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1、1一、小学数学中的英语名词1. 有关数名词natural number 自然数positive number 正数negative number 负数odd integer, odd number 奇数even integer, even number 偶数integer, whole number 整数positive whole number 正整数negative whole number 负整数consecutive number 连续整数real number 实数rational number, quotient number 有理数irrational number 无理数inv

2、erse number of x x 的倒数imaginary number 虚数complex number 复数composite number 合数common divisor 公约数multiple 倍数(least) common multiple (最小)公倍数(prime) factor (质)因子common factor 公因子ordinary scale,decimal scale 十进制binary system 二进制数码 codedigital 数字digitally 数位units 个位tens 十位hundredfold position 百位nonnegativ

3、e 非负的mode 众数median 中数common ratio 公比percentage 百分比prime number 质数 consecutive number 连续整数 2consecutive even(odd) integer 连续偶(奇)数 constant 常数 quarter, one forth 四分之一decimal 小数Recurring decimal 循环小数decimal point 小数点decimal fraction 纯小数mixed decimal 混合小数cardinal 基数Ordinal number 序数2. 有关运算的词Plus,additio

4、n 加augends, summand 被加数addend,加数sum 和minus, subtract 减minuend 被减数subtrahend 减数remainder 差times, multiply 乘multiplicand, facing 被乘数multiplication 乘数product 积power 乘方, 幂factorial 阶乘divided, divide 除dividend 被除数divisor 除数division 除法 division sign 除号 divisor 因子,除数 divisible 可被整除的quotient 商fraction, quot

5、ient number 分数simple fraction 简分数mixed number 带分数proper fraction 真分数improper fraction 假分数, 带分数numerator 分子denominator 分母3ratio 比率equals, is equivalent to 等于is approximate equal to 近似等于,约等于is greater than 大于is lesser than 小于is equal or greater than 大于等于is equal or lesser than 小于等于operate 运算operator 运

6、算符operation law 运算律exchange law 交换律combination law 结合律distribution law 分配律mean 平均数arithmetic mean 算术平均数geometric mean 几何平均数Weighted average 加权平均值cross multiply 交叉相乘absolute value 绝对值mutual divide 辗转相除decimal arithmetic 十进制运算binary arithmetic 二进制运算octal arithmetic 八进制运算hexadecimal arithmetic 十六进制运算sq

7、uare root 平方根arithmetic square root 算术平方根cube root 立方根radical sign 根号direct proportion 正比例inverse proportion 反比例Least common denominator(L.C.D) 最小公分母 Least common multiple (L.C.M) 最小公倍数Greatest common divisor (G.C.D) 最大公约数approximate value 近似值函数 functionRange 值域Domain 定义域3. 有关代数式,方程,不等式,多项式的词Algebra

8、 代数algebraic expression 代数式4polynomial 多项式monomial 单项式term 多项式的项similar terms 同类项combination similar terms 同类项degree 多项式的次equation 等式,方程equations 方程组inequality 不等式inequalities 不等式组linear equations 线性方程组simple equation 一次方程quadratic equation 二次方程cubic equation 三次方程equation of higher degree 高次方程factor

9、able 可分解因式in-factorable 不可分解因式original equation 原方程equivalent equation 同解方程,等价方程unknown quantity 未知量coefficient 系数numerical coefficient 数字系数solution 方程的解resoluble 可解的inapprehensible 不可解的complete quadratic form 完全平方式Incomplete quadratic form 不完全平方like terms, similar terms 同类项sufficient and necessary

10、充要条件if and only if (iff ) 当且仅当clockwise 顺时针方向anti clockwise 逆时针方向parentheses 括号4. 有关坐标、坐标系的名词coordinate system 坐标系coordinate 坐标abscissa 横坐标ordinate 纵坐标number line 数axis 轴5lateral axis 横轴vertical axis 纵轴origin 原点rectangular coordinate 直角坐标系quadrant 象限octant 卦slope 斜率5. 有关集合的名词set 集合element 元素belong t

11、o 属于not belong to 不属于contain 包含barring 不包含subset 子集empty set, null set 空集union 并集intersection 交集proper subset 真子集solution set 解集6. 有关数列的名词sequence 数列general term 通项formula of general term 通项公式limit 极限arithmetic sequence 等差数列geometric sequence 等比数列permutation 排列combination 组合7. 有关简单几何图形的名词Geometry 几何

12、beeline, line 直线line segment 线段radial 射线curve 曲线parallel lines 平行线length 长度width 宽height 高度depth 深度6angle 角right angle 直角straight angle 平角round angle 周角acute angle 锐角obtuse angle 钝角included angle 夹角complementary angle 余角supplementary angles 补角opposite vertical angle 对顶角alternate angle 内错角adjacent an

13、gle 邻角corresponding angle 同位角interior angle 内角exterior angle 外角triangle 三角形equilateral triangle 等边三角形scalene triangle 不等边三角形isosceles triangle 等腰三角形right triangle 直角三角形oblique 斜三角形circle 圆semicircle 半圆center of a circle 圆心segment of a circle 弧形radii 半径diameter 直径plane 平面square 正方形rectangle 长方形quadri

14、lateral 四边形parallelogram 平行四边形rhombus 菱形trapezoid 梯形polygon 多边形regular polygon 正多边形cube 立方体rectangular solid 长方体regular solid 正多面体diagonal 对角线7circular cylinder 圆柱体cone 圆锥sphere 球体solid 立体的bisect 平分angle bisector 角平分线chord 弦side 边长perimeter 周长endpoint 端点midpoint 中点surface area 表面积whole area 全面积volum

15、e 体积perpendicular 垂直congruent 全等的similar 相似的symmetrical 对称的vertex (复数形式 vertices)顶点three-view drawing 三视图left view drawing 左视图platform drawing 俯视图front view drawing 主视图8. 有关计量单位的名词meter 米kilometer 千米decimeter 分米centimeter 厘米millimeter 毫米nanometer 纳米square meter 平方米cubic meter 立方米gram 克kilogram 千克ton

16、 吨inch 英寸foot 英尺yard 码Centigrade 摄氏Fahrenheit 华氏89. 应用问题中的数学名词apply, application 应用distance 距离direction 方向speed, velocity 速度temperature 温度goods 物品cost 成本profit 利润interest 利息discount 打折list price 标价markup 加价retail price 零售价wholesale price 批发denote 表示, 记号decrease to 减少到decrease by 减少了increase to 增加到in

17、crease by 增加了per capita 每人per year 每年table 表格graph 图表,曲线图bar graph 柱图pie chart 扇形图extreme value 极值interval 区间open interval 开区间closed interval 闭区间maximum value 极大值minimum value 极小值10. 有关学生学习、考试的英语名词axiom 公理 theorem 定理calculation, computation 计算operation 运算arithmetic 四则运算prove, proof 证明9suppose 假设hypo

18、thesis 假设, 猜想proposition 命题conclusion 结论chapter 章section 节paragraph 段落page 页textbook 教材, 课本course , curriculum 课程courseware 课件examination, exam 考试test 测验fill in the blanks 填空simple select 单项选择homework 家庭作业exercise, practice 练习grade 等级score 分数,成绩results book 成绩册test paper 试卷problem 问题answer 答案total s

19、core 总分二、小学数学运算的英语表达例句1. 四则运算译文: add B is equals to . / The sum of add B is equals to .CBAACAC译文: minus B is equals to . / The remainder between and B is . 译文: times B is equals to . / The product between and B is .译文: divide B is equals to . /The ratio by B is .较复杂算式如: FED)(译文: add , then times , a

20、nd then minus , finally divide B equals to ACC2. 绝对值0,|xx当当当译文:The absolute value of is equals to , when x is a positive number, or equals to , x xwhen is a negative number, or equals to 0, when x is equals to 0.3. 幂 . 译文:The value of power is .ny yn4. 约等于如 . 译文:22 7th is approximate equal to 3 .372

21、5. 四舍五入后的值为 . 译文: The valve of round is 8.xy 586. 长度、距离、面积、体积等10, , , 等.cmAB10|dAB8.7210mSABC 315cVA球译文: The length of line segment of is 10 cm.The distance between and is .d87The area of triangle is .2The volume of sphere A is .315c7. 众数、中数、均值、极大值、极小值.The median of 1,7,4,9,2,5,8 is 9, the mean is 1

22、8, the maximum is 9, and the minimum is 1.The standard error of 0,2,5,7,6 is (|0-4|+|2-4|+|5-4|+|7-4|+|6-4|)/5=2.4.8. 平方根: The arithmetic square root of 9 is 3.9. 勾股定理: . This formula means square a add square b is equals to square c. 22cbaThree integer a,b,c, if subjected to this equation, are call

23、ed Pythagoras numbers.10. 这次考试王明只得了 80 分. 译文: Wang mins score in this exam is just 80.三、对小学生有益的若干英语名言1 Where there is will, there is a way.2 Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.3 Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.4 The shortest answer is doing.5 All things are difficult befor

24、e they are easy.6 God helps those who help themselves. 7 In doing we learn.8 If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.9 Actions speak louder than words.10 Lifeless, faultless.四、三个有意义的英语缩写词.1. 方法(study-question-reading-repeat-review )SQR2. Computer model (memory, storage, centre processing unite, input, output)OICPUSM/3 teaching model . (elaboration-exploration-explanation-extend-evaluation.)E


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