1、The imagingmanifestation of pancreatic cancer,Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of the pancreas anatomic structure,Case1,1CT00076664y Male feel abdominal and back pain Jaundice for 2 months,Plain scan:A irregular slightly lower density mass is located in the head of the pancreas.,Contrast-enha
2、nced scan(Arterial phase):the mass was slightly enhanced and the SMA(superior mesenteric artery )was surrounded by the mass.,Portal venous phase :The enhancement of the mass is slowly strengthened.,CT Imaging findings,CTfeatures:1pancreaticparenchymal mass,as its mainfeatures.Tumormorphology for the
3、 oval,lobulated orirregularmass,irregular margin,and theboundary ofpancreatic tissueis not clear. 2. Pancreaticcontour,contourand sizechange isanotherimportant sign,Bile duct and pancrea ductdilationis an indirect sign,Diagnosis,PancreaticMedium to highdifferentiation adenocarcinoma,differential dia
4、gnosis,ChronicpancreatitisCT in differential diagnosis ofpancreatic cancer:The lesionof pancreatic cancermultiplenodes,limited,irregular edge ,liquefiednecrosis,calcificationis rare.Pancreatitiscanbenormal region,liquefactionnecrosisis rare,calcification,especially along theductto thedistribution of
5、 the calcificationsare its important characteristics.Pancreatitis bile duct and pancrea duct dilation of irregular,oftenthrough thelesion,butnotthrough thepancreatic cancerlesions,found theimportant sign ofmetastasisis also adifferential.,pancreatic cystadenocarcinomaortumor whenpancreatic cancerapp
6、earedliquefaction necrosisislarger,its need to differential. pancreatic cystadenocarcinomaortumorCT showedcystic mass,cystic wallshowedirregular mural nodule,enhancedthe wall and fiber separationcan strengthen,the central part ofthe tumorcalcification biliary and pancreatic ductdilationor obstructio
7、n is rare In MRCP,Tuberculosis of pancreaspancreatic tuberculosisoften havetuberculosispoisoningsymptoms such as fever,loss of appetite,sweating,it alsoshowed asimilar to thelesionscaused by obstructive jaundice,its characteristic isthe head of the pancreasand surroundingshowed multiple enlarged lym
8、ph nodes,lesions seen inmanyaspeckledcalcification.,general situation,Pancreatic canceris the most commontumorofpancreas At present,the prognosis remains poor,high mortality rate According to reports,around the world each yearnew primarypancreatic cancerpatientsis about 185000cases The mortality rat
9、eis nearly 100%.,Pancreatic cancerin theelderlymore common,but there are . alsochildrensreports of patients. pancreatic cancer Mostly occurs in thehead of pancreas,accounts for about75%,the body and the tail is next . Sometimes the threeparts are involved , calleddiffuse pancreatic cancer.,Clinical
10、presentation, Weight loss Abdominal pain Jaundice Steatorrhoea Diabetes Mellitus Acute Pancreatitis Malignant Ascites Gastric Outlet Obstruction, Surgical Options: A.Whipple operation (Pancreatico- duodenectomy) B. Pylorus Preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy C. Total Pancreatectomy d. Palliative Surgical TreatmentContn,Pancreatic cancer shouldtothesurgerytreat primarily.,谢谢!,