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1、 种子园纽卡斯尔英语 The more you pay,the more you gain青少版新概念英语 1A 教材分析及日程安排级别:青少版新概念 课时: 32 个课时 16 次课 内容:上册 unit1-15课时 教学目标 基本句型和单词 教学重点1stUnit1Lesson1nephew, daughter ,family,whose,mobileLesson2学生能相互打招呼并自我介绍;询问对方姓名;谈论物体所属对象。句型:My name is Whats your name?Is this your/my pen?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Whose is thi

2、s pen?It is/Its my pen.语言:以 is 为例讲授肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句(whose? ) 及肯定和否定简短回答;以及物主代词 my和 your语音:/i/ /i:/2ndUnit2Lesson3wheel,umbrella,silver, grey. Lesson4巩固上一单元内容,使学生掌握指示代词用法,以及疑问句短语 What color的用法。Whose is it? Its Robert s.What is this/that?This/that/it is a hat/an umbrella.Its a red umbrella.What col

3、or is it? Its green.语言:以指示代词为例进行讲授陈述句、一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句。语音:/e/ /3rdUnit3Lesson5cousin,which,10-20.Lesson6使学生掌握who、which 等疑问引导词的意思和用法。Who is that boy?Which boy?The boy on/in/with theIs Roberts /Lucys bicycle silver?His/Her bicycle is red.语言:以 is 与疑问词who、which 和 what color连用的用法;介词 on(骑在上)/in(坐在里面)/with(拿着)

4、语音:/:/4thUnit4Lesson7hungry,thirsty,poor,perhaps,better,safe than sorry. 21-30Lesson8使学生掌握朋友和熟人之间礼貌问候惯用语句;掌握描述人物的形容词在陈述句中的用法及意思。Robert is thirsty.He is not hungry.Is he/she thirsty?Yes,he/she is.No, he/she isnt.How are you?How is he/she?Who is thirsty?- Robert is.What is funny?-This story is.语言:本课重点

5、练习 is/is not+adj 。主格代词 her和 she 用于代替人名。who?引导问句及简短回答,如:Robert is语音:/u/ /u:/whos whosehu:z5thUnit5Lesson9使学生掌握描述职业的方法和问句;进一步复习祈使句用法。Husband,sports,academy,art college,neighbour, 31-40语言:is/isnt am/am not 和 are与表示身份和职业词连用;描述职业时前面总要加不定冠a/an。介绍宾格代词 him/her 用在祈使句 look at种子园纽卡斯尔英语 The more you pay,the mor

6、e you gainLesson10Look at him/her/it.Is she/he thirsty?/Is he a student?Is he a teacher or student?Are you a teacher?-Yes,I am./No,Im not.Whats his/her job?He/she is a语音:/ /a:/6thUnit6Lesson11Gossip,pretty,Washington,famous,expensive,handsome,London,nationality,41-50Lesson12使学生掌握如何询问某人来自哪里或某人国籍;进一步学

7、习祈使句。What nationality is she?Shes English.She isnt French.Shes a pretty girl.Her mothers a famous photographer. Look at that student.Describe him/her. That English student is tall. Hes a tall English teacher.语言:第三人称 is/isnt+国籍用法。如:Hes American.He is an American.语音:/p/ /b/7thUnit7Lesson13No harm done

8、Lesson14使学生掌握where、which 等疑问引导词的意思和用法。Where is /Wheres my new ruler?Its in/on/under.Which one ?-This one ./That one./The small one.Give me that.,please.语言:介词“in/on/under 用法。如:Its in/on/under.语音:/t/ /d/8thUnit8Lesson15downstairs,noise,wakeup,torch Nonsense,wide-awake, Lesson16定冠词 a /an 的用法there be 的句

9、型及肯定、否定的回答。 There is noise in the living-room.Is there a man at the door?Yes ,there is ./No,there isnt.There is a/an.at /on/in/near.There is a man at the door.Who is it?Its the postman.语言: 定冠词 a /an 的用法Its a burglar.语音:/k/ /g/9thUnit9Lesson17Pyjamas,bright red,pure white,washing machine ,lovelyLesso

10、n18使学生掌握where、what color.whose 等疑问引导词的意思和用法。名词复数形式的用法。My/your shirts are white.Are your shirts white?Yes ,they are./No,they arent.What colour are your shirts?They are /Theyre white.put my shirts/put them in the washing machine.语言: 规则的名词复数的用法Pyjamas,dogs,bags,shirts,cats语音:/s/ /z/种子园纽卡斯尔英语 The more y

11、ou pay,the more you gain10thUnit10Lesson19Never mind!Empty,full,wait minute,hurry,Lesson20一般疑问句的用法及肯定回答、否定回答。特殊疑问词“what、 which buses whose bag 的用法。Is your bag/are your bags full?my,your,his,her,our,your,theirMy bag is/My bags full.My bags are full.语言: 规则的名词复数的用法cars ,books,camers语音:/ / / /11thUnit11

12、Lesson21smart,outfit,elegant,interesting, colourful, unusual,all rightLesson22陈述句的肯定和否定形式,一般疑问句的用法。特殊疑问句who,what,where,whose shoes, which play 的用法Is this/that Roberts tie?-Yes, it is/ No, it, isnt.Are these/those Roberts ties?-Yes, they are/No,they arent.this, these,that, those语音:/e/ wait, late, pla

13、y12thUnit12Lesson23muscle, strong,gymnast,maybe,great,little,drawingLesson24陈述句的复数形式的肯定和否定用法,不规则变化的名词复数形式,特殊疑问句Look at that man/ those men.Hes a postman. She is an actress.They are workman./ Theyre actresses.语音:/a/I ,my , eye, fine, like, right, tie, white,nice种子园纽卡斯尔英语 The more you pay,the more you

14、 gain13thUnit13Lesson25in a hurry, late for school, Youre welcome.speed, gate, shut, slow, fastLesson26问时间的句型 what time is it? Lets+不定式表示第一人称复数的祈使句。复习陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句。 What time is it?/ Whats the time ?Its one oclock/twelve oclock.We are (both) hot.语音:/ boy, joy, enjoy, toy, noise,choice14thUnit14Les

15、son27catch, jar, ready, stop, bring, room, footballLesson28祈使句的用法,不定代词 one 的用法,陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句。 Give me/us/him/her/them a glass/two glasses,please.Which one?/Which ones?The small one/ The big ones on/beside/in/under/ in front of/behind语音 ;/No, old ,go, both, show, those, over, coat, photo15thUnit15L

16、esson29fair,field, idea, captain, side, referee, player, otherLesson30How many 句型,There be 句型can 的用法How many men are there in the street?Can you see those men/them?- Yes, I can.不规则复数:housewives语音:/a/Now, how, about, brown, house,tower种子园纽卡斯尔英语 The more you pay,the more you gain16th Review unit 9-unit 15 and final test备注:共 16 次课,32 课时上课时间(2016 年 2 月 28 日,3 月 6 日,3 月 13 日,3 月 20 日,3 月 27 日, (清明放假) ,4 月 10 日,4 月 17 日,4 月 24 日, (五一放假) ,5 月 8 日,5 月 15 日,5 月 22 日,5 月 29 日,6 月 5 日,6 月 12日,6 月 19 日,6 月 26 日,共计 16 次课)


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