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1、第 1 页 共 12 页BOOK 1 Practice some success; others think love is the most important of all.有些人认为财富更重要;有些人认为成功更重要;另一些人则认为爱最重要。2. Could it be possible for a person to choose one and somehow get the other two as well?一个人能不能选择一个并同时设法得到另外两个?3. Let him come in and fill our home with wealth!让他进来把我们家装满财富!4. W

2、herever there is love, there is also wealth and success!只要有爱的地方就会有财富和成功!Unit3 SectionB Using the Right Wordvarious relative obvious secretly fashionablewhenever realize invitation department error第 3 页 共 12 页1 The men from the two countries met _secretly_ because they didnt want the public (公众) to k

3、now about their meeting.2 It was _obvious_ to everyone that the child had been badly treated.3 The teachers are discussing the good points and weak points of _various_ teaching methods (教学方法).4 This hat style is now liked by _fashionable_ women in Paris (巴黎).5 Mr. White has got a wedding _invitation

4、_ from his friend in Paris.6 I soon _realized_ that I had made a silly mistake.7 You can use my computer _whenever_ you like.8 The computer made a(n) _error_ on my phone bill (账单).Unit3 SectionB Working with Expressions 1 He stayed at home today because _of_ a toothache (牙疼).2 Young people like to t

5、ake part _in_ sports activities (体育活动).3 Marys moved to a new place and hopes she can make as many friends _as_ possible.4 Li Ming is well known _in_ his school for bravery.5 Before going to the party, Mr. Black dressed _up_ smartly.6 I called out, “Mr. Black! Mr. Black!”and he turned_to_me with a s

6、mile.7 The old man has made up his mind to take the doctors advice and give _up_ smoking.8 The little boy cried _out_ in pain when he hurt his foot.Words-unit3 sectionAwealth n. U财富;钱财differ vi.【1】(人)看法不同;与意见相左【2】有区别;不同于 view n. 1) C看法;观点 2) C(从某处看到的)景色;风景somehow adv.1)以某种方法;通过某种途径 2)由于某种不明的原因;不知为什么

7、following adj.1)下列的 2)接着的;接下来的第 4 页 共 12 页tale n.1)故事;2)传说;叙述wise adj.聪明的;有智慧的recognize vt.【1】认识;(辨)认出【2】承认sympathy n. U同情;同情心exactly adv.精确的;准确地invite vt.邀请add vt.补充;继续说extremely adv.极端地;极度地case n. 1) C实情;情况;事例 2) C案件;事件argue v.争辩;争论daughter-in-law n. C儿媳妇suggestion n. 1) C建议;意见 2) (singular)细微的迹象a

8、dvice n. U劝告;忠告;意见amazed adj.吃惊的;惊异的wherever adv.无论到哪里;无论在任何地方;无论什么情况下as well 也;又out of 因为;由于;出于point to 指向fill.with.注满;填满jump in 突然插话;打断别人的话take someones advice 接受某人的建议;听从某人的劝告Words-unit3 sectionBsocial adj.1)社交的;交际的 2)社会的;有关社会的error C;U谬误;错误various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的recently adv.最近;不久前invitation n. C

9、邀请fashionable adj.1)上流社会的;时髦人士的 2)符合时尚的;时髦的hostess n. C(聚会的)女主人第 5 页 共 12 页secretly adv.秘密地;背地里pleased adj.快乐的;满足的smartly adv.漂亮的;时髦的hall n. C大厅;会堂however adv.1)然而;可是 2)无论;哪怕 conj.不管怎样realize vt.【1】 了解到;认识到【2】使实现pretty adj.漂亮的;标致的 adv.颇;相当politely adv.礼貌地secretaryn. 1) C政府官员;(美国的)部长;( 英国的) 2) C秘书;文书

10、international adj.国际上的;世界性的department n. C部门;部;处despite prep.不管;尽管;任凭relative n. C亲戚;家人 adj.关于.的;有关.的president n. 1) C总统 2) C会长;大学校长;政府部门首长obvious adj.明显的;显而易见的be well known 有名的;著名的because of 因为;由于take part in 参加make friends with 跟.做朋友dress up 1)穿上礼服;穿上盛装 2)装扮:打扮on top of the world 心满意足;春风得意turn to

11、转向at the end 在. 末端;在. 结尾give up 放弃;抛弃in spite of 虽然;不顾;尽管.(仍.)cry out 大声呼喊【附】apply for sick leave第 2 页 共 12 页encloseexcuse me for my absence fromattend classesthe doctors certificategrant me the leave申请病假附上请原谅我不能出席上课医生证明准假be absent from school for two weeks from today 从今天起缺课两周Unit4 SectionA Using th

12、e Right Word1.The driver fell B while driving and killed an old man.A. sleeping B. asleep C. to sleep D. a sleep2.Changes were taking place, though at the time no one fully A how important these changes were to be.A. appreciated B. expected C. touched D. begged3.The mother told her son to_C_putting

13、himself in danger.A. run away B. go away C. avoid D. keep away4.When I was young, I was silly enough to_D_my teachers to know everything.A. tell B. ask C. beg D. expect5.Jack waved his hand as he continued to_D_ at the pre-war photograph of the two men.A. see B. watch C. touch D. stare6.A newborn ba

14、by needs A care and attention.A. constant B. fluent C. amazed D. pretty7.He drew me closer until our bodies were C .A. avoiding B. proceeding C. touching D. expecting8.The company has D a new toy and it sells well in the market.第 2 页 共 12 页A. worked B. taken C. opened D. designedUnit4 SectionA Worki

15、ng with Expressions1.The girl is arguing with her boyfriend _about_ how to spend the money.2.The screen standing _between_the couple is that they are from different countries.3.People close their windows at night in an attempt to shut_out_the sound of gunfire (枪声).4.My teacher always gives me some a

16、dvice_about/on_my study.5.It was three months before her parents found_out_she had been going out with Peter.6.He picked up the newspaper and stared_at_the headline (标题).7.Where in the world were you when I was struggling _for_ my life?8.Shes still_at_ work. Ill ask her to call you when she gets hom

17、e.Unit4 SectionA TranslationA. Translate the following into English.1.老师对学生上课迟到很生气,就把那些迟到的学生关在了门外。(shut out)The teacher felt so angry with the students for being late that he/she shut them out.2.小男孩伸出一只手去拿桌子上的书。(reach for)The young boy reached for the book on the desk with one of his hands.3.你们不应该在上

18、班时间玩电脑游戏。(at work)You are not supposed to play computer games while at work.4.经理亲自出马参加面试。(in person)The manager took part in the interview in person.B. Translate the following into Chinese.1.He listened quietly and gave good, clear-eyed advice about letting go.他静静地听,明智地劝我放下那段感情。第 3 页 共 12 页2.With ju

19、st one click of the mouse, I would shut him out of my room.我只需按一下鼠标就能将他拒之屏外。3.I sat on a chair and stared at the ceiling, drunk and bored.我坐在座椅上,醉醺醺地、无聊地盯着天花板。4. Its a constant dance of real life and Internet make-believe.这是场跳了又跳、游离于现实生活和虚构网络世界之间的舞蹈。Unit4 SectionB Using the Right Wordmodern request

20、machine service electricgreet regular alive item memory1 The parents _request_ their children to go to bed before 10 p.m.2 They are _regular_ customers to the supermarket, and they know where to get what they need at once.3 All the parents are happy that the school provides the best_service_for its

21、students in the dorm.4 The data (数据) is stored in the computers .5 It was hard to believe that the boy was still_alive_after the air crash.6 The development of _modern_ society also brings about many problems.7 Nowadays I am a lot better placed and able to eat better because of_electric_the cooker (

22、锅).8 His suggestion about giving up this plan was_greeted_with silence.Unit4 SectionB Working with Expressions1 Did you load the camera_with_200 or 400 film?2 Can I borrow your pen? Mine has run_out_of ink.第 4 页 共 12 页3 I am now working _on_ a book about Chinese history.4 You can e-mail your photos

23、_from_ my computer in my office.5 Many people say they can no longer put up _with_ her bad temper (脾气).6 Well, add _up_ all the money that you have coming in and work outall the money you have to pay out, and youll know whether you are rich or poor.7 Please make sure to turn_off_the gas when you fin

24、ish cooking.8 Tell him how much itll costthat should wipe the smile_off_ his face.Words-unit4 sectionAscreen n. 1) C屏幕;荧光屏 2) C屏障;阻隔物 vt.遮蔽;掩护chat n. C; U 闲谈;谈天 vi.闲谈;谈天type v. 打字 n. C种类guy n. C家伙;(男)人video n. 1) U(电脑)视频 2) C; U录像;影像asleep adj.睡着的laptop n. C便携式电脑;笔记本电脑ex- pref.从前的;前任的girlfriend n.C女

25、朋友appreciate vt. 1)欣赏;赏识 2)感激safety n. U全;保险touch vt. 1)触摸 2)感动 n. C接触;碰触summon vt.召唤lamp n.C灯avoid vt. 1)躲开;逃避 2)避免click n. C点击 v. 点击鼠标mouse n. 1) C(plural mouses)鼠标 2)C(plural mice)老鼠第 5 页 共 12 页beg v. 1)恳求 2) 乞讨expect vt. 1)预期 2)期待;盼望relieve vt. 1)减轻(痛苦、压力) 2)解除struggle vi. 努力;奋斗 n. C努力;奋斗stare v

26、i.凝视;盯着看e-mail n. C; U (= email)电子邮件 vt.(用电子邮件)发送proceed vi.继续进行web n. 1) C计算机网络 2) C网design n. 1) C; U设计 2) C; U计划;目的ceiling n.C天花板drunk adj. 醉酒的 n. C醉鬼bore vt.使厌烦constant adj. 1)不变的 2)经常的;连续发生的distance n. 1) C(singular)冷淡;疏远 2) C; U距离;路程fall asleep 入睡;睡着wake up 醒来;弄醒let go 放手;不再担心other than 除了;除 .以外shut somebody out 把某人就拒之门外;排斥reach for 伸手去拿;努力争取pull back 1)躲开;闪避 2)退出;决定;不做at work 在工作will somebody to do something 用意志的力量使某人做某事in person 亲自Words-unit4 sectionBwipe vt.擦;揩;抹 n. C拭去;消除trying adj. 难受的;令人厌烦的sink n. C面盆;洗涤槽 vi. (sank, sunk )1)下沉;沉没 2)低落;衰弱request vt.请求;要求 n. C请求;要求


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