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1、新牛津高中英语模块五第三单元知识点整理及单元练习M5 UNIT3一、词汇大集合【单词】1. point out 指出 (P 43)He pointed out my mistakes. 他指出了我的错误。When it comes to houses, he points out that most people work all their lives paying for a house.提到房子,他指出大多数人一生都在为一所房子而辛苦地工作。 point at/to 指着、指向某人或某物 (两个词组可以换用) point at 对准、瞄准(某人用枪对准某人某物等) point to 表明

2、、指向(主语为证据、时针以及宾语为某一方向时)2. interfere vi. interfere with 妨碍;扰乱; (P 42) interfere in 【贬】干涉、干预、介入 I never interfere in his affairs. 我从来不介入他的事。The sound of the radio upstairs interferes with my work.3. breakthrough n. 突破 (P 42) make / achieve a breakthrough in 在某方面取得突破 break through 冲破、突破 break out (战争、火

3、灾等 )的突然爆发; break into 破门而入、闯入 break up 粉碎、解散、结束(分手) break down 中途坏掉、分解、 (精神)垮掉4. intention n. 意图、打算、目的 (P 42) I have no intention of changing my mind. 我没想改变主意。 with the intention of 为了,以为目的或意图 without intention 无意地; intend to do sth. 打算做某事 intend sb. to do sth.打算某人做某事 be intended for 专为某人准备5. adopt

4、vt. 收养,领养;采用,采纳Can you adopt my idea? 你能采用我的主意么?They adopted a baby boy. 他们收养了一个小男孩儿。 an adopted son 养子 adopted words 外来词6. push ahead with sth. 推进、推行、毅然继续做某事 (P 42)Its hard to push ahead/forward/on with such an unpopular policy. 这样一个不得人心的政策很难推行下去。 push sth. forward 提出某事,迫使他人考虑或注意某事 push ahead/forwa

5、rd/on with sth. 推进、推行、毅然继续做某事7. while1) n. 一会儿、一段时间 Just wait for a while and then I will help you.2) conj. “当时候、在 期间” ;引导时间状语从句。My wife kept silent while I was writing. 我老婆在我写作的时候保持沉默。3)conj. “尽管” ,相当于 although, 常放在句首。While I understand what you said, I cant agree with you. 尽管我理解你所说的话,但是我不同意你。4)con

6、j. “然而”He is a teacher, while his brother is a doctor. 他是老师,而他哥哥是医生。8. deliver vt. 接生、使分娩;把. 递给某人;发表(演讲)Her baby was delivered by an experienced doctor. 一位有经验的医生接生了她的宝宝。The morning mail has been just delivered. 早上的邮件刚刚被投递出去。 deliver to sb. 把.递给某人 deliver a speech 发表(演讲)9. benefit vt. / vi./ n benefi

7、t sb./sth 对某人/ 某物有益 benefit from 从.中获益 be beneficial to / be of much benefit to 对.有好处 for the benefit of 为了.的利益It is said that Yoga is of much benefit to health. 据说瑜伽对健康有好处。10. comment n.& vi. 评论,评注 make a comment/comments on = comment on 评论某人(某事) ;对做出评论 She make several comments on that book. 她对那本书

8、做出了几条评论。11. in favour of 支持;赞同 do sb a favour = do a favor for sb 帮某人一个忙 in sbs favour 对某人有利 owe sb a favour 欠某人一个人情Will you do me the favor to carry the box? 你能帮我拿那个盒子吗?He was willing to bend the rules in his favor. 他愿意放宽规定以有利于她。Its your treat today, for you owe me a favor. 今天你请客,因为你欠我一个人情。12. Not

9、everything that is best for nature is good for people.当 both, all, every 及 each 构成的复合词用于否定句时,都表示部分否定。注意:表示部分否定时 not 并不总是放在这些词之前,not 也可以放在谓语部分。Not every girl wants to go on a diet. = Every girl does not want to go on a diet. Not all students like this subject. 并非所有的学生都喜欢这个科目。注意:表示完全否定可用 no, 及 no 构成的复

10、合词 none, never 等。13. turn out 意思是“结果是;证明是 ”,其用法如下:turn out (to be) + adj / n It turned out that We all thought he was honest, but he turned out (to be) a cheat. 我们原以为他很诚实,但是结果他却是个骗子。It was a hard time, but everything turned out (to be) fine at last. 那是一个很艰难的时期,但最终结果却不坏。To my surprise, it turned out

11、that I was wrong. 我没有想到,结果证明我错了。14. with/without 的复合结构小结I dont like to sleep with the window open. 不喜欢开着窗子睡觉。He left the room with all the lights on. 他走的时候房间所有的灯都开着。He stood at the door, with a ball in his hand. 他站在门边,手里拿着球。With all the books bought, I went home. 所有的书都买好了,我回家了。She hid the money with

12、out anyone knowing where it was.她把钱藏起来,没有人知道在什么地方。The little boy looks sad, with so much work to do.那小男孩看起来很不开心因为有很多作业要做。15. rather than 而不是;I want to have a rest rather than go out. 我想休息而不想出去。Id prefer to go in summer rather than in winter. 我宁愿夏天去,不愿冬天去。Tom likes getting up early rather than going

13、to school without breakfast. 汤姆宁愿早起,而不愿不吃早饭去上学。It is you rather than he that have been admitted into the club. 是你而不是他被俱乐部录取。【短语】1. interfere with nature 干涉自然 (P 42) 2. on the way to doing sth. 在做某事的过程中 3. in general 总的说来 4. intend to do sth. 打算做某事5. with the intention of doing sth. 带着做某事的目的 6. show

14、respect for human life 尊敬人类生命 7. be desperate to do sth. 不顾一切想做某事 be desperate for sth. 不顾一切想得到8. be related to 和有关/联系 9. push ahead with 推进 / 推行某事 10. deliver a cloned human baby 接生克隆婴儿 11. focus ones efforts on cloning 把努力集中在克隆上 12. benefit human beings 对人类有益 13. end up doing sth. 以做某事告终 (P 43)14.

15、 use up Earths resources 用光地球上的资源 15. point out 指出 16. comment on sth./make comments on sth 对作评论17. in (complete) agreement with (完全)赞同18. on a personal note 从个人的角度看来 19. experiment with human life 用人类生命做实验 (P 45)20. putin place 准备就绪;布置妥当21. figure out 想出;理解;明白;计算出 (P 49)22. the other day 几天前;那天23.

16、be resistant to 抗的;防的 (P 57) 24. limit to 把限制在范围内 25. in favor of 支持赞成 (P 58)26. be concerned about 关心;担心27. rather than 而不是 28. at a fast rate 以很快的速度 29. blame sb. for (doing) sth. 因责备某人 30. turn out (to be) + adj/n. 证明是、结果是二、单元综合练习单元练习 1.单词拼写1It is said that the increasing number of natural disast

17、ers might be the _(结果)of global warming in recent years.2People usually wrote letters to get in touch in the past.Nowadays email has _(改变,转移)the way people communicate.3Researchers say they have achieved a major _(突破)in cancer treatment,which brings hope to cancer patients.4As a part of this investi

18、gation,Brandt used data from an international survey _(实施)between 2005 and 2007.5To their surprise,the _( 大多数) of people agree to their plan.6The TV play,which is about the life of an _(普通的) worker,is very popular.7Would you please make a _(简洁的) introduction to the library?8The research has _(证实) wh

19、at many parents and teachers have already feared:social networking sites are damaging students academic performance.9The government has already _(采纳) effective measures against pollution.10Send your mother a short message of your safe arrival so as to relieve her from _(焦虑)11More and more women toda

20、y have learned to rise in defence of their _(合法的) rights.12Do you think that punishment for violent _(罪行) should be the same for juveniles(未成年人)and adults?13Without _(许可),you cant go into the laboratory alone.14Simon was badly _(害怕) at the result of his action.15What do you think was the authors _(用

21、意)in this passage?【答案】 1.consequences 2.transformed 3.breakthrough4conducted 5.majority 6.ordinary 7.brief 8.confirmed 9.adopted 10.anxiety 11.legal 12.crimes 13.permission 14.frightened 15.intention.选词填空in summary;toy with; for sale;push ahead with;be burnt out;on the one hand;take.into considerati

22、on;follow in ones footsteps;make sense;point of view1He _ almost _ by the time he was 21.2It is hard to _ such an unpopular policy.3While she was talking to me,she _ a pencil.4We have many types of cosmetics _.5When purchasing goods,one has to _ the quality of the goods _.6From a teachers _,this dic

23、tionary will be very useful.7Her mother has been a teacher for over 30 years.She _ and becomes a teacher.8I dont want to go traveling._,I have no time;on the other hand,I have no money.【答案】 1.was;burnt out 2.push ahead with 3.toyed with 4.for sale 5.take; into consideration 6.point of view 7.follows

24、 in her mothers footsteps 8.On the one hand.完成句子1中国在任何时候决不首先使用核武器。At no time will China be _ nuclear weapons.2与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。He is _ lucky _ clever.3我以前从没听过比这更好的故事。I have _ heard a _ story before.4尽管我承认有问题存在,我不同意它们不能被解决。_ that there are problems,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.5通盘考虑,我认为这个计划不错

25、。Everything _,I think it is a good plan.【答案】 1.the first to use 2.more;than 3.never ;better4While I admit 5.taken into consideration.教材活用根据教材文本完成下列表格,每空一词。Different opinions on the first human embryo1._Para.1For:Human embryo cloning can produce valuable tissues and 2._ that could be used to 3._ huma

26、n lives.Against:We may be on the way to producing a reallife Frankensteins 4._.Different opinions on the birth of 5._For:People6._ scientists for the scientific breakthrough.Against:Cloning would create more 7._.Para.2Ian Wilmuts intention Severino Antinoris intentionParas.35Research efforts should

27、be 8._ on creating new tissues and organs for medical use.Cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no 9._ for human life.To be the first to clone a human being.Para.6Chinese scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells. They have 10._ in cloning co

28、ws and goats.【答案】 1.cloning 2.organs 3.save 4.monster 5.Dolly6praised 7.diseases 8.concentrated 9.respect10succeeded.阅读理解AHearst CastleHearst Castle is a park on the central California coast and a National Historic Landmark.It was designed by Julia Morgan for William Randolph Hearst from 1919 until

29、1947.In 1957,the owner donated the fortune to the state of California.Since that time it has been a state historic park where its large collection of art and antiques are open for public tours.Despite its location far from any urban center,the site attracts roughly one million visitors per year.Guid

30、ed ToursTour 1 is recommended for firsttime visitors.It now includes the movie, Hearst Castle:Building the Dream.Tour 2 gives visitors a closer look at the main houses upper floors,Mr.Hearsts private suite,the libraries ,and the kitchen.Tour 3 looks at the Castles North Wing,guest rooms and guest ho

31、use Casa del Monte.Tour 4 includes the impressive gardens and grounds,the largest guest house, the wine basement,and the Hidden Terrace.The evening tour is a special tour that allows visitors to experience the Castle at night as one of the Hearsts own visitors might have.Ticket PricesHearst Castle a

32、ccepts VISA,MasterCard,American Express and Discover.Free dayuse parking is available for automobiles,motorcycles,tour buses and recreational vehicles.Tours Adult Aged 617Tour 1 D$S24 D$S12Tour 2,3 or 4 D$S24 D$S12Evening tour D$S30 D$S15* Children under 6 are free when accompanied by a paying adult

33、.Reservation(预订)InformationWhile tickets may be purchased at the Vistior Center upon arrival,tour reservations can be made online now or by calling 18004444445.See below for times.Reservation Call Center HoursDates MondayFriday SaturdaySundayMarchSeptember 8 am to 6 pm 8 am to 6 pmOctoberFebruary 9

34、am to 5 pm 9 am to 3 pmVisit www.hearstcastle.org for more information.【语篇解读】 本文介绍了 Hearst Castle 这个旅游景点的相关信息。1Who does Hearst Castle belong to at present?AWilliam Randolph Hearst.BJulia Morgan.CThe Hearst Corporation.DThe state of California.【解析】 细节 理解题。根据第一段中的“In 1957,the owner donated the fortune

35、 to the state of California.Since that time it has been a state historic park where its large collection of art and antiques are open for public tours.”可知选D。【答案】 D2If you are quite interested in wine,which tour will you choose?ATour 1. BTour 2.CTour 3. DTour 4.【解析】 细节理解题。根据第四种观光方式中的“the largest gues

36、t house,the wine basement,and the Hidden Terrace”可知选 D。【答案】 D3If a couple take Tour 1 with their 5yearold son,how much will they pay for the tickets?A36. B48.C60. D75.【解析】 数字计算题。根据 Ticket Prices 中 Tour 1 中的一个成人的票价为 D|S24 可知,一 对夫妇要花 费 D|S48,而成人 带的孩子六 岁以下的免费,故选B。【答案】 B4Which of the following is the av

37、ailable time to book tickets by phone?AAt 8 am on Monday in February.BAt 9 am on Sunday in March.CAt 7 pm on Friday in September.DAt 6 pm on Saturday in October.【解析】 细节理解题。根据第二个表格里的预订时间和日期可知选 B。【答案】 BBOne day,I received a call from a colleague.He was about to give a student a zero for his answer to

38、a physical problem,while the student claimed a perfect score.I was elected as their arbiter(仲裁人 )I read the examination problem, “Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer(气压计) ”The student had answered, “Take the barometer to the top of the build

39、ing,attach a long rope to it,lower it to the street, and then bring it up and measure the length of the rope.The length of it is the height of the building.”The student had really answered the question completely,but the answer didnt confirm his competence in physics.I suggested the student try agai

40、n.I gave him six minutes to answer the question,warning that the answer should show some knowledge of physics.Five minutes later,he said he had many answers and dashed off one,which read“Take the barometer to the top of the building and lean over the edge of the roof.Drop the barometer,timing its fa

41、ll with a stopwatch.Then,use the physical formula(公式)to calculate the height of the building.”At this point,my colleague had to accept it,and then the student made almost full marks.I couldnt help asking the student what the other answers were.He listed many others,and then added, “Probably the best

42、 one is to take the barometer to the administrator and say to him, Sir,here is a fine barometer.If you tell me the height of the building,I will give it to you.”Then,I asked the student if he really did not know the conventional answer to this question.He admitted that he did,but said that he was fe

43、d up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think.The name of the student was Bohr who later was famous all over the world.He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了一个学生不按老师的要求解答物理题,但最终获得诺贝尔物理学奖的故事。5The student got a zero at the beginning because _.Athe teacher wasnt satisfied with himBhis answer wasnt complete or correct


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