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1、The US Department of Education is making efforts to ensure that all students have equal access to a quality education. 美国教育部一直在努力确保所有学生都享有接受素质教育的平等机会。Today it is announcing the launch of the Excellent Educators for All Initiative. 今天,他们宣布实施为所有学生提供优秀教育工作者的方案。The initiative will help states and school

2、 districts support great educators for the students who need them most.这一方案将帮助各州和各学区给那些有最迫切需要的学生提供优秀的教育工作者。“All children are entitled to a high-quality education regardless of their race, zip code or family income. “所有的孩子,不分种族、居住地及家庭贫富,都有接受优质教育的权利。It is critically important that we provide teachers

3、and principals the support they need to help students reach their full potential,” US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said. (reach ones full potential 发挥某人全部潜能)为了帮助学生发挥全部的潜能,为老师和校长提供他们所需要的支持是至关重要的, ”美国教育部长阿恩 邓肯说道。“Despite the excellent work and deep commitment of our nations teachers and principa

4、ls, students in high-poverty, high-minority schools are unfairly treated across our country. “虽然我们的老师和校长们工作很出色并且付出很多,但是那些极度贫困及少数民族学校的学生仍然受到不公正的对待。We have to do better. 我们必须要努力做到更好。Local leaders and educators will develop(制订) their own creative solutions, but we must work together to enhance(加强) our

5、focus on how to better recruit, support and retain effective teachers and principals for all students, especially the kids who need them most.”地方官员和教育工作者可以有他们自己的创造性解决方法,但是我们还必须共同努力,加强我们对于如何更好地为学生招募、提供和留住优秀老师和校长的关注,特别是那些最需要他们的孩子们。 ”Todays announcement is another important step forward in improving ac

6、cess to a quality education, a component(组成部分) of President Obamas year of action.今天的公告是改善获得优质教育权利的又一重要进步,是奥巴马总统行动年的一个组成部分。Later today, Secretary Duncan will lead a roundtable discussion with principals and school teachers from across the country about the challenges of working in high-need schools

7、and how to adopt promising practices for supporting great educators in these schools.今天晚些时候,邓肯部长将召开圆桌会议,与来自全国各地的校长和学校老师讨论在高师资需求的学校中工作所面临的挑战以及该怎样采取有前景的实践活动为这些学校中的优秀教育工作者提供支持。1.To get as much firsthand information as possible, inspectors will hold workshops and distribute questionnaires, _?A、isn t it

8、B、wont it C、arent they D、won t they选 D 本题主要考查反意疑问句部分的逻辑一致性。句子的主语是inspectors,代词用 they 代替;谓语动词的时态为带 will 的将来时,疑问部分应用 wont 形式,于是本题选 D。2、It s a bad practice to _ children much money as a New Year gift.A、promise B、permit C、admit D、allow选 D 考查词义辨析。allow 允许,使得到,而 permit 强调“正式认” “批准” 。3、By the time you arrive home, I _, so please dont make any noise when you come in.A、shall have been sleeping B、shall have sleptC、 shall sleep D、shall be sleeping选 D 考查时态。根据题意,等到你到家的时候,我将正在睡觉。


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