购 5000 打或 5000 打以上,我们将给予 10%的折扣。我

14、觉得它们在马来西亚会很有销路。我们的产品质高价低。商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 What do you think of the payment terms? If you can raise your order to we can offer you a better price. Our manager has visited the material company many times, we have tried our best. Your target price is not realistic, we find it intolerable because ours is

15、 the best possible price if you take the quality into consideration. Our price is our minimum we refuse to lower it any more. Your price is not quite realistic. No business can be done at your level. We are prepared to make a 2% reduction if your order is big enough.我们的报盘三天有效。我方报价如有变更不另通知。鉴于我们第一次合作,

16、请明白,这已经是一个破格待遇,我们不能再降。这是我们离岸价的价目单,最后价格以我方确认为准。对支付条件有何看法?若你公司能提高订购数量到。 。我们可以提供一个更好的价格。我方经理已多次与原料公司协商,我们已经尽力。你们的价格目标太低,是难以接受的,因为如果考虑到商品的质量,我方价格已属最低。这是我们最低价,我们拒绝进一步降低。你们价格太不现实,按照你们的价格不能达成交易。如果你们订货数量大,我们准备减价2%。商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 About Prices 关于价格表达Your price inacceptable (unacceptable).Your price is feasibl

17、e (infeasible).Your price is workable.Your price is realistic (unrealistic).Your price is reasonable (unreasonable).Your price is practicable (impracticable).Your price is attractive (not attractive).Your price is inducing (not inducing).Your price is competitive (not competitive).The goods are (not

18、) competitively priced.Business is closed at this price.Business is possible if you can lower the price to.The best we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.We cannot take anything off the price.Weve already cut down our prices to cost level.There is no room for any reduction in price.Can you cut down

19、 the price for me? 你方价格可以(不可以)接受。你方价格是可行(不可行)的。你们出价可行。你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。你方价格合理(不合理)。你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。你方价格有竞争力(无竞争力)。此货的定价有(无)竞争力。交易就按此价敲定。你方若能减价到,可能成交。我们最多能减价百分之二。我们不能再减价了。我们已经将价格降到成本费的水平了。价格毫无再减的余地了你们可以降低价格吗?Examples: 询盘、报价、还盘的例子Letter 1: Enquiry (询盘) Dear Sir,We are in the

20、market for Melon Seeds of the first grade and second grade and should be appreciated if you let us have your offers with some representative samples. When offering the seeds, please state the earliest possible time of shipment and quantities available.Your faithful您好!我们有意采购甲级以及乙级西瓜子。如蒙惠赐贵方样品及报价,将不胜感

21、激。 报价时,请注明可提供的数量以及最早装运期。商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 此致敬礼 Letter 2: Offers and Quotations (报价) Dear Sir,Thanks for your letter of 19th May.Our “D.D.” (raincoat) range is particularly suitable for warm climates, and during the past years we have supplied this range to dealers in several tropical countries. This ra

22、nge is popular not only because it is light in weight, but also because the material used has been specially treated to prevent excessive condensation on the insider surface.For the quantities you mention, we are pleased to quote as follows:Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sightShipment: Shipment will

23、 be effected within three or four days after receiving the L/CThis offer is subject to our final confirmation. We feel you may be interested in our other products and enclose some pamphlets for your reference.We are waiting for your early orders.Yours sincerely您好!感谢您五月十九日的来信。我们的 DD 型雨衣特别适用于暖热气候的区域。过

24、去的几年里,我们已和多个热带国家的经销商建立的业务关系。DD 型雨衣之所以受到欢迎,一方面因 为重量 轻;另一方面雨衣内表层由一种特殊材料制成,可以防止过多的水汽。根据您需要的数量,我们报价如下:。支付方式:不可撤销即期信用证装运时间:收到信用证三到四天内安排装运此报盘以我方最终确认为有效。我们认为贵公司可能对我方其他产品感兴趣,随函附上宣传小册以供参考。期待您的佳音。 此致商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 敬礼Letter 3: Counter-offers (还盘) Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter dated October 20. As regards

25、your count-offer, we regret we are unable to accept it because our current price has already been proved workable by many orders received from other buyers.However, in order to meet you on this occasion, we are prepared to grant you a special discount of 2% on condition that the quantity of the orde

26、r is no less than 1000 pieces.We hope this will enable you to enjoy the benefit of our special discount.Yours sincerely您好!感谢您 10 月 20 日的来信。很遗憾,我 们无法接受您还盘的价格,大多 订我们货的买家都认为此价格是可行的。但是,在这种情况下,我们还是打算给 2%的特别折扣以 满足您的要求,条件是,订单数量不能少于 1000。希望我们此次的特别折扣能给您带来实惠。此致敬礼Letter 4: Counter-offers (还盘) Dear Sir,From you

27、r letter of November 22, we are disappointed at learning that you find our offer unacceptable because other suppliers are offering lower prices.We are not in a position to accept your count-offer because our price is reasonably fixed. Regarding the qualities of the goods offered by others, we are ra

28、ther doubtful whether they are similar to or comparable with those of ours. Please call the attention to this point and convince that not only price but also quality should be taken into consideration.We hope to hear from you before long.Yours sincerely您好!从您 11 月 22 日的来信,我们很失望地获知您认为我们的报价难以接受,因为其他供销商

29、能提供比我们商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 更为低廉的价格。我们无法接受您回盘的价格,我们的价格十分合理的。至于您说的那些比我们报价还低的供销商,我们怀疑他们产品的质量是否能比得上或者类似我们的产品质量。请您务必要注意到这一点。不能单单只看价格,质量也应列入考虑的范围之内。期盼您的佳音。致辞敬礼生活买卖中实用的巧答如何接受电话预定 除非是熟客,双方足够信任,否则,餐馆、旅店通常的电话应对方式是“What time can we expect you ?”(您几点来?)如何给客人菜单 餐厅里,引领顾客落座后通常递上菜单“Good evening, sir. Heres the dinner men

30、u”捎待一会,再询问“May I take your order ?”(您要来点什么?)如何引客人入座 可以先询问“How many people, please ?”(请问几位?)以及“Do you have a reservation ?”(您订位了吗?),接下来就应该“Where would you prefer to sit ?”(您喜欢坐哪?)而引客人入座了如何针对多人游说 女性购物常常成群结队,所以您要多角度揣摩消费者喜好。在叽叽喳喳的意见中,找出主要 购买者,对她说“Please insist your taste and need.”(请坚持您的品位和考虑实际需要)如何应付挑剔

31、的顾客 商务英语书信 之 询价和报价 挑剔的顾客主管意识极强,所以要避免正面争论, 实在不行, 记得说句“Im very sorry we couldnt help you, sir.”(很抱歉,我帮不上什么忙)。如何让顾客试穿 展示商品的下一步就是顾客试穿了,可以说“Please try on whichever you like.”(随便试)或“Would you like to try it on?”(要不要试穿一下?)如何说明用途 商品要买得好,推销员对商品必须有足够的了解, 说明使用方法的简易及商品的来用性,往往有利于顾客下决心购买,所以一句“Well, the self-filli

32、ng device is simple.”(这种自动充墨装置十分简单)对您的推销术有举一反三之效的。如何介绍新产品 优秀推销员除了要有说服力、自信心和洞悉顾客心理的能力外,还要能经常介绍公司的最新或最畅销的产品。可以说“This is our newest product.”或“This is our most recently developed product.”(这是我公司最新产 品),甚至还可以强调“They are of the newest patterns that can be obtained in town”(这个款式目前在市面上绝无仅有) 。如何说明产品特色 面对令人眼花缭乱的产品,特色是顾客考虑的要素之一。所以,把 “Its durability will be an agreeable surprise to you.”(它的耐久性将 让您吃惊)常挂嘴 边是必要。如何帮客人搭配 推销致胜的关键是要懂得搭配之道。如今的顾客已不是因为需要,或是因为缺乏而购买衣物,而是 为了搭配原有物品,比如西装配领带,上衣配裤子等等。因此, “The gray one suits you well”(灰色比较适合您)之类的句子,就成了流行的推销用语。


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