1、,Please add the text here, according to the need to adjust the font and font size, with 1.5 double spaced and the right alignment,Please add the text here, according to the need to nt size, with 1.5 double spaced and the right alignment,泌尿系结石的治疗现状,黔江区中医院 张国红,泌尿系解剖,02,输尿管结石,04,概述,01,肾结石,03,目录,CONTENT
2、S,膀胱结石,05,1,06,尿道结石,概 述,尿路结石是泌尿系统各部位结石病的总称,是泌尿系统的常见病。根据结石所在部位的不同,分为肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石、尿道结石。本病的形成与环境因素、全身性病变及泌尿系统疾病有密切关系。其典型临床表现可见腰腹绞痛、血尿,或伴有尿频、尿急、尿痛等泌尿系统梗阻和感染的症状。,尿路结石为什么要处理?如何处理不同部位的结石?,泌尿系统大体解剖,泌尿系解剖正常尿路造影,肾脏结石治疗,经皮肾手术原理示意图,经皮肾镜碎石取石,输尿管结石的治疗,VS,ESWL开放手术输尿管镜钬激光碎石,德国威孚莱钬激光,膀胱结石的治疗,膀胱镜下大力碎石钳碎石术手术取石钬激光碎石,尿道结石的治疗,Please add the text here, according to the need to adjust the font and font size, with 1.5 double spaced and the right alignment,Please add the text here, according to the need to nt size, with 1.5 double spaced and the right alignment,谢谢聆听,