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1、1Unit 3 Look at Me单元教学材料分析本单元学习的主题是 Look at me,主要句型是 How are you? Im fine, thank you. / Very well, thanks. 教师可创设一些情境让学生明白 How are you?是用于熟人之间有一段时间未见面,或是对方身体欠佳等的情况下的问候。另外,本单元还出现建议一起做某事的表述 “Lets go to school” “Lets make a puppet”,教师可根据教材中的情景也可设计学生生活中经历过的熟悉的情景进行教学。本单元的词汇部分主要学习一些身体部位的单词:ear, eye, nose,

2、mouth, face, hand, head, body, leg, foot, arm. 要求学生能听、说、认读这些单词。学生学完了之后可以向别人介绍自己的五官和身体部位。字母教学要求学生能听、说、读、写大小写字母 EeIi 以及能听、说、认读以字母 EeIi 开头的单词。 希望学生能逐步建立单词音、形、义之间的联系,整体学习单词。单元教学设计说明本单元主要包括对话、词汇、字母三大块,所以在课时安排时,我们也根据内容来分成了 6 课时,第一课时是 A Lets talk & Lets play.。 课本通过 Mike 和 Chen Jie 早晨上学时相遇问好,并相约一起上学这个情境让学生感

3、知该句型的语意及语用情境。本节课的重点是要求学生能理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能在语境中运用 How are you? Im fine, thank you.来询问别人的近况并回答,运用 Lets go to school. 向别人建议一起去上学。第二课时是 A Lets learn & Lets do. 本部分以 Wu Yifan 戴着 Zoom 的头饰,向 Chen Jie 介绍自己大大的脸与五官的语境,呈现要学习的五官单词。教师不应局限于课文里的单一情境,可以借用小丑来将颜色和五官相结合,也可引导学生介绍自己的五官,学以致用。第三课时是 Letters and sound

4、s. 要求学生能听、说、读、写所学字母,并在学习字母音、形的基础上,初步掌握两个元音字母在单词中的发音和三个辅音字母作为单词首字母时的发音。教师在字母滚动操练的基础上引导学生发现这五个字母在单词中的发音。第四课时是 B Lets talk & Lets play. 本课时呈现了 How are you?的另一答语 Very well, thanks. 通过Sarah 到 Mike 家邀请 Mike 一起玩木偶引出 Lets make a puppet。这节课的难点是 Very well 和thanks 的读音,教师要特别做正音练习。第五课时是 B Lets learn & Lets do,通过

5、 Sarah 和 Mike 共同做木偶的场景,呈现要学习的身体部位的单词。教师可利用教材提供的语境进行教学,也可创设“文具人”的语境,通过将文具和身体部位结合学习新知。第六课时是 Start to read, Lets check, Lets sing & Story time. 故事部分通过 Zoom 和 Zip 一起制作一个木偶小兔的故事,目的是通过一个较为有意义的语篇,扩大学生语言的输入以及训练学生逐步适应文本的阅读。教师可根据学生的具体情况制定不同层次的教学目标。学生背景分析在学习本单元的内容之前,句型方面学生已经掌握了 Hello/ Hi! Good morning!/ Good a

6、fternoon!/ Nice to meet you!等问候的句型,在此基础上,本单元再学习句型 How are you? Im fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks.以及 Lets .来向别人建议一起做某事;词汇方面学生已经掌握了几种常用文具和常见颜色的表达,本单元在此基础上再学习五官和身体部位的表达。字母方面学生已经掌握了AaDd 的字母及其对应的发音,在此基础上,本单元再学习 EeIi 5 个字母,这样,学完本单元后,学生就掌握了 9 个字母。教学目标定位知识目标:1. 能听懂、会说句型 Look at me. This is my/the/a/an

7、How are you? Im fine, thank you. / Very well, thanks. Lets ;2. 能听、说、认读单词:ear, eye, nose, mouth, face, head, hand, arm, body, leg, foot.;3. 能正确听、说、读、写字母 Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii 并知道其在单词中的发音。能力目标:1. 能在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型 Look at me. This is my/ the/ a/ an 向别人介绍自己或别人的五官和身体部位;22. 能在情境中运用句型 How are you? Im fine,

8、thank you./ Very well, thanks. 有礼貌地询问别人的近况并进行回答;3. 能在情境中运用句型 Lets 向别人提议一起做某事并进行回答;4. 听到字母能说出其对应的发音。情感目标:1. 通过学习问候语,使学生能够明礼守序;学生能够建立单词音、形、义之间的联系,整体学习单词。教学重点难点重点:1、掌握句型:How are you? Im fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks. ;2、掌握表示身体部位类的的词汇:ear, eye, nose, mouth, face, head, hand, arm, body, leg, foot;及

9、句子:Look at me! This is my face/ 3、掌握字母 AaEe 的听、说、读、写。难点:1、正确使用这些问候语,并能在实际生活中的应用;2、能正确发音 mouth,能正确区分 head 和 hand;3、大写字母 EF 写法的区别,Hh 和 Gg 的发音。第一课时教学设计教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计说明Step 1 Warm-up1. Sing a song: Hello! 2. Free talk-Hello! /Good morning. Im Miss Wang/Whats your name?-Nice to meet you. 3. Enjoy a so

10、ng: How are you?Ss sing the song.S1: Im S: Nice to meet you, too.Ss watch the video and enjoy it.吟唱并欣赏英语歌曲,师生英语自由交流,激起学生用英语思考的意识,更快融入课堂新知学习。歌曲的引入,为新知学习做铺垫,同时适时引入 Mary Willy 两个主人公。Step 2 Presentation &Practice1. PPT shows the photo “Mary Willy ”T: This is Mary. Mary: Nice to meet you, too.T: This is

11、Willy.Willy: Nice to meet you, too.2. How are you? Im fine,thank you.(1) Show pictures of them. A: How are you?B: Im fine, thank you.(2) Teach: How are you? Im fine, thank you.T: Mary, how are you?T: Willy, how are you?Mary: Im fine, thank you.Willy: Im fine, thank you.3.Game1: train( 开火车 )S1: Nice

12、to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you.Ss listen and answer.Ss: 打招呼Ss read, follow the teacher.Ss read one by one.S1: How are you?教学 fine 的发音, I /ai/,帮助学生区分打招呼时 Hello 与 How are you 的区别。从第一个学生开始How are you 第二个学生回答 Im fine, thank you. 并提问。做 Lets play 部分的活动,让学生按教材的方法两人一小组的活动,34. Lets play: Clap the hands and

13、 say.5. Teach: Lets go to school.1)Show PPTA: Lets go to school.B: OK.2) Teacher says and does: go to school.S2: Im fine. Thank you. How are you?S3: Im fine. Thank you. S1: Hi / Hello / Good morning, how are you?S2: Im fine. Thank you.Ss read and do.相互击掌问候,使课堂热起来。Step 3Consolidation &Extension1. Sin

14、g a song: How are you?(1)Listen (2) Listen and say.4 .Lets talkShow the video and act it out.Ss read and practice.Then act out. 学习对话并练习进行角色扮演。Step4 Homework1. Read P24 5 times.2. Practice the dialogue with your partner.板书设计Unit 3 Look at me!How are you? Lets go to school!Im fine, thank you. Ok!Fine,

15、 thank you.教学反思第二课时教学设计教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计说明Step 1 Warm-up and Revision1. Greetings2. Song. Head and shoulders.3说指令Open your pencil boxShow me your pen.Close your book.Carry your bag.1. Greetings.2.Head and shoulders3. 做动作通过节奏感强、曲调欢快的歌曲,创设学习语言的氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生跟着节奏入语言之中,为本课的学习打下基础。通过听指令做动作,自然进入新课的学习,

16、为学习本课的 Lets do.打下基础。4Step 2 Presentation &Practice1. face1) 利用简笔画在黑板上画一个熊头部的图,指着说:Look this is a bear. This is bears face.(教师指着熊脸部)f-a-c-e (直拼法教读)2) Look at me. This is my face.】3)唱反调练习(教师大声)2nose1)由上一活动自然过渡到 nose带读单词(通过拼读)2)让学生从黑板上找出熊的鼻子,贴在熊的脸部。3)Look at me. This is my face. This is my nose.3eye1)教

17、师出示课件,一张脸上有一个鼻子,两只眼睛,眼睛和鼻子闪动变成 nose eye.强调 eye 的发音(跟 I 的发音相同)2)one eye ,two eyes3)touch your eye/face/nose.4mouth 1) 强调/th/ 发音(看口形,模仿)对单词进行分解。2) Open your mouth.Close your mouth.5Ear(对比 eye 与 ear 发音的区别)Chant: T: Face, face, face. T: Nose, nose, nose.T: Mouth, mouth, mouth.T: Eye, eye, eye.T: Ear, ea

18、r, ear.6听录音,注意纠音(请单个学生模仿,检查发音)7出示单词卡片,让学生认读。8Game. Simon says1.跟读单词。2Look at me. This is my face. (学生开小火车)3(学生小声)1) 跟读单词。2) 贴鼻子(其它学生读单词)3) Look at me. This is my face. This is my nose.1) 跟读单词。2) 根据形象记忆单词3)把眼睛的图片贴在熊脸上4)根据老师指令做动作1) (看口形,模仿)Ss: This is my face.Ss: This is my nose.Ss: This is my mouth.S

19、s: This is my eye.Ss: This is my ear.把单词与图片配对。利用简单方便的简笔画引出本节课的新授单词,采用直拼法帮助学生记忆单词。为以后单词的拼写打下坚实的基础。通过贴鼻子让学生对鼻子这个单词有更深刻的印象。让学生用已学的This is句型来操练。通过指令做动作或手势。巩固头部部位的词汇。以上 5 个单词的学习都是采取先引入介绍-详解 -拓展延伸的形式,对所教学的单词进行全方面学习。通过游戏,继续训练学生对指令的反应,增加了难度,也增加了趣味性。Step3Extension and Consolidation1. Walls have ears.(隔墙有耳)2.

20、 Face to face (面对面)3. A big mouth(夸夸其谈的人)了解与一些本节课有关词汇的固定用法在拓展中强化认读能力,扩大知识面,通过文化渗透激发学生学习英语的兴趣。5Step 5Homework1、 听录音 5 分钟。2、 画一张头部的自画像,下节课带回来介绍头部的部位。板书设计Unit 3 Look at meface.Look at me. This is my nose.eye. ear. mouth.教学反思:第三课时教学设计教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计说明Step 1 Warm-up and Revision1. Greetings and free ta

21、lk:2. Sing a song: ABC song. 3. Chant: A A A, / / /.Ant, apple.3. Review the letters of Aa, Bb,Cc,Dd with the letter cards.4. Play a game: Order the big letters and small letters from Aa to Dd.Ss: Good morning! / How are you? / .Ss sing and chant together.Ss review the letters by reading the letter

22、cards and playing the game.让学生在唱歌和问候中,消除紧张心理,为投入本课的学习创造积极的心理状态。Step 2 Pre-reading(Present the letter E and F)1. Learn the letters Ee and the words egg, elephant.a. Teacher shows the big letter E and F ask Ss “Which letter is next to Dd?” b. Let Ss to know the pronunciation of Ee in the words egg and

23、 elephant.T: Show the card of elepnant and say:Hello, boys and girls. Im Mr elephant. Nice to meet you ! T: Look, I have an egg!T : Ee Ee Ee, e e e, egg, elephant.,Ss: E.Ss: Hello, elephant! Nice to meet you, too!Ss read the word egg together.Ss: E E E e e e egg, elephant.Ss write it with their fing

24、ers together.通过将大象拟人化,在学习字母的同时滚动复习所学的一些问好的句型。在学习字母的同时学习其在单词中的发音,对于以后的英语学习打下良好的语音基础。6c. T: Now, lets watch the flash and learn how to write the letter E. T: Show me your fingers. Lets write it in the sky.Big letter E, one two three. Small letter e, one. Ss write it with the fingers together.2. Learn

25、the letter Ff and the words face, foot.a. Teacher shows the letter card Ff .T : Is it E ?b . Teacher shows the big letters E and F, let Ss to say the difference between E and F.c. T teach how to write the letter Ff.d. T: Look at my foot !Ff Ff Ff , f f f , foot foot foot .Then T asks Ss try to say a

26、nother word which begins with F .Then read Ff Ff Ff , f f f , face ,face ,face .Lets do :Face,face,touch your face.Foot ,foot , stamp your foot.(Present the letter G)1. T: (Presents the green frog) Ff Ff Ff , f f f , frog frog frog.T: Look, this is a frog. What colour is it?T : (Present a green gift

27、) What colour is it?T: Its a green gift.2. T: Look at the word green and gift. What are their first letter?T teaches how to write the letter Gg.T: Gg Gg Gg, g g g. Green, gift.Chant: A-B-c. Clap your knee.C-D-E. Point to me.E-F-G. Show me three.(Present the letter H and I)1. Learn the letter Hh and

28、the word hand, hi.a. T : Show me your hand and say hi . (板书 hand and hi) T: What are their first letter?Then T teaches how to write the letter Hh.T: Hh Hh Hh h h h hand hi.2. Learn the letter Ii and the words ice, ice cream.Ss: No. Its F.Ss: E 多了一横。Ss learn how to write the letter Ff.Ss: Face./ Ss:

29、Ff Ff Ff , f f f , face, face, face.Ss do together.Ss: Ff Ff Ff , f f f , frog frog frog.Ss: Its green.Ss: Its green.Ss: Gift, gift.Ss: Letter G.Ss learn how to write Gg.Ss try to learn the chant and do the actions together.Ss show the hands and say “Hi!”Ss: Hh.Ss: Hh.Ss learn it.T: Hh Hh Hh h h h h

30、and hi.Ss: I.First, Ss write it with their fingers in the sky. Then, Ss write it on the exercise book.Ss try to read and spell it.T: Ice-cream, ice-cream.Ss follow the T and chant together.因为学生刚开始学习字母,所以要求教师一定要示范清楚、到位。可以播放字母书写的flash,也可以在黑板上一笔一笔指导,并让学生在作业本上练习。用 frog 单词来承上启下的引出字母 Gg,也可以在学习字母 Ff 时,就用 f

31、rog 的 face 和foot,使得过渡自然流畅些。这个 chant 对于学生来说有些难度,所以在学习了三个字母后,用chant 的前三句话既是对于 chant 的一个降低难度的分解,也是对于这三个字母的小结。老教材中大写字母 I 和小写字母 l 都是以一竖来表示,学生的出错率一直比较高,新教材中的 Comic Sans MS 这种字体就避免了这种情况,所以作为老师来说,也算是松了一口气。因为 ice 这个单词的三个字母都已经学过,所以可以尝试让孩子来进行拼写,为以后的单词拼写做一些铺垫。7a. T : What letter is after H?T: Lets write it toge

32、ther. (T writes it on the Bb)b. T: (Presents the picture of ice and icecream)T: Ice ice. I- c-e, ice.T: Ice-cream, ice-cream.T: Ii Ii Ii, ai ai ai, ice, ice-cream.c. Chant: G-H-I. Close your eyes.A-B-C-D-E. Repeat this chant after me.E-F-G-H-I. Its time to say goodbye. Goodbye!Step 3: Consolidation

33、and extension.1. T: Weve learned 9 letters already. Look! Aa and Ee has a house. Who is their friend?T: Who is As friend? Cc? Dd?T: Who is Es friend? T: What about Ff and Ii? They has their own house.2. Listen, repeat and chant.3. Listen and circle.4. Write and say.5. Do the exercises in workbook.Ss

34、: Hh Ss: Bb, Cc, Dd, Gg.在学习了 9 个字母之后,给 9 个字母按音素进行归类小结,便于学生加深字母发音的记忆。Step 4: Homework 1. Listen and repeat the letters and the words until fluently.2. Write the letters Ee to Ii for one line板书设计Unit3 Look at meLetters and soundsEe egg elephant Ff face footGg green gift Hh Hi handIi ice ice-cream教学反思:

35、8第四课时教学设计教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计说明Step 1 Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song” How are you”3. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls. Im Miss _. What your name?T: How are you ?Then T shows PPT:Thank you =Thanks Ss try to sing the song.S1: Im Ss try to introduce: Im S2/3/_:Im fine, thank you .Ss read one by one a

36、nd practise in pairs.复习 How are you,教师以 How are you?提问,学生复习已学的答句,并适时的直接引入 Thank you =Thanks 然后进行操练 Thanks.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T asks Ss to ask “ How are you ?”S1/2/3/_: How are you ?T: “Very well, thanks.”PPT shows the sentences:Im fine, thanks.= Very well, thanks.2. PPT shows Zoom an

37、d ZipT helps Ss to ask: Hello, zoom! How are you? Hi, Zip! How are you?3. Enjoy the story. (P31)T: What are they doing? Lets enjoy a story. make a puppetPPT shows the sentence: make a puppetS1/2/3/_: How are you ?Ss follow and practice: Very well, thanks.Ss say it one by one. (Choose one group)(S ac

38、t as Zoom/Zip)Zoom/Zip: Very well,thanks.Ss watch the video.Ss read :make a puppet (SsGroupS)生问师答直接引出 How are you ?的另一个回答“Im very well, thanks.”有效示范,有意识的培养学生仔细聆听的好习惯。以故事激趣,引入zoom/zip,在真实的情境中进行对话练习,并过渡到书本的故事内容引出新句 make a puppet。Step 3Consolidation and extension1. Listen and find out how the Zip answe

39、rs.Good idea ! / Great!Lets play /go to school/.Practice: Lets make a puppet.Great!2. Game: Lets make a puppet. Great!3. Listen and follow the tape.4. Act the dialogue out.Ss Practice in pairs:-Lets make a puppet.-Great!Ss play the game.Ss listen, read the dialogue. (2 pairs)Ss act it out.用“Lets”向别人

40、建议一起做某事。适时回归课文,正确聆听、朗读和表演课文内容,帮助学生建立一定的意识。Step5 Homework1. Listen and follow the tape P27 5 times.2. Try to make the new dialogue. 听并模仿是学习初始阶段最重要的步骤。9板书设计Unit Three Look at me!How are you? Lets make a puppet!Very well, thanks. Great!教学反思:第五课时教学设计教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计说明Step 1 Warm-up and Revision1. T: He

41、llo, boys and girls. Lets enjoy a song “Teddy Bear”.2. T: Lets play a game.Whats missing?Ss enjoy the song together. Ss find out the missing words.通过“Whats missing?”游戏,贴木偶的头部的五官,帮助学生巩固单词。Step 2 Presentation1. head(将五官组成一个头)T: Look, this is a head.(呈现文具人) Hello! My name is KK. This is my head. Its a

42、pencil box. 2. handT: Good. Boys and girls. Whats this?KK: Its an eraser. This is my hand.T: one hand, two hands. Show me your hand, show me your hands.c. T: Very good. Now clap your hands.3. armT: Youre so excellent. Now,look,whats this? T: Is it KKs hand?This is KKs arm.T: /m/, /m/, arm, arm.T: Lo

43、ok, This is my arm.Who can show me your arm?T: One arm, two arms.Wave your arms. 4. bodyT: (指自己的身体) Look at me. This is my body. T: Shake your body.Ss: Head, head.Ss act as KK to say: Hello! My name is KK. This is my head. Its a pencil box.Ss Its an eraser.Ss: Hand, hand.S2show his/her hands and say

44、: This is my hands.Ss clap their hands.S3: Its a ruler. Ss: No. Ss read the word together.Ss: This is my arm.Ss say together and wave their arms.Ss: Body, body.Ss say and do the actions.Ss point to their legs and say the sentence.Ss: I have 2 legs. One leg, 利用文具人将文具和身体部位相结合,学生通过扮演文具人来介绍自己的身体部位由什么文具组

45、成,在学习新知的时候复习旧知,实现滚动学习。根据教师指令的语速快慢,学生不断调节拍手的速度,激发学生学习的兴趣。本节课所学习的 6 个单词都是有关身体部位的单词,辅以各种动作来巩固这 6 个单词,让学生在玩中学,学中乐,从而使学生更能集中注意力。105. legT: This is my leg. T: I have 2 legs. One leg, two legs.T: Shake your legs.6. foot T: Look, What about KKs body and leg? Here we have a bag, a pencil, a ruler and a book.

46、 What is KKs body? What is KKs leg?(呈现完整的文具人)T: Look at the book. This is KKs foot.T: Stamp your foot.two legs.Ss say and do the actions.Ss try to guess.Ss: This is KKs body. Its a bag.This is KKs leg. Its a pencil.Ss: Foot, foot.Ss say and do the actions.让学生来猜猜 KK 的不同身体部位可以由哪些文具组成,目的是让学生也思考一下,若有条件,

47、甚至可以让学生自己组成一个新的文具人,然后用英语介绍。Step 3Practice. T: (把文具人的文具打乱)Can you remember? Ss: Its a pencil box. This is KKs head. / 通过记忆游戏,让孩子们在玩中巩固新授单词。Step4 ConsolidationT: Now, open your books. Turn to P28. Lets follow the flash. (Lets learn & Lets do. Ss follow the flash.Ss do the actions and try to say the sentences in Lets do.通过跟着 flash 一起读读做做,学生能够模仿相对纯正的语音语调。Step 5Homework1. Read the new words and sentence three times.2. Make a new puppet and introduce to your partners.板书设计Unit 3 Look at me B Lets learn & Lets doheadbodylegfoothandarmeyemouth


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