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1、 Module 10 Spring FestivalUnit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? 学习目标: 1、知识目标: 掌握单词,短语及现在进行时的问句形式。 2、能力目标: 能够通过听的训练从对话中获得有效信息,能够用所给信息谈论春节。 3、情感目标: 乐于了解中国传统节日。拓展学生视野。提高学习兴趣。学习重点: 短语: (get ready for, clean the house, cook the meal, learn a dragon dance, make lanterns, sweep the floor, at wo

2、rk, ect.):学习难点: 自由谈论有关春节的情况。现在进行时的问句形式。学习过程:Step 1. A list of preview(预习提纲)1. 通过听、读学习词汇,为下面的学习做准备。 2.处理对话内容。提高听说能力。 3.操练。巩固知识点。 Step 2. Individual work.(自主学习)Task 1. Read the words and learn them by heart. 词汇专练: 1 .Christmas is an important_(节日)in the western countries.2 .My sister wants to_(学习)Engl

3、ish.3.There is a football on the_(地板).4.Look at the cloud(云) . It looks like a_(龙).5.Can you make _(灯笼)?6.Are they getting r_ for Spring Festival?7.Her aunt is c_ supper for us now.8.Whats h_over there?Oh , there is a match.9.I often c_the house with my sister on weekends.10.We usually have three m_

4、 in a day然后以短语的形式记忆并完成以下操练:(英汉互译)1.clean the house_ 2. cook the meal_3. learn a dragon dance _ 4 为做准备 _5 做花灯 _ 6 打扫地板_7 在工作_Task 2 Listening.Listen twice and finish Activity 3.(Ask and answer in pairs)Listen again and fill in the blanks:(完成句子)1、Hi, Ling ling. Whats _?2、The boys_ a dragon dance.3、And

5、 whats your aunt doing? Is she_?4、Hes_. Hes working.Task 3.Reading.Read the dialogue and finish the following用进行时完成下列句子。The boys are .Lingling is .Linglings mother is .Linglings aunt is .Linglings grandmother is .Linglings father is .然后根据关键词复述对话。Step3 Discussion and communication.(讨论交流)1.讨论如何正确运用这些短

6、语。2.探讨如何运用语法知识。3. 小组内进行问答(Activity6)Step 4.Indicating.(点拨)知识点汇总:1. help sb.with sth. / help sb.( to )do sth 帮助某人做某事 I often _ my brother _ English. I often _ him _ _English 2. ready 表示:准备好的,有准备的。句型有:be / get ready to do sth 表示准备做某事 My mother _ _ _ cook the meal. be / get ready for sth 表示: 为某事做准备 .We

7、 must _ _ _ the party.get sth ready 表示: 把 准备好The students _books _before the class.3. 总结现在进行时问句的形式:Are/ Is doing ?Yes, is/are. No, isnt /arent.What is/are doing ?Step 5. Consolidation.(Quize)一完成句子:1. Everyone Spring Festival.(每个人都在为春节作准备).2. The girls house (女孩们正在打扫房间) .3. She often her parent ( 她常帮

8、助父母作家务 )4.The boy_(正在学习舞龙 )5.My grandmother _(正在做饭 )6.I_(制作花灯)二补全对话:Daming: Hi,Tony ! Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving Day? Tony:Daming:What are the girls doing?Tony:Daming:Sounds great! Where is your mother?Tony: Daming: What are you doing?Tony:Daming: How hard you are working! And is your si

9、ster helping you? Tony : She is shopping with my mother.Daming:What about your father?Tony: Look!Hes painting the door there.A. Im cleaning the house.B. No,she isnt.C. Yes,we are.D .She is buying some food in the shop.E .They are making cards for their families and teachers.Step6 Homework:Say what y

10、our family are doing for Spring Festival in groups.Unit 2 My mothers cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck. 学习目标: 1. 知识目标: 掌握本单元与节日相关的单词与短语 . 2.能力目标: 通过阅读能够从文章中获得有效信息.能够书面描述关于某个节日的情况。 3. 情感目标: 乐于了解有关春节的情况 . 积极参与学习与生活实践、 学习重点: 词汇 :(bring, tradition, mean, decorate, decoration, give, sweet, ha

11、ircut, everyone, paper cut, week, paint,called, good/bad luck, a few, all the year round. )学习难点: 用英语准确地描述某个节日。学习过程:Step 1. 预习提纲:1 学习新单词,为以下学习做准备。2 自学阅读材料,提升读写能力。3 自主或小组操练,巩固知识点。Step2. Individual work. (自主学习)Task 1. Read the words and phrases. Learn them by heart. Then finish the following:(词汇专练)1.好运

12、 2. 一年到头 3 decorate(名词) 4 . I want to have a (理发) tomorrow. 5 .These oranges are (甜的). Would you like some?Task 2. Listening.Listen and finish Activities 2 and 3.Task 3. Reading.Read carefully. Then judge the sentences true or false:(正确 T, 错误 F)( ) 1. Only our Chinese people have lots of traditions.

13、 ( ) 2. We paint doors and windows red. Because this Colour is beautiful.( ) 3. At Spring Festival, there is a dragon dancing.( ) 4. At Spring Festival, we also clean our house every day.( ) 5. Yuan xiao is round and brings us good luck.Read again and talk about the questions of Activity 4 in groups

14、.Task 4. Writing. Finish Activity 5. Help each other in groups. Step 3. Discussion and communication(讨论交流)如何运用所学知识取表达自己的观点,情感与行为。2 如何用“ and“ 连接两个句子。Step 4. Indicating (点拨)Pay attention to the following:(知识点汇总)1. paint red/ white/ blue 把 涂或刷成某种颜色。2. called 名叫,被叫做3. a few 一些,修饰可数名词复数。(拓展)a little 修饰不可

15、数名词。4. bring 带来,带到说话人处。(拓展):take 带走,从说话人处带到别处。carry 拿着, 提着,没有方向性。get 去并且把 拿来或带来。专项练习:Lets 让我们把墙刷成白色吧。I have a friend(名叫 ) Lucy .I have (一些)books. Would you like to read them?We drink (一些)coffee. What about you?Its going to rain. Please your raincoat with you.You can_ your sister with you to my party

16、.Step 5. Consolidation(巩固提升)Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:1 知识目标:辨别一般现在时和现在进行时,巩固问句形式及答语。2 能力目标:能够准确运用语法知识。并能用书信的形式表达关于节日的情况。3 情感目标:培养自主学习与合作学习的能力。了解西方节日,开阔视野, 提高学习兴趣。学习重点:一般现在时与现在进行时。学习难点:运用语法知识以书信的形式来描述节日。学习过程:Step 1.预习提纲1 重点词汇2 辨别一般现在时与现在进行时。3 了解西方节日。4 写作训练。Step 2. 自主学习词汇专练:1 为什么做准备 2 打扫房间 3 做饭 4 学习

17、舞龙 5 做花灯 6 扫去 7 一种 8 一年到头 9 好运 10 春节 语法面对面:我们一起看看一般现在时与现在进行时不同之处。基本用法不同:一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作及状态。也用于自然现象或客观真理。现在进行时表示现在正在做的事情或正在发生的动作。谓语动词的形式不同。一般现在时谓语动词:be 动词用 am / is / are 这三种形式 行为动词用动词原形或第三人称单数形式。否定句在 be 动词后加 not 或 dont /doesnt +行为动词原形。一般疑问句形式:Be (am / is /are)+ 主语 +其他成分 。Do / Does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成

18、分。特殊疑问句形式: 疑问词 What / How/ When/ Where+一般疑问句的形式现在进行时谓语动词:be (am /is /are)+v-ing否定句为 be( am / is /are ) +not+ v+ing一般疑问句的形式: Be ( am / is / are)+主语 +其他成分。 特殊疑问句的形式:疑问词 What / When /How/ Where+be+主语 +其他成分时间状语或提示语不同。一般现在时常与 often, sometimes, always, never,usually 等频度副词连用,还常与 every moning /day /week, in

19、 the morning / afternoon /evening 等时间状语连用.如:He goes to school by bus every day.Does Tom stay at home on SundayThe moon goes yound the earth.What do you often do on Sunday evening?现在进行时常与 now,these days / weeks /months 等时间状语连用,或句首有 Look! /Listen!等提示语时,后面的句子一般用现在进行时。如:Look! Bob is flying kites. What a

20、re the children doing now?Is she cleaning the classroom?They arent making lanterns.跟踪练习:1. He usually ( study) English at home in the evening.2. ( be) she from England?3. Where is Rose? She ( dance) at the party?4. In the picture, the little boy (eat )noodles.5. Lucy (not like) go to school on foot.

21、6. Tom and I (play) table tennis now.7. Everyone (get) ready for the test these days.8. Listen! People ( sing) the Christmas song.9. Can you ( bring) me the book?10. Its nine oclock. The students ( have) English.Step 2. 讨论交流。1 Christmas and Father Christmas.2. 小组内讨论如何运用两种时态来描述过春节的情况。Step 3. 巩固提升。一 完

22、成句子:1. 学生们正在参观紫禁城。The students the Forbidden City.2 红色可以带给我们好运。Red can .3 让我们为春节做准备吧Lets Spring Festival.4. 他们经常用剪纸来装饰窗子。They often the windows paper cuts5 我们中国人一天吃三餐。We Chinese have . 二 用动词的正确形式完成短文。Its half past seven on Monday morning.The students ( come )into the classroom. A girl ( open) the wi

23、ndows. Some of the students ( talk) about their weekend. Some are reading books.Some (do) their homework. Others are doing some cleaning.Who ( stand )behind the teathers desk? Oh, thats our monitor Kate.She often ( write) something on the blackboard. Look! She (write) on the blackboard. Sue ( talk)

24、with Lily about their new dresses. Ann ( clean) her desk. Mike is helping her.What are Bill and Jim doing? Oh, they ( play) basketball on the playground.二阅读理解。It is a fine Saturday morning. Lily and Lucy get up at thiety. They want to go to the Great Wall with their mother today. At seven fifty they

25、 are in a big bus to the Great Wall.There are forty people in it. Some of them are Americans; some are English. There are two Chinese in the bus. The other is a young man. Hes now talking about the Great Wall in English.They are listening to him. At about nine oclock they get to the Great Wall.1.Lil

26、y and Lucy want to go to the Great Wall.A. on a Saturday afternoonB. on a Sunsday afternoonC. on a Saturday morningD. on a Sunday morning2.There are people in the busA. thirty B. forty C thirteen D fourteen3. The young Chinese man is . A driving the busB talking to the peopleC listening to musicD doing nothing4. They get to the Great Wall at about .A nine oclock B seven fiftyC ten oclock D eight oclock5. The people in the bus come from different countries.A two B three C four D fiveStep 4 HomeworkWrite a letter to a pen pal describing the Spring Festival


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