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1、必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点1-9Unit 11. what do you know about great scientists?2. high expectations are the key to everything 远大的理想是开启万物的钥匙3. face the music 面对命运对你的不公平4. be absorbed in 全神贯注于, 专心致志于=concentrate onbe lost in thought 想得出神 沉思于be engaged in 从事于 忙于be concentrated on 集中注意力5. 一就The moment瞬间 instant 立刻

2、the minute 立刻second 片刻6. make a suggestiongive an advicemake the investigation 7. look into 调查 看 浏览8. slow down 减缓9. relate to 有关 涉及10.two the deaths 另外两个死者11.link to 有关联系12.die out 灭绝die of 死于die from 死于13.his career came to an end 他的事业结束了14.develop a severe illness 染上很严重的疾病15.make a new career 创立新

3、的事业16.apart from 除了 必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点2-917.two more example =another two 另外两个18.make a face 做鬼脸make ones way to 转向 向出发,朝走去make up ones mind 下定决心make friendsmake the bedmake sure 确定make room for 为.腾空间19.lead to 领导20.only 修饰主语不倒装状语要倒装If only 但愿 要是Only if 只有. 要到装Eg.: only if you use this way ,can you 21

4、.make sense 有意义 讲得通in a sense 有点.make sense of 搞清楚 弄明白in no sense 绝不 ;不可能22. at times 时不时 有时At a time 每一次From time to time 时而不时的At one time 曾经一度For the time being 暂时Ahead of time 提前All the time 一直At all times 总是 随时At any time 无论何时At no time 决不Out of time 不合时宜的23.suspect sb of do sth 怀疑某人做某事24.look i

5、nto 调查25.look ahead 向前看 展望未来26.look around for 参观 四处看必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点3-9看27. look away from 把目光从移开28.look back (at) 回顾 回忆29.look out (for) 留心 当心30.look up to 尊敬 钦佩31.look though 检查 浏览32.go down 下降33.slow down 慢下来 放慢速度33.knock down 击倒34.tear down 拆毁 拆除Unit 21. keep your eyes open 睁大你的眼睛2. consist of

6、由组成3. leave out 省去 不考虑 遗漏4. divide into 分成5. compare A with B 与比compare A to B 把 A 比作 B6. prepare to 准备7. work out 做出 解决 设计出 计算出 锻炼开采完 发展 进行work on 对.起作用;企图影响或说服,忙于work in 在工作work off 渐渐消除 处理 排除 卖掉 发泄8. asked the boss on the phone 通过电话9. a furnished house with all modern conveniences一个带家具的房子有所有的现代方便

7、的设施10.familiar with 熟悉11.worried about the time 必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点4-9available 担心时间不够12.make a list of 列出关于 的清单13.on special occasions 在特殊的场合14.the four-hundred-year-old uniform 有四百年历史的制服定语 不加“s”15.set the world time 设置世界时间16.on either side of the line 在线的两端17.fall asleep 入睡18.with delight 十分喜悦的Unit 3

8、1. suffer+pain /lost 遭受疼痛suffer from +illness2. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事3. as a result 单独放句首应道原因状语as a result of =n./n(短语 )4. feel unsettled 感到不安unsettled problem 为解决的问题unsettled weather 易变化的天气5. just as 正当6. make the necessary adjustment to做必要的调整(to 介词)7. be back on ones feet 恢复8. a small room n

9、earby for a rest在一个附近的小房子里休息Nearby 做后置定语In the neighborhood 在附近9. press down 向下按压10.fasten the safety belt 系上安必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点5-9全带11.lost sight of 看不见 在视野之外12.at first sight 初次看到 乍一看13.in all directions =in every direction 四面八方14.sweep up 席卷15.show sb into 带某人进入16.be made of 由什么制成be made into 制成.be

10、 made from 由.所制成的 用于原材料不易看出的场合17.provide with 提供18.flash a switch 按下按钮19.switcharound 转变 改变20.on the timetable 在时刻表上21.as if by magic 好像变魔术一样22.slide into 滑进23.run into 偶遇 撞上24.overcome the difficulties 克服困难25.bend ones mind/effort/thought to 集中.做26.bend the rules 放宽规则 通融27.be astonished at 对.感到惊讶28

11、.connect to 联系29.a long passage 一个长长的通道30.a desert island 一个荒凉的小岛31.force to do 强迫32.perform task 实施任务33.my mind began to wander 我的思维开始遐想必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点6-934.be greedy for 对渴望 贪婪35.in five days 将来 five days late 之前 Unit 41. be to strongly influence his life as a journalist2. an assistant to an expe

12、rienced journalist 一个有经验的记者的助手3. go out on a article 外出采访4. submit the article 提交文章5. take with 戴上6. be eager to do 期待做.7. update my skill 更新我的技能8. take an amateur course 参加业余课程9. acquire all the information 获得所有的信息10.have a good “nose ” for a story 11. tell the whole truth 讲诉所有的事实12.inform sb of st

13、h 通知某人某事13.keep in mind 记住14.make sure 确定15.depend on 取决于16.a trick of the trade 职业诀窍17.accuse of 控告18.score goal 得分进球19.so as to 为了20.deny doing 拒绝21.Its a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages 虚拟语气 要求赔偿22.be proved right 被证明是对的23.look forward to 期待必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点7-924.as the

14、old saying goes 就像我们所说的一样25.ahead of 前面26.set to work 开始工作27.get down to 开始认真去做 着手去做28.pass sth to sb 把某物传给某人29.check the evidence 核对证据30.a good front page article 头版头条31.get the fact straight 直接得出事实Unit 51. a temporary form of help 暂时的帮助2. fall ill 生病3. fall asleep 入睡 4. fall behind 落后于5. fall out

15、解散6. fall into 掉入 养成(坏习惯)7. fall silent =fall into silence 陷入沉寂8. get injured 受伤9. If possible 如果可能10.happen to 发生11.first aid 急救12.an essential part of 一个不可缺少的部分13.act as a barrier against disease 扮演一个低于疾病的屏障14.act as 担当.其重要作15.prevent from 阻止16.keep from 不让 避免17.stop from 阻止18.protect from 保护 维护19

16、.save from 拯救 挽救20.get burned 烧伤必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点8-921.in the treatment of burns 在治疗的过程中22.a variety of 各种许多23.within a day or two 在一两天之内24.mildly swollen 轻微肿胀25.mildly painful 轻微疼痛26.turn white when pressed 当压的时候变白27.watery surface 似水的表面28.extremely painful 极度的疼痛29.nerves are damaged 神经受损30.take off

17、 脱掉 起飞 事业成功31.over and over again 一次又一次32.all over again 再次 重新33.again and again 反复的 再三34.time and again 多次 一再的35.now and again 不时的 间或36.once again 再次37.squeeze out 榨出38.break the blisters 弄破水泡39.iron clothes 熨衣服40.pick off 摘下 脱掉 采摘41.caught fire 着火42.be doingwhen 正在做.突然43.be about to dowhen 即将做突然44

18、.be on the point of doingwhen正要去做.突然45.hashavehad donewhen 刚刚突然46.at the Lifesaver Awards 在救生员大会上必修五 英语课堂笔记及整理知识点9-947.a shocking knife attack 震惊的刀伤48.at a ceremony 在颁奖大会上49.put ones hands on 找到50.the injuries to the hands 手上的伤口51.apply pressure to the wounds 按住伤口52.make a difference 有影响53.perform f

19、irst aid on sb 对某人实施急救54.in place 放对位置 适当的 55.electric shock 触电 电休克56.icy water 冰水57.leave out 省略 忽略 遗漏58.sit up 端坐 晚睡 熬夜 坐正59.be fit for 适合 胜任 60.stab in/into 刺入61.constantly interrupted by applause 不断地被掌声打断62.It is said that=be said to do据说63.the population /information/advice /price of 64.insist on 坚持 强调 强烈要求65.hold in place 固定就位66.put back 放回原处 回拨,向后退


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